"Let me, let me take you! This small town, where wishes come true.... "

On the stage, Zhu's body no longer trembled.

Zhu felt the love of her parents and the care of everyone. She finally got out of the sad shadow of imprisoning her in remorse.

Under everyone's gaze, she dried her tears, inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, exhaled, and then raised her head, it was already strong eyes!

All the sadness has been dispelled by everyone's warm love!

She gently raised her hand and began to carry the performance of countless people's dreams.

"This is the end of the world. There is no one else's world except me. There are only small wooden tables and chairs in the room. Outside the window is a vast wilderness, ancient buildings, even when they were built. I live here alone, sometimes I go out and pick up some necessary things. Even when I came outside, I was alone. In the weak sunlight, there were countless weak lights flying. I picked up branches and nails, and a lot of things, in order to make friends. But is it a happy thing for him to be born in this world? This question has always remained in my heart... "

The story performed by Zhu is the scene that has been inserted in the animation for countless times before.

The story, which has puzzled the audience for a long time, has finally solved the puzzle, at least for the audience now.

That's the dream story of the fantasy world.

Okazaki's father, who was invited by Zhu, also came to see the performance. Before he left, he said hello to Okazaki. He said. It's a great story. Let him think of a lot of the past.

Or that pair of insipid, do not want to be a family tone, in the sunset to leave.

Okazaki is clearly one year younger than Zhu, but his father looks old compared with Qiusheng.

"Don't drink too much." Okazaki always turned his head, did not look at him, did not speak to him, but when he turned to leave, he whispered a word.

His father suddenly turned his head. That has been calm as if to treat strangers as a very polite smile, and finally turned to look surprised.

He is Okazaki's father after all.

Okazaki's father turned to smile and left with a warm smile.

The ice between Okazaki and his father seems to be melting and disintegrating with the efforts of Zhu.

"At the beginning of all that, we were young and frivolous,

The first small encounter, gave a distant dream.

Going through the storm together, we smile at each other.

Ah. In retrospect, it's an unforgettable time.

Familiar footsteps, still reverberate in the ear.

No matter where I am, I can hear your voice,

We're not alone anymore. We're together,

In the melodious music, we hugged each other tightly.

Turn deep thoughts into real words,

Take your hand, even the ends of the earth,

With your future, forever. "

All the stories, all the memories, all the emotions are concentrated in this short song.

The high pitched singing sounds like a cry for love.

From now on, we will not be alone, we will be together - this is a kind of happiness!

With your future, forever - it's a commitment!

In the accompaniment of the song, Okazaki and Nagasaki come to the drama department. This is the place where everything starts. Everything starts from helping Nagasaki rebuild the drama department, which is also the reconstruction of happiness and hope.

"Didn't I have something to say to you yesterday?" Okazaki turned his head, shyly afraid to look at Zhu.

"Well? What is it? " Zhu is still ignorant. It is such a pure Zhu that people are willing to protect her pure smile with everything.

"Would it be interesting to wake up tomorrow and find that we have become a bunch of lovers?"


"Please be my girlfriend, Zhu!" Okazaki suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhu seriously, as if he was going to put Zhu in his eyes. He confessed to Zhu sincerely and forcefully!

"I like you very much. I hope you can always be with me in the future!"

In the sound of the song, Okazaki made a loud confession to Zhu!

Just like songs, they are inseparable.Zhu slightly surprised, hands gently covered his mouth, seems to want to laugh, and want to cry, her eyes again full of tears, this time is happy tears!

Zhu nodded his head hard.

They looked at each other with four eyes, only reflecting each other's figure in their pupils.

In the picture, two people meet from the cherry blossom ramp, set up a drama department, work hard to complete the dream scenes, and finally stop in the two people's affectionate look at each other.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on them through the window, as if they were wearing a golden wedding dress.

Warm colors, like a sun, make the hearts of the audience warm, it seems that there is a kind of material named happiness to rush out of their bodies.

Looking back in the twilight, in the spring of the accidental encounter, from meeting, acquaintance, mutual attraction to love, the audience followed along, in tears through the hot summer, as if through a period of green but full of moving and memories of youth, in the late autumn finally got the fruit of happiness!

