With the unveiling of the whole world of magic girl's little round face, fans have different opinions about its ending

Some people think that the final result must be that xiaomeiyan solved the night of the magic girl alone, completely saved xiaoyuanlian, or solved QB, and completely solved the problem of the magic girl and the magic girl on earth. Xiaomeiyan will be the last magic girl.

This kind of ending is full of standard royal style - hard work, friendship and victory. This is the standard ending template for most magic girls.

The refuter thinks that there is a big gap between the ending and the overall story atmosphere of xiaoyuanlian.

However, those who firmly believe in the ending of that statement think that the final 180 degree turn is more in line with the ending of little round face of the magic girl.

Some people are full of pessimistic predictions about the ending, because the magic girl itself is a tragedy. They guess that the ending is likely to be completely destroyed. Even xiaomeiyan is demonized because of exhaustion of her strength or deep despair. The best ending is that xiaomeiyan and QB die together.

There is no magic girl, no magic girl.

There are not a few people who support this view. This is because he Chen's persistent "healing" performance for a long time makes people finally feel what the most real and beautiful "healing" story is.

Fans who believe in the tragic ending are more interested in hechen's malice.

However, he Chen did not give people more time to speculate. He then directly presented the ending to people - the final finale, two episodes in a row.

The last two episodes of the original version of "little round face of the magic girl" were broadcast simultaneously. But it's because we have to deal with the real "witch's night" (Island earthquake). The TV station is off the air. The last two episodes were on air.

And he Chen's two episodes of continuous broadcasting... It's just that he feels that he doesn't have time to think at the end, and it's most exciting to see the ending. In this way, the aftertaste will be longer and deeper.

Magic girl's little round face plays at six o'clock, when many office workers just get off work. Even if there is no traffic jam, when they get home, the animation is finished.

The little round face of the magic girl has caused a great sensation in the society. This is a work across all ages. Many office workers even ask for leave or leave early on this day.

What they do is to be able to see for the first time what kind of magical girl's ending "little round face" will present to them.

When the animation started, the original ed "magic" appeared as op. the repressed singing, as if unwilling to give in to the fate of resistance, directly cast a tragic color for the final story.

qb At the beginning, people didn't pay much attention to the incalculable potential of small round face owners. After all, there are few protagonists. What's the qualification to be the leading role?

However, after knowing everything about xiaomeiyan, the reason why xiaoyuanlian has such a powerful potential is finally revealed: xiaomeiyan. Through the possibility of writing about the past, xiaomeiyan crosses many parallel worlds. Xiaomeiyan wishes to become a magic girl for xiaoyuanlian. Originally, the potential of a magic girl is determined by the size of the cause and effect she carries. Xiaoyuanlian is just an ordinary person. However, xiaomeiyan crosses countless parallel worlds for xiaoyuanlian, so xiaoyuanlian carries the cause and effect of countless worlds, Every time xiaomeiyan reincarnates, xiaoyuanlian's potential increases, so xiaoyuanlian can have such a strong potential.

qb It is because of the huge "resources" contained in xiaoyuanlian that xiaoyuanlian seduces xiaoyuanlian tirelessly. The culprit of all this is xiaomeiyan.

"A great achievement, xiaomeiyan, you have trained xiaoyuanlian to be the strongest witch for us."

However, the praise from the enemy is the most painful and frustrating thing.

This seems to be a dead cycle. In order to save xiaoyuanlian, she has to reincarnate to find the way to the future she wants. However, with her reincarnation, xiaoyuanlian's potential becomes more and more huge, which leads to QB's more and more salivation for xiaoyuanlian, and it is more and more impossible to give up.

Maybe... This praise is also a calculation of QB. If it wants to obtain the "resources" of xiaoyuanlian, it can't make xiaomeiyan succeed. In fact, this praise is intended to shake xiaomeiyan.

Xiaomeiyan persistently repeats this endless samsara, and she always believes in hope. When she is convinced that everything is useless and it is impossible to change xiaoyuanlian's fate, xiaomeiyan will collapse completely, yield to despair and turn into a kind of lament.

Xiaomeiyan knows this, so she has no choice but to reincarnate infinitely. Even if there is no chance of winning, she can only fight all the time.Just like the request of a little round face of the world, only she who has crossed the world can change all this, so no matter what, she must insist on hope. Once she also falls into despair and becomes a witch, it will be over completely.

qb It shows little round face the history of incuuator and human beings.

People suddenly find that the figure of QB and magic girl almost runs through the long river of human civilization. Before there are historical records, incubator has been interfering in human civilization.

