"I know, maybe now when you listen to me, you will be hostile to our steam China platform! But think about it carefully. Even if we Huizhong don't introduce steam into China, will the general trend of more monks and less meat, more wolves and less meat change?"

Fang zhe knows that many Chinese manufacturers' representatives must have this idea, so he must let them recognize the reality now.

Fang zhe continued:

"I also have a set of data that I want to share with you about the scale growth rate of Tencent games!

Before 2008, Tencent games accounted for less than 10% of the overall revenue. At the end of 2008, this figure has increased to more than 20%. Last year, this figure increased to more than 30%!

The total annual profit of Tencent also increased from RMB 1.6 billion in 2007 to RMB 7 billion last year. Among them, the profit of Tencent's game business increased from less than RMB 200 million in 2007 to more than RMB 2 billion last year, more than 10 times in two years, surpassing Netease and becoming the first online game company with the largest domestic market share. Even our game business under Huizhong is only a domestic market business If the income and profit are increased, it will also be stabilized by Tencent!

Therefore, what I want to tell you is that even if there is no steam China, there is also Tencent, a large traffic user. With it, the traffic cost of publishing and promoting games will only be higher and higher.

As far as I know, the user acquisition cost of the end game industry has increased from two or three yuan three years ago to more than 10 yuan today. Depending on the traffic and user scale, not to mention the manufacturers here, I'm afraid it can't compare with Tencent even if you add up with us! "

Fang zhe directly blamed Tencent for all this. The representatives of Chinese manufacturers under the stage also knew that Fang zhe was throwing dirty water on Tencent. However, this dirty water did have its reason.

When the growth rate of the whole end game market continues to slow down and the market tends to be saturated, there will be an oligopoly situation in which the stronger the stronger and the weaker the weaker. In the previous generation, Tencent's game business has soared since 2008 and got out of control. No matter whether the growth rate of the whole industry has slowed down or not, Tencent's game business profit has been growing rapidly, More than half of the market share of the whole end game later belonged to Tencent!

"After next year's hero League public beta, I'm afraid you will know more that what I said is true!" Fang zhe looked at the Chinese manufacturer representatives under the stage. Although they whispered and whispered, most people still felt that Fang zhe put the blame on Tencent, just looking for an excuse to attack Tencent.

Fang zhe ignored their comments and continued:

"Therefore, we can also see the current end game environment in the domestic market. The demographic dividend disappears and the growth rate of the overall scale slows down. However, game manufacturers release only many more games every year. If they share them equally, each game will make less and less money.

What's more, now steam China has introduced many overseas games into China. After domestic players have played all kinds of overseas high-quality games, we feel that how many people are willing to go back to play the games developed by your manufacturers? "

Fang Zhe's words made the representatives of Chinese manufacturers at the bottom feel sick. You're okay, Ma egg. You also accused others of Tencent. Why don't you say that you steam China is the culprit? Who wants to? In the next second, Fang zhe frankly admitted:

"According to our statistical analysis over the past period of time, a considerable number of new users on our steam China platform are former game players of your manufacturers. Moreover, our investigation found that many people are unwilling to go back to play the games developed by you after playing the games on steam China platform. I think everyone should know the reason Therefore, we have to say that steam China is also one of the important reasons for the decline of manufacturers' profits. "

The representatives of Chinese manufacturers under the stage did not expect Fang Zhe to admit so generously. Originally, they just thought that Fang zhe would pour this basin of dirty water on Tencent. Unexpectedly, he was a little self-aware.

"Now, with the further expansion of steam's popularity in China, we are about to establish cooperative relations with more overseas manufacturers and some domestic small and medium-sized game developers.

I believe that there will be more and more high-quality games gathered on steam China platform, and the siphon effect on players will be greater and greater. Therefore, I hope you can work with steam China to make more competitive high-quality games in the future, and better make the cake of China's game market bigger and stronger and make common progress! Thank you! "

Fang Zhe's remarks made the representatives of Chinese manufacturers think deeply. Nowadays, the domestic end game market environment is getting worse and worse. Even if Huizhong does not introduce steam into China, the original domestic game developers release more and more games every year. In addition, there are more and more resources monopolized by large traffic users like Tencent at the top, The life of small and medium-sized end game developers will only be more and more difficult until they are transformed or eliminated. Steam's entry into China is nothing more than accelerating the elimination speed!

Fang zhe knew that his short speech could not make the representatives of Chinese game manufacturers clearly turn to steam China. Everything takes a time. When they see that domestic games such as the killing of the Three Kingdoms on the shelves in steam China are becoming more and more popular, and their game promotion costs are getting higher and higher, and their profits are getting thinner and thinner, they will naturally slowly move closer to steam China.

Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me die!

Among them, "I" is not only the current steam China, but also the current development trend of China's game industry. No company can be forced to reverse the development trend, even industry giants such as Huizhong or Tencent are no exception.

Therefore, no matter Huizhong, Tencent or Chinese game manufacturers, all they can do is to follow the trend, and there are only a few ways for them in the future:

1. Transformation to emerging industries such as page tour.

2. Strong alliance and oligopoly ensure that they have enough high-quality games to play cards through continuous mergers and acquisitions. However, this method is tantamount to drinking doves to quench thirst. The game industry is an industry that likes the new and hates the old. Even for more than ten years of classic games such as dream westward travel and world of Warcraft, the data from active players to profits are also declining.

The only way to escape the fate is the third way. Keep making new games that can attract players. Just like overseas game companies such as Blizzard and ea that have developed for decades, the essence of the game industry is still continuous innovation. Without the word innovation, relying on the game mode of plagiarism and replication will not be long-term after all.

"Alas, the weather has changed!" Tang Chao, vice president of Netease, whispered a few words. He knew that when steam China follows the trend and steps on the development trend of the end game industry, it is doomed that steam China, a platform that relies on the route of high-quality games to continuously maintain vitality and appeal to players, It will be one of the ways out for many small and medium-sized game manufacturers who can't survive in China.

The era of making and copying games and making money by buying them has passed. This industry will only leave people who really play games and eliminate those who don't play games.

Steam China and Huizhong are destined to become the "Wulin alliance leader" of China's end game industry in the future, relying on the centripetal force of the whole platform to continuously generate new high-quality games.

In the past, Tencent, the country's largest user of traffic, also had the opportunity to become the "Wulin leader" of the game industry, but it did not and did not want to. Tencent is more willing to leave the traffic to its own products, such as CF, DNF, QQ flying car, etc., than to distribute the traffic to the same shoddy game manufacturers in China!