However, no matter how shocking the audience xiaomeiyan's attack is, she is still unable to defeat the witch's night.

Seriously injured, when she wanted to reincarnate again, she hesitated.

It can be said that QB's original words played a successful role. Xiaomeiyan's faith was shaken. In the face of her destiny that she could not change no matter how many times she repeated, she fell into despair.

Xiaomeiyan's depressed cry makes countless people feel sad and sad.

Countless reincarnations, countless repetitions, no matter how hard she tried, could not change the fate of xiaoyuanlian. She witnessed xiaoyuanlian die countless times - it was the person she loved, but she still had to experience the heartbreaking pain again and again. In countless samsara, she is farther and farther away from the little round face. Even the cause and effect of the little round face is caused by her samsara in the end.

All kinds of factors make xiaomeiyan waver. The soul gem has become turbid. When the black is full of soul gems, she will turn into a witch, and all this will come to a real end.


At this time, xiaoyuanlian appeared in this dangerous battlefield, took xiaomeiyan's hand, and stopped her shaking heart with a gentle voice.

qb Next to the little round face.

See this scene, xiaomeiyan and the audience have understood.

"Xiao Yan, I'm sorry." Xiaoyuanlian shows a guilty and gentle smile to xiaomeiyan.

Xiaomeiyan has been protecting her and preventing QB from tempting her, but this time she will disobey xiaomeiyan's order.

She's going to be a magic girl.

The choice of little round face is not only from the plot, but also from the character. It's all reasonable. So of course. Little round face is kind in nature. Whether for xiaomeiyan, who has been protecting herself, or for the people around her, in the face of danger, even if she knows that the magic girl is a trap, she will still come forward to protect everyone.

qb It's because of such a small round face, and it's also the reason why the small round face will become a magic girl in countless samsara.

In the previous reincarnation, little round face also became a magic girl in the end. But it represents the destruction of the earth.

The title clearly says "magic girl little round face", but the protagonist little round face didn't become a magic girl until the final finale, I'm afraid that's the only one.

"Little round face has become a magic girl again. Can it be said that this time it will become destruction? Finally, xiaomeiyan will enter the next reincarnation and become an open ending with no ending? "

Fans have already begun to speculate.

It seems that no matter what the ending is, the style of the magic girl's little round face is very reasonable.

And this is a very attractive animation even if you know how the story will unfold.

In fact, the ending of "magic girl with round face" has already been shown in the screen of "magic girl" when Ed appeared.

In a black world. White as smoke surging shadow, people feel a heavy, depressing and sad color.

Little round face, it seems that the signal is not good. The flashing white figure walks towards a little light in the distance in this nihilistic world.

Shaye's figure stops on the road leading to the light of xiaoyuanlian. She turns her back to xiaoyuanlian and seems to be meditating. Her back is full of guilt and regret.

Xiaoyuanlian steadfastly moved forward, and then there appeared the figure of apricot standing on his hips. Her eyes seemed to be the same as xiaoyuanlian, and they were all watching the bright light in the distance, dispersing all the dark spots.

Right in front of xiaoyuanlian's road, sister Bama sits on the ground, as if she is welcoming xiaoyuanlian. Here, she is like a guide.

Xiaomeiyan is standing in front of xiaoyuanlian. Her figure always moves with xiaoyuanlian's figure. She is the only active figure. At the same time, she is also the only one who reaches out to xiaoyuanlian to keep her at the moment of passing xiaoyuanlian.

However, it did not stop the pace of little round face - just as little round face still decided to become a magic girl in the end.

Xiaoyuanlian's clothes collapsed, and she began to run recklessly. From beginning to end, she was moving towards the bright light ahead. At that time, when she ran close, the light was illusory, leaving only endless darkness.

Just as they signed a contract with QB with their best wishes and became magic girls, but in the end they showed the truth of the cruel darkness, hoping to be broken instantly, leaving them endless darkness.

So the figure of little round face disappeared into the darkness, which also indicated that she knew the truth of the magic girl, and resolutely became a magic girl.The picture is completely in darkness, but suddenly, in the middle of the picture, a white picture like an eye suddenly opens. In the darkness, there is light, and the figure of a small round face is in the middle of the "eyes", just like a pupil, watching everything.

