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The young man wakes up quietly from his deep sleep. In front of him is a strange ceiling, a strange hospital bed, and a girl he seems to have never met. When the girl wakes up, she tells the boy that her name is Zhidai. She and the boy himself, Okazaki, are lovers. It's too sudden for a teenager whose memory only stays in a certain daily autumn day. He had not come to think about what had happened, but the girl told him the more difficult facts.


Sure enough, Okazaki had a sequela because of his previous injury.


Although Zhidai's narration can't make the teenagers feel real, Zhidai shows his determination: "I hope Okazaki can remember the days we spent together as lovers. I'm willing to do anything for that. "


Zhidai's language makes Okazaki, who has no memory, feel that this person is my companion, and his words must be right.


Therefore, for the sake of this girl, he also wants to retrieve those lost memories. In addition, the young man suddenly recalled his father, while the young girl simply explained a few words and deliberately turned away the topic.


The next day, after the inspection, under the leadership of Zhidai, Okazaki returned to the apartment where he once lived with Zhidai. Here should remember, but no impression of the place, began their life. Zhidai's calm attitude made Okazaki feel that he had never experienced life and deep love, as if he took it for granted. They went to a lot of places, places full of memories in this small town.


Their school, the corridor where they met, the playground where they fought together, and the street they walked through in memory together


Zhidai kept telling Okazaki about himself he didn't know and all kinds of daily life at that time. Okazaki can only accept as a spectator, feeling that the fact that he can no longer play basketball has greatly impacted him. However, with the support of Zhidai, Okazaki has finally persisted. Because Zhidai is here, Okazaki, who has no memory, feels happy and satisfied with what he has encountered. But now he's right for Zhidai. But only thanks.


At this time, he did not understand his own heart, nor did he understand what Zhidai was waiting for.


However, in the twinkling of an eye, Okazaki's memory has no sign of recovering. Instead, they began to have inexplicable headaches. Zhidai, who learned about this situation, was more anxious than before. He told Okazaki more about the past and was more anxious to take him to various places.


Again, they're standing on that ramp, this time. Zhidai is talking about an unhappy memory.


That two people for their own goals, choose a different road, and each forward memories. In order for Zhidai, blinded by his feelings, to realize his necessary wish, Okazaki chose the time of separation. After the wish is achieved, the two people meet again on the ramp, and when they embrace each other again, the flying snow in the sky.


Zhidai believed in the eternal love between them from that day on. Now she lost Okazaki again, but she still believes. No matter how many times he lost his love, Okazaki will come back to him in the end... For Okazaki, who is just an audience, no matter how deep Zhidai's love is, the person he loves is not himself who has no memory.


But at the moment, he still deeply felt heartache. He hoped from his heart that the girl in front of him would be happy, which had nothing to do with the past and his unknown self in memory.


"I like you..." finally, Okazaki said the three words brewing in his heart.


After a short silence, tears fell from Zhidai's eyes. She said, "me too."

arwbeyd0t85cfgezuhyhZhidai finally made up his mind. Say what you've been avoiding. In fact, Okazaki really lost his memory not this summer, but three years ago. Over the past three years, Okazaki has been waking up repeatedly. Gradually understand the situation at that time, and then again amnesia. Okazaki's headache is a precursor of amnesia.


At this point, the audience suddenly realized why Zhidai looked so mature. They thought it was because of Okazaki's accident. It led to her maturity. Now looking back, I suddenly realized that three years had passed!


For three years, chidai has been taking care of Okazaki. Zhidai has been trying hard to awaken Okazaki's memory. Every 10 days, there is a reincarnation. Every 10 days, everything is cleared and starts from scratch. What Okazaki experienced once when he woke up, Zhidai has experienced countless times in the past three years.


By this time, tears have begun to accumulate in the eyes of the audience.


"Wuwu..." some female fans with delicate heart and emotional command have even heard the cry of depression.


Originally, it seems to be an old story - injury, amnesia. It's very destructive to the female audience, but it's a three-year period, and it's a three-year period of repeated memory loss, a cycle of ten days. No matter how good and happy the memories are, they will turn into terror in ten days. However, Zhidai has never given up and regretted the past ten years.


Behind that indifference is the deep infatuation after experiencing countless times of sadness, which makes the lethality to a higher level.


Not only the audience, but also Okazaki, who has lost his memory, can't bear such a life. He can't bear the endless suffering of Zhidai. Okazaki chose the operation to retrieve his memory. Even if the success rate of the operation is less than 10%, his life may end if he fails.


In the last night, the two people who felt each other's temperature gave their wishes to each other“ Zhidai... No matter what happens... I think you can move forward without fear... "


I didn't expect that Okazaki once said something, but now it has become a reality.


From the result, the operation was not smooth, but from the memory, it was successful.


According to the development of the plot, Okazaki died shortly after the operation. The unchanging ending, however, can accompany the audience who Zhidai Okazaki has experienced. Looking at this ending, there is no previous complaint and disapproval.


Just like the last scene of the ending, the last sunset, two people quietly watch, at that moment, she realized for the first time that the world is so beautiful. Unconsciously, Okazaki closed his eyes. Zhidai clearly remembered that it was like the sound of a dream - thank you... Fortunately, you... Have this happy life.


Just as the "dream" brought light and hope to the audience, in a flash, he raised the butcher's knife to the protagonist - this time, the female owner did not die, but the male owner died.


The story of the dead man is not one or two. The death of the moon at night makes people feel sad. ITO Cheng's death makes people happy and reflect. Okazaki's death makes people heartache and endless loss.


In terms of the effect of causing depression, he Chen perfectly achieved his expected goal this time. Before watching this movie again, no one would have thought that this time the great devil aimed his butcher's knife at the man.


So the fans were very depressed, as if they had climbed from hell to heaven. They just enjoyed the warmth and happiness, but they were kicked back to hell.


"This is the devil! It's so sweet to believe that the great devil can change his mind! "dximdmbbb3hqt2j0jv7

After seeing it, this is the feeling in the hearts of fans.


"Why do I feel a strange excitement after Okazaki's death For her morbid psychology, Jiang Yan is very confused, she feels that she has completely broken.


"All things in the world are changeable. We can't control our stories, and we can't give ourselves one happy ending after another; However, we can cherish the time in front of us and make our present happy. At the same time, no matter what the future is, we can always move forward with a smile. "


The world is changeable, cherish the happiness in front of us, whether it is this chapter of "clannad" or these theatrical versions, all revolve around such a theme.


As Qin Mei's letter says, the world is beautiful. Even if it is full of sadness and tears, please open your eyes; Just as Zhu said, you can't stop because of this. If you can move forward, you must move forward.


At the end of the movie, the theme song of Zhidai is "life-is-like-a-melody".


"Even if I'm alone in the world, I won't forget my feelings. I can go on alone, embrace hope, go to the far away place, sing the songs we composed, and think of the blue sky we painted together, even if we can't go on together. The future is still under my feet... "


As the name of the song says, life is like a song. This song runs through and sums up the theme of "zhidaipian" theater edition. Song has its ebb and flow, and life has its ebb and flow. It is also a reflection of Zhidai and Okazaki's life from separation to combination, and from combination to separation( (to be continued.)