The picture flies over QB and the archaic characters of small round face, unfolds countless ancient paintings, and countless young girls sign contracts with incubator.

In this flash of countless pictures, people recognize some of the characteristics of the girls are very obvious.

Greek wind girl, Cassandra is a woman with the ability of prophecy in Greek mythology, is a daughter of Brem, king of Troy. As a temple witch, she was given the ability to predict fate by Apollo. In return, she was asked to have sexual relations with Apollo, but she refused. Apollo cursed her angrily. The curse on Cassandra was her prophecy, but no one believed it. And the prophecies she uttered were somehow all ominous - betrayal, fault, death. The fall of the country. So. Not only did people not believe her. And laugh at her and hate her.

Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, with her brilliant wisdom and charming demeanor, not only maintained the life of a dynasty, but also conquered the two greatest Roman generals Caesar and Antony, making them willing to serve for her. After the defeat of Octavian, Cleopatra committed suicide with a poisonous snake. Her death marked the end of the ancient Egyptian Dynasty, from which Egypt became a province of Rome.

Pei Mihu, the queen of the state of yematai in misheng era, was a Japanese queen who had close contacts with Cao Wei in the annals of the Three Kingdoms. Can make the ghost way, with the demon bewitches the public, the elder does not marry. During the reign of huanling in the Han Dynasty, the Japanese state was in chaos, and the male masters could not serve the public. Peimihu was 17 years old when he came to the throne. According to the "theory of assassination", when the solar eclipse occurred in 248, the spirit power of bimihu, who served the sun god, disappeared and was killed by the people of yematai in chaos.

Joan of arc, a famous French heroine. She used to be a rural girl. She was born at the age of 16 and got "inspiration from God". In the hundred year war between Britain and France, he led the French army to fight against the British invasion and defeat the invaders. Joan of arc was captured by the Duchy of Burgundy in a skirmish in gambine. Soon after, she was exchanged by the English for a large sum of money. She was sentenced to death by the Inquisition for "heresy and witchcraft" and was publicly burned in Rouen, France, on May 30, 1431.

Throw yourself into hope and despair.

Start with prayer and end with curse.

All the magic girls repeat the same cycle.

Compared with the compact rhythm of previous episodes, the rhythm of the last two episodes has been deliberately slowed down, which is dangerous for a series.

However, the original version of "magic girl little round face" was stopped because of an accident, so the rhythm of the last two episodes was modified to catch the psychological changes of the audience in a month's waiting, from the thrilling after watching the 10th episode to the calm after a month's waiting and guessing to be ready for the final outcome.

Although hechen did not stop broadcasting, but directly chose two episodes in series, because of hechen's fame and the influence of his work "little round face of the magic girl", the final heat and expectation are much higher than the original "little round face of the magic girl", so it also achieves the same effect.

Do not hurry to do the last plot bedding, xiaomeiyan and small round face slow and full of tension of emotion.

11 In the middle of the episode, the night of the enchantress finally comes out with a thousand calls. The thrilling, natural and unrestrained battle is the biggest highlight of the episode.

The picture of "little round face of the magic girl" is undoubtedly a major feature of this work. From the early age to the warm tone scene, it suddenly jumps to the bizarre boundary. The border of battle has changed the stereotype of this kind of theme, broke through the level of "depicting the object", and boldly expressed his inner feelings with postmodern writing.

Picasso's Cubism is used to project high-rise buildings, plants and trees, bits of things in ordinary life into a silhouette, which fills the whole picture, creating a sense of oppression of jumping in a disorderly and balanced way.

The enchantment is the inner world of the witch, and the witch is also a mortal who lives in this world. Therefore, there is no skeleton and monster. The simple life elements reflect the feelings of the desperate world in the inner world of the witch. The strong colors, strong color blocks and rolling shadows show the madness of the witch's heart.

The most visual impact of the lens is the "witch night" battle, xiaomeiyan combination bombardment.A series of short shot and static montage images are combined. Then a long shot jumps into the sea and emerges from the missile. The huge explosion ends.

Xiaomeiyan uses her time control ability to create overwhelming momentum and pour out the accumulated firepower. Visually, she also uses her time control ability to completely release the momentum accumulated in a series of montage combinations in the long shot.

When appreciating this scene, I held my breath from the beginning of the battle until the tanker rushed to the witch. Then before I had time to breathe, xiaomeiyan stood on the missile and surfaced again. Her relaxed mood was thrown into the sky again. It was like a series of intensive combination boxing with beautiful ending skills, and like a strong wind and rain Symphony coming to the end.

This is also the most wonderful use of long lens in the whole play( Not finished, to be continued

ps I can only keep one watch these days. I'm sorry.