"Sister is coming to Yanjing!"

When Fang zhe received a call from his sister that he was going to play in Yanjing, he was very happy.

In February, her sister Fang Ying's postgraduate entrance examination results had been announced, and the results were as expected by Fang zhe! His sister Fang Ying was admitted to Huaqing University.

Although there is still some gap between the difficulty of taking Huaqing postgraduate examination and that of undergraduates, in any case, these are Huaqing University, the two most famous universities in China. It can be imagined how happy my sister Fang Ying and my parents were when I heard the news. After I received my mother's call to report the good news, I also flew back to my home, and the family had a good celebration.

In Fang Zhe's opinion, the news that his son became a big boss in Yanjing and became a billionaire is far from the news that his parents know that his sister was admitted to Huaqing University as a graduate student, which makes them more happy. In their concept, being admitted to Huaqing University, just like the champion in ancient times, is a matter of honor for their ancestors. There are many rich people in shilibacun, but they can be admitted to Huaqing University, There are a few more.

Now, they are all like the Fang family. Their son has a successful career, their daughter has a successful academic career, and they have raised a pair of children. Now, their Fang family has become a famous model family in several nearby villages. Fang Zhe and Fang Ying have become role models and "other people's children", and their parents have also become famous "parenting experts".

The results of the postgraduate entrance examination have come out, but it will take more than half a year to start school. Because Fang Ying is taking the postgraduate entrance examination for the second time, unlike many undergraduates, she has to be busy graduating in June. Therefore, Fang Ying finally has time to have fun and relax, and Yanjing, where her brother and boyfriend are both in, has become her first choice.

The place where my sister will come is a big problem. Fang Zhe's room is one room and one living room, which is most suitable for a person or couple. There is only one king size double bed specially purchased by Fang Zhe that can't fall off for several rounds. If my sister lives in, there are many inconvenient places.

Fang zhe can't rest assured of letting his sister stay in a hotel alone, and Fang zhe also plans to let his sister stay in Yanjing for a long time and take a good holiday for herself. Anyway, there is still more than half a year before her graduate school starts.

Therefore, boss Fang, who was not short of money, spent half a day in the same community and rented a luxurious one bedroom and one living room. The house type of the community was basically the same as that of Fang Zhe, and there were no other house types. Fang zhe was not familiar with other places. Therefore, Fang zhe dragged his landlord to inquire about the news, and finally rented a house on the third floor of another unit in the same building.

The decoration of this house is much better than Fang Zhe's, with a monthly rent of 3000, but the landlord requires to sign a contract for at least one year.

What about a one-year contract? Is it a ten-year contract, for the present Fang Zhe, is it just drizzle? That little money really didn't make Fang zhe toss around, so Fang zhe directly paid the landlord's rent for a year and took the key.

On the afternoon of March 11, Fang Ying arrived in Yanjing and lived in the house. At the same time, Zuo Ruichao, her "brother-in-law" who hadn't seen for months, finally came to Yanjing to help clean up.

Fang Ying is tidying up her clothes in the bedroom. Zuo Ruichao pulls Fang Zhe to the living room and asks in a low voice:

"How long will your sister stay in Yanjing this time?"

"Two months, didn't she tell you?" Fang zhe asked curiously.

"Yes, but..." Zuo Ruichao was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "but I still have to have class. She..."

Fang zhe understood that his feelings are that his "brother-in-law" is worried that he has no time to accompany her. It is said that his brother is also very busy. Is it inappropriate to let his sister play alone in Yanjing!

"Well, you can't have classes and experiments every week. Don't you rest on Saturdays and Sundays? Accompany her when you rest, and I'll find her company at other times!" Fang zhe suggested.

"In fact, we usually do on Saturday and Sunday." Zuo Ruichao looked at Fang Zhe's fierce eyes and stopped what he wanted to say later.

"You must accompany her. Why do you think she came to Yanjing? Look at me? I just went home last month!"

Fang zhe was speechless. He really didn't know whether it was right or wrong to set them up. He just didn't want his sister to be sad about feelings in this life, but was he a little too selfish to do so?

Whatever, feelings are selfish, and parents always give their children what they think is good for him. Maybe this is the biological attribute of feelings!

Fang zhe stayed for a while and hurried back to the company. His sister just came here today and didn't plan to go out. Fang zhe had already bought what he should buy at home. Just two days ago, Fang zhe planned to visit Yanjing with his sister in person. Since their rebirth, their sister and brother have been alone for less than half an hour. Now it's just time to take this opportunity, Relive the happy time of childhood.

In the future, Fang zhe asked Lu Lu to find a reliable private female guide. If he and his "brother-in-law" Zuo Ruichao don't have time, Fang Ying may have a company. Private tour guide is also a customized service that has just sprung up in China in recent years. Although the price is a little expensive, it is better in terms of security and service.


After spending two days with his sister in Yanjing, Fang zhe returned to his busy work life. His sister had more than half a year of leisure time to relax, but Fang zhe didn't. the three products of the mobile Internet business department had been approved and started research and development, but Fang zhe didn't plan to start from scratch entirely by relying on the company's R & D strength.

He plans to go to Xiamen and get in touch with Netdragon, the company where the former 91 assistant is located. If appropriate, he will package and buy this product together with the associated project R & D personnel.

In the past, 91 assistants and related products and services were acquired by Baidu at a price of US $1.9 billion in 13 years. Later, google reorganized and transferred most of its business to its Baidu assistants. Four years later, 91 wireless, where 91 assistants are located, was closed due to Baidu's strategic adjustment. It was a complete failure to acquire the strategy of 91 assistants to seize the entrance of mobile Internet!

For Baidu in the future, the acquisition of 91 assistant does not play a big role in the company's overall strategy, but it plays a big role for Huizhong and Fang Zhe.

According to Fang Zhe's previous investigation by employees and in combination with his previous life's memory, the 91 assistant product was actually made by a person named Xiong Jun in Taiwan. This person was an accountant and later changed his career to make the program. Because he was optimistic about the prospect of Apple's development, he made the 91 assistant product after the iPhone came out in 2007.

Later, Xiong Jun sold this product to Netdragon at the price of 100000 yuan. He also joined Netdragon. He has been responsible for this product and participated in the establishment of Netdragon wireless division, which is the predecessor of 91 wireless.

On the morning of March 15, Fang zhe appeared in the office of Liu Jiande, chairman of Netdragon.