Without light, she turned herself into light.

Darkness cannot disperse darkness, only light can; Hatred can't drive away hatred, only love can.

To become a magic girl, you need to sign a contract with QB, and this contract is to make a wish.

"To make all the witches disappear before their birth, all the past, present and future Witches of the universe will be destroyed by me Little round face made such a wish.

If this wish is realized, it is no longer a matter of interfering in time, but a rebellion against the law of causality itself!

"Are you going to be a God?" QB even said such a surprising question.

The magic girl will eventually become a witch, and the little round face's desire is beyond the world, the universe, the time, the law, and even the law of cause and effect!

"God or not, it doesn't matter what you become. So far, I don't want to make all the people who are fighting with the Witch and the magic girl with hope cry. I hope everyone can go to the end with a smile. Let me break and rewrite all these rules! This is my long cherished wish, my hope! "

According to the view of Chinese mythology or honghuangliu novels, this is xiaoyuanlian's ambition to prove the truth and become a saint.

The reason why xiaoyuanlian is called round God is not that she is loved and respected by the round face believers, but that she has really become a God.

The audience was deeply shocked by the little round face's wish, which is not just a seemingly good wish. If you think about it carefully, you will understand how terrible this wish is.

In the past, now, in the future, in all the time, little round face will go to eliminate the witch endlessly. She has crossed the time axis, she exists in all time, no matter when and where, there are countless her figure, which means that she will not be able to maintain the "self" of the individual.

This is no longer an easy thing like "death". It can be said that she has integrated with countless worlds. The world is her, and she is the world - she will be completely reduced to a concept fixed in countless universes.

"If someone tells me that hope is a wrong thing, I will refute it no matter how many times, and I can insist on it at any time." In the face of such cruel things, small round face still can calmly smile and say such words.

The hearts of the audience were completely shaken by the great fraternity of little round face.

She is not to realize hope, but to turn herself into hope, the hope of all magic girls.

"Why didn't little round face make a wish to make the magic girl disappear completely? The magic girl will eventually become a witch. Why does she just let the witch disappear? "

Some people are also shocked and small round face ambition at the same time, also slightly confused.

If the magic girl disappears, QB will not come and sign a contract. Human society will show itself at its own pace, and the little round face will not melt into countless universes and become a concept that can only endlessly eliminate the magic girl.

"The prerequisite of her wish is that she wants to become a magic girl... If even the magic girl denies it, her wish may not hold. The magic girl represents hope. Every magic girl signs a contract with her best wishes and turns into a witch in the final despair. What little round face wants to eliminate is a witch. She will not deny even the magic girl. What she wants is to take away despair and leave hope in the world, This is the happy world that gentle she wants to bring to people

"That is to say, she wants to bear the despair of countless universes by herself."

I'm afraid that such a wish can only be achieved by a small round face who has gathered the fate of many worlds and become a special point on the cause and effect line.

"I'm afraid QB can't do such a thing by itself? Why can he give little round face such a wish? "

"Now that I know it will be like this, why do I want to realize the wish of little round face? It's just recycling resources. It has nothing to do with the survival and happiness of human beings. "

"I'm afraid QB can't control it. It has been said from the beginning that the race of QB has no feelings for a long time. For them, having feelings is equivalent to "illness" or "mutation", and the energy of feelings itself exists. They just show this energy and develop ways to transform and use it. It doesn't mean that they can shape such energy themselves - if they can shape it themselves, What are you doing on earth? Just like the nuclear bomb, uranium, thorium, plutonium and other elements exist in their own right. It is only after we have found out how to use them. The power of these elements is huge and far beyond the control of human beings. The transformation of magic maiden and magic maiden is to QB, just as synuclear reaction is to human"QB has always been tempting xiaoyuanlian, so when xiaoyuanlian finally wants to promise it, it has already opened the" tool "of transformation. When it knows xiaoyuanlian's wish, transformation has begun, and it has no way to stop. So, far from the energy it could control, it exploded

"Little round face, the God of magic girls!"( It's not finished yet!
