"Thank President Zhang for his wonderful speech. I believe that the cooperation between winger network and Huizhong will set a good example of cooperation in the industry, and Huizhong and steam China will also strive to help winger network and more domestic game manufacturers to better distribute and operate games and better promote the development and prosperity of domestic games!"

After summing up Zhang Nan's speech, Fang zhe continued:

"I know that at this time, many representatives of our domestic manufacturers have doubts, that is, what are we going to do in steam China?"

When Fang zhe saw the representatives of domestic manufacturers under the stage, he stared at himself closely one by one, smiled and said, "it's very simple. Of course, it's to help our domestic games develop faster and better, and establish a good domestic game distribution channel and platform!"

Fang Zhe's words did not dispel the doubts of the representatives of Chinese manufacturers. At first glance, they all thought that Huizhong was playing the idea of domestic game manufacturers and intended to order the heroes to let the domestic game manufacturers be the younger brothers of steam China and Huizhong, or to rob their jobs!

However, everyone is not stupid enough to write this guess on their face, even Lu Xiaojun and the Tang Dynasty who have long guessed the intention of gathering people.

They all want to see what the Fang can say. If Fang zhe can't come up with a good reason to convince these domestic manufacturer representatives, it's guaranteed that there will be an "anti steam China Alliance" in the industry when the conference is over!

Fang zhe glanced at the representatives of Chinese manufacturers in the audience. Most of them have no expression on their faces. Some of them are unstable and have hostility in their eyes. Oh, they don't even have the Kung Fu to hide gas. You deserve it. You can only be the little brother of steam China and Huizhong in the future!

Fang zhe smiled and said calmly:

"As we all know, China's domestic game industry has developed slowly for a variety of reasons over the past ten years, and has fallen into a certain degree of deformity!

At present, domestic games on the market, except for some light leisure games, medium and heavy game types are MMORPG, SLG, FPS and other types, especially Netease, perfect, Shanda and other game manufacturers at the top of our country. Their main products are basically MMO, that is, multiplayer online role-playing games.

Netease has "fantasy journey to the west". Perfection is "killing immortals" and "perfect world". Changyou is "Tianlong Babu". Shanda has always been eating the old capital of "legend". Think about it carefully. Is this kind of game environment normal? "

There is no need to think at all. The representatives of Chinese manufacturers under the stage have a clear answer in their hearts: "abnormal!"

However, who cares about this? They open game companies to play games, not charity and art. As long as they can make money, whether the development of the industry is normal or not!

This kind of thinking is not only the inner idea of most Chinese manufacturers' representatives, but also the mainstream idea of domestic game manufacturers!

The audience was quiet. No one would directly answer Fang Zhe's question, so Fang zhe directly replied: "it's abnormal, it can be said that it's very abnormal!"

"Although MMO is also a major category of games abroad, it is absolutely not like that in China. When it comes to online games and end games, it is almost MMO games. There is no other reason. There are too few other types of games in China!

Even the best-selling end games of non MMO type in China, such as DNF, CF and so on under Tencent, are almost all agent overseas games, so I want to say that our domestic game industry is abnormal, very abnormal! "

Most of the representatives of Chinese manufacturers under the stage are still expressionless, indifferent, and even a little joking. Even if Fang zhe belittles the Chinese game industry, they still don't care. Anyway, as long as they can make money!

Fang zhe smiles more. Yes, it's abnormal. You don't care. Who cares?

Even tens of millions of Chinese game players are constantly charging money into the game while scolding domestic games in order to strengthen a certain equipment and synthesize a high-grade gem. Since the players haven't said anything, Fang Zhe's saying this is not to eat carrots and worry about them. It's a little too much?

Of course not. In the two years since his rebirth, Fang Zhe's residual heart of the virgin has long disappeared. In order to realize his dream and make Huizhong a great multinational giant, Fang zhe has become more and more mercenary.

However, standing at Fang Zhe's current height, Fang Zhe's vision has seen farther and farther, especially for the game industry that he and Huizhong have done together for more than ten years!

Therefore, Fang Zhe, next, directly uses data and interests to attack the hearts of the representatives of Chinese game manufacturers who have become numb because of making money:

"I know that no matter whether the development of our domestic game industry is normal or not, since everyone starts a company to play games, the main purpose is to make money, so I'll talk to you about making money!"

"Last year, there were nearly 100 million end game users in China, including more than 50 million severe end game users!

It looks huge, but let's look at the growth rate of user scale. In the first half of this year, the growth rate of end game user scale was less than 20%, compared with 34% in the same period last year. The growth rate of user scale in the first half of 2008 was 62% compared with that in 2007! At this point, I'm sure everyone has guessed what I'm going to say?

Yes, I'm talking about the growth of user scale. Although the user scale of China's end game market is growing, the overall growth rate is declining, and the decline rate is still very fast. It has decreased by one-third in only three years.

According to this situation, it is estimated that within three years, the user scale of China's end game market will reach saturation. It is estimated that the total user scale of China's end game will remain at about 150 million! "

Fang zhe took out the data to speak, which finally made the Chinese manufacturer representatives fluctuate in their hearts. They all know that Fang Zhe's words are not alarmist, because the annual development of the game industry has statistics, and many of them have long been concerned about the slowdown in the growth of end game users.

Fang zhe didn't give the Chinese manufacturer representatives time to think about it, so he continued:

"With the user scale finished, let's talk about the domestic game manufacturers and the Games in recent years!

Last year, a total of 361 end-to-end games were tested or entered the commercial test stage, nearly 70 more than in 2008! I know more than a dozen end-to-end games, including the eternal tower represented by Shanda, Jianwang 3 by Xishanju, Tianxia 2 by Netease and Daming Longquan represented by Tencent.

This year, I don't think I need to say more about the specific situation. Everyone is saying that it's hard to earn money in the end game industry this year. Whether it's the Dragon Valley represented by Shanda, or the magic land, which took several years to develop perfectly, it's a rare end game masterpiece in the industry.

In addition, now we steam China has introduced a large number of overseas high-quality games of various types. In the future, with the disappearance of the demographic dividend, the domestic game market will increasingly become a red sea, a situation of more monks and less porridge, more wolves and less meat! "