Dream, family and love are all here to push the story to the end!

This is a beautiful but satisfying story!

Audience with tears for Okazaki and Zhu sent the last blessing!

"Tuanzi, Tuanzi, Tuanzi, Tuanzi family..."

Finally, it was the song "Tuanzi family". However, at this moment, it made fans feel different, very happy and satisfied!

Although I can only see it once a week, the stories of those scenes seem to have happened only yesterday, accompanied by songs that flash through the minds of the audience like lanterns.

They watched Okazaki's world change from gray to colorful. They watched Okazaki find his goal and work hard for it. They saw Okazaki and Zhu fall in love from meeting to the end.

It's like watching the "Tuanzi family" set up little by little.

They are moved by their dreams;

They are moved by the "family";

They are moved by love;

They are moved by clannad!

There is a kind of sadness. Indifferent and permanent;

There is an emotion. Ordinary but grand;

There is a beauty. Small and noble;

There is a kind of moving, bitter but warm.

"Scatter flowers after the end!"

"Scatter flowers after the end!"

In the final song, the audience who forgot to send SMS barrage because they were moved finally recovered and left their own footprints.

"I'm so happy to see" clannad! "

The audience expressed their feelings. This is a work worthy of their memory. It is a work that brings them countless feelings and may even affect their lives.

"Good friends, hand in hand. Form a big circle and build a small town on Tuanzi planet. We all look at each other and laugh at each other.... "

Countless people use SMS barrage to swipe the screen, as if one by one Tuanzi jumped out of the animation, forming a huge and warm Tuanzi family in this world.

This night, countless people lost sleep in the song of "Tuanzi family".

"Clannad is bound to be a new milestone in the master's works!"

Fans express their feelings.

"Although the style is similar to other romantic works, the performance of the plot, the conception, the song, the picture and even the touching are all beyond the previous works!"

"It's a work with endless aftertaste. Every time you look at it, you will have a new feeling."

In praise. There are also some doubts.

"Even so, I feel that there are still some problems that have not been really solved. Like Okazaki and his father. In the end, their relationship seems to be melting, but this is only the beginning. Why his father became like this is not known at all, and whether Okazaki's relationship with his father can be completely solved after that is not known; There is also Fengzi. Fengzi is not dead. She has only become a comatose vegetable. Although Okazaki and others have forgotten, Fengzi has always been around them and will appear from time to time. What's the final outcome of Fengzi, and whether she can wake up or not, has not been said; There is also the story of the fantasy world performed by Nagasaki. No one knows where it came from, why Nagasaki knows it, and Okazaki even has an impression... "

It seems that there are a lot of small problems that have not been expressed in a positive way."It's a happy story, and you can think about it as well as you can. Okazaki and his father have shown signs of melting, and the final settlement will be a matter of time; Fengzi's wish has come true. One day she will come back to life.... "

"Finally, in the setting sun, Okazaki and Zhu look at each other. Okazaki confesses to Zhu, and Zhu accepts Okazaki's confession."

The afterglow of the setting sun is like a golden wedding dress.

That beautiful scene deeply in the minds of countless people.

As for the works with the theme of "love", the general story will come to an end here: it has experienced countless frustrations, ushered in the end in the advertisement and acceptance, and in the blessing of the audience.

Whether he Chen's previous numerous works with similar themes, or countless works with love themes throughout the ages, all end with such stories.

Beautiful, people look forward to, people meet, people moved.

"Clannad" is an animation without a preview of the next episode, because he Chen feels that only the unknown and expectation can make him feel more strongly moved.

So here, in this almost iconic picture, fans are sending "closing congratulatory messages" - everyone already thinks that the story of "clannad" is over.

If "clannad" is a work of love theme, it will be the most perfect and perfect ending here.


Is "clannad" just a "love" theme?

Will "clannad" end like this?

"Clannad" is a romantic work, the so-called "love" - friendship, love, family.

"Clannad" is only involved in it now. If it's over, it's just a work of the same level as other works. However, it is the story after that that that makes clannad sublimate and surpass other works.

"Clannad" will not leave any regrets!

"Clannad" will not leave any flaws!

The real story of "clannad" has just begun - are the tissues ready( Not finished, to be continued