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Tianman's first batch of EVA series of 1:1 has been completed, a total of 50 sets, standing in Tianman school garden in the city's hardware factory, a rough look, it is like coming to the world of science fiction.

The huge mecha is clearly only made by hand, but standing there makes people around produce a kind of surging blood.

"I'm convinced of my guilt." Zhuang Bufan looked up at the first machine full of violence aesthetics and said blankly.

Although it's only one of Tianman's hands - although it's huge, the positioning is still hands-on. However, many people came to visit, including Tianman high-level officials and even government officials.

He Chen really didn't understand. Although this operation is very valuable, is it interesting for people who are so busy in the government to come and see it? It's not for them.

"What are you talking about?" He Chen squints at Zhuang Bufan, who has recently given up weight loss and become more and more "mellow".

Zhuang Bufan looked at the first machine and said: "this is to express my inner shock and admiration, don't you know? I've been playing this on the Internet recently. "

Then he sighed: "sure enough, only mecha is a man's romance!"

This sentence is the common voice of all the men present. It has nothing to do with age. As long as a man sees this huge mecha standing in front of him, his heart will naturally agree with this saying that the false mother belongs to an alien creature.

Because of the evil taste of hechen, all the facilities in the factory are the facilities of the nev headquarters of COS, full of the smell of metal machinery, as if in the world of EVA.

"If this thing is real, we can unify the world if we drive it out, right?" Luo Hao also said with emotion.

"However, it's not the same. EVA in EVA belongs to biological weapons. The armor on the body is to limit the body's restraint armor, and this batch of armor is genuine..." said Zhou Zhe, who lacks YY spirit.

"Can this thing work?" Next to Zhuo Junwu, a government official asked he Chen.

The director of a research and Development Department of Tianman hardware authority replied: "not yet. This type of body parts are too fragile. If it moves, it will put great pressure on the bearings and joints. It is easy to break, so it can only be used to have a look."

The organism of EVA is a biological organism, which is quite slender and domineering. However, for the part carrying itself, the pressure is relatively high. Just let it stand here normally, the R & D department has changed a lot of materials.

However, it is worth noting that. What the supervisor said was "this type", and I can tell from his words that this thing actually tried action - it just failed!

People from the government nodded after hearing the speech.

"Oh? Can't believe it's moving? " He Chen gave it to others, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, in his eyes, it's a group of giant hands used to pit money - but now standing in front of it, he feels that he is willing to even be pit money!

After hearing the introduction of the director, he found that his "hand-made" has been developed to this point.

"Yes, the technology of neuron control device is not mature and can not be applied, and there are many problems in safety and so on. It adopts numerical control, and the control program is still under development. It can only make some simple actions, not as smooth as the animation. And all these simple actions failed - either the body was broken or it could not meet the standard. Therefore, this kind of structure is not suitable, unless we can develop new materials, hardness, toughness and weight can reach a balance standard The director explained to he Chen in detail with the experimental data.

However, he Chen did not understand the experimental data. He only understood one sentence: unless a new NB material is developed, the body will not move.

He Chen felt a little sorry, and immediately felt a little funny. It was originally done by hand. If he could really move, it would be weapons? It's normal not to move.

Only in reality to see such a lifelike mecha, let his death is in the heart of two slightly raised a little bit of expectation.

"Can you sit on it and have a look?" Zhuang Bufan, who was ready to move in his heart, asked.

The supervisor looked up and down at Xiazhuang's extraordinary figure, stroked his glasses, and kept silent for 5 seconds. Then he said, "I'm sorry, because of the consideration of the overall structure and balance, the plug can't make that kind of wide model."

"... shit! You're discriminating! Fat people also have human rights, OK! Hechen, I want to complain! Complain that you discriminate against fat people! " Zhuang Bufan said indignantly.Luo Hao hugged Zhuang Bufan and patted his growing belly, which was like pregnant in March. He said with a cheap smile: "who didn't let you lose weight? If you want to, you can also have a customized widened model

"Yes, we can give you a 9.98% discount on the relationship between our brothers..." Zhou zhe also joked.

Zhuang Bufan eyebrows a horizontal, angry way: "roll." A slap opened two people to touch his stomach hand, oneself fat already made people sad, the most sad is a group of thin people to tease him again this fat man.

A few people laugh, and then ostentatiously sit on the mecha one after another to experience the pleasure of the qualified person.

People here seem to have inherited hechen's evil taste. During the experience, BGM in EVA, such as the attack of the apostles and the attack of the first plane, also sounded in the workshop to set off the atmosphere.

"The cooling is over..."


"Everything in the device is in place..."

"The plug has been pulled out..."

"The right person enters and inserts the plug..."

"Insert bolt insert..."

"Cockpit fixed..."

"Start the first connection..." WW w. In fact, google.com is not cool, just a group of researchers full of evil interest busy in the idle prank.

He Chen and other people who want to experience the EVA body enter the plug from the warehouse climbing platform prepared by the side, and then they see that they slowly leave the ground and enter the body slowly with the movement of the mechanical arm of the factory.

Because it's hand-made, it's about viewing and safety, so the plug is not a cold machine, but a soft and fixed cockpit, and it's surrounded by transparent materials, so people can see the surrounding environment. This material is very strong, 20 meters fall can guarantee not broken, even a crack will not have, inside the soft cushion can also ensure the safety of the driver.

Even if it's just a matter of hand, we should do our best.

After being inserted into the body, in order to restore the feeling of the body in EVA, a monitor is built in, so that you can see around from the body, as if it is really the perspective of EVA body.

The only regret is that they can't move, because they want to sell it. They do experiments casually, but if they sell it to others because of an accident, it will be troublesome. Therefore, all the moving chips, circuits and so on will be removed, and all the joints will be solidified.

After a good experience and a good addiction, hechen left it behind.

After further inspection, the bodies are shipped to buyers all over the world. r1152

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