Steam China public beta is not a trivial matter in the domestic game industry and Internet industry. Its impact on the whole online end game industry and its every move have attracted the attention of many people.

Chi Yufeng, chairman and CEO of Yanjing perfect international building.

"Chairman, the data has come out. As of 10 a.m. this morning, the daily active user data of all games in our company has declined in the 24 hours since the launch of Huizhong steam China. All games add up, there are more than 20000 daily active users less than usual!" Lu Xiaojun, senior vice president in charge of game business of perfect world, He immediately reported the situation to Chi Yufeng, chairman of the board.

At this time, Chi Yufeng stood quietly in front of the office window and looked out of the window. He ignored the decline of game data reported to him by Lu Xiaojun, but turned around and asked Lu Xiaojun a strange question:

"Xiaojun, why do you think Huizhong has achieved so much in less than two years?"

Although Lu Xiaojun didn't know why Chi Dong asked, he knew there must be deep meaning. He thought about it and answered tentatively:

"I think a key reason is that Huizhong can always seize the opportunity."

Chi Yufeng had no words, and Lu Xiaojun continued to explain: "I have studied the development history of Huizhong. I found that whether the app store was just released in 2008, the rise of the domestic page game industry, or the popularity of social games in the world, Huizhong always just caught the most appropriate opportunity and made a quick attack, so they can achieve such great achievements in just two years."

Chi Yufeng smiled and said, "your view is very similar to mine. People in the industry say that Huizhong's products are powerful, but I think Huizhong's grasp of the opportunity is more powerful. In other words, Huizhong's young boss Fang is very powerful. You see, he can step on the opportunity whether he is doing mobile games or page games.

Now the domestic end game market looks mature on the surface. In fact, it is not perfect compared with foreign countries. Many popular game themes abroad are not available at home. In the past, we often represented foreign games and introduced some good games into China.

I also thought about introducing a game platform such as steam into China, but I think it is very difficult whether it is policy difficulty or introduction difficulty, but I didn't expect that Huizhong actually made it.

There are similar cases and discussions in the game industry at home and abroad, whether it is the establishment of China's special zone, game classification system or real name certification, but even so, I didn't think these things would appear in China so soon. "

"Mr. Chi, I think the people above may be more concerned about the international outlook. Many of Huizhong's games have a huge market and user groups abroad. Huizhong has a considerable influence in the global game industry, especially in mobile games and page games.

This is originally a matter of winning glory for the country. If Huizhong can't introduce steam into China, it is inevitable that foreign media will make irresponsible remarks and think that the above is unfair, which may affect China's game industry to go to sea and even more industries.

Now Huizhong operates steam China alone, and all parties are within the reasonable scope of supervision, so I don't think there are too many reasons to kill it with a stick, "Lu Xiaojun said.

Chi Yufeng nodded and said: "Yes, that's why I said that compared with Huizhong's products, Huizhong's young boss Fang is more powerful. Look at his real name certification this time. No game company or Internet company has ever done it in China, but I believe many people can feel that this should be very popular with the regulatory authorities. This can be regarded as catering to the wishes of the regulatory authorities. It's guaranteed that the whole bank will be in a few months All companies in the industry have to follow suit! "

"Dong Chi, do we want to add real name authentication to our games?" Lu Xiaojun asked.

"Don't worry, Tencent isn't worried yet. What are we worried about? Now steam China has robbed many of our users. Now add a real name, and there won't be many fewer users? Wait until Tencent has news or documents on it!"

Chi Yufeng waved away Lu Xiaojun. The emergence of steam China is destined to compete with old-fashioned end game companies such as perfect. However, he is not very worried. The development speed of the domestic end game industry has gradually slowed down, and the market is about to become saturated. At present, they have begun to transform hand games and pan entertainment businesses such as film and television, animation and literature, This will be more anxious than him. I'm afraid it's Ding of Netease and Mr. Ma of Tencent!

Indeed, compared with the relatively calm perfection, Netease and Tencent are more anxious. Both of them are currently the top three companies in the end game field, and a large part of their revenue comes from the end game field, especially Tencent. At present, the revenue of Tencent games is in a period of rapid growth. With a series of end game masterpieces such as DNF, CF and QQ flying cars, Tencent News has made a lot of money in the field of end travel in the past two years.

If nothing happens, Tencent's game business is bound to reach a new level with the public beta of many different types of end games, such as Yulong in the sky and hero alliance.

However, Huizhong's introduction of steam into China has created many variables. No matter how many games Tencent has, it can't compete with the many games on the steam platform. No matter how rich the types of games Tencent has, it can't compete with the rich types of games that hundreds of companies around the world have developed and put on the shelves on steam. No matter which game Tencent owns, it can basically find the same type of games on steam, And there is a big gap between them in playing method and production level.

In the past, because steam could not enter China, the games on steam could only be minority games, no matter how fun they were, and could not be popularized. As a result, ordinary players wanted to find one or two gunfight games in China. After looking for a circle, they found that in addition to stand-alone games, there were only CS and Tencent cf. looking for a racing game, there were only running karts and Tencent QQ flying cars. Egg pain, The only girl in the village is Xiaohua. No matter how ugly she is, she is also a village flower.

Therefore, it is Tencent that is most ready for the public beta of steam in China. When game players across the country find that there are a lot of girls in the village, such as Xiaocui and Jingxiang, in addition to Xiaohua, users are most likely to lose. Instead, Tencent, which has the largest plate, has millions of games with daily users.

Therefore, from the three days before the steam China public beta, Tencent Netease's major games began to vigorously engage in various activities. Netease is OK. The level of their family's shoulder Games dream westward journey and world of Warcraft is not covered, and the coincidence with the types of games on steam is very low.

Tencent is different. There are many similar games on steam, whether it is the CF of gun battle or the QQ flying car of racing competition, which has led to the two powerful works of Tencent, which have been affected to a certain extent, resulting in the loss of a considerable number of players.

Although CF is fun, some players are attracted by the call of duty on steam. QQ flying car is also good, but the classic best flying car series is not covered.

Fortunately, the configuration requirements and difficulty of these games on steam are much higher than those of Tencent's games, so Tencent's game business has no rhythm of cutting back or collapse. However, the existence of steam China is like digging a hole in Tencent's huge imperial wall, which will steal Tencent users from time to time. In the long run, Before the life cycle of Tencent games comes, steam China has become another game holy land for Chinese online game players.

Therefore, Tencent can't bear it. Activities are activities, and high-level actions also exist. Two days after the steam China public beta, Ren Yuxin, senior vice president of Tencent games, announced that Tencent will establish its own game open platform TGP, whose full name is tencentgameplatform, which is the abbreviation of Tencent game platform!