With the coming of the school day, Zhuhe drama department is going to perform on the stage. When everything is developing towards a better side, however, Zhuhe finds out that her parents have been hiding a secret from her.

Zhu's health is not good. When she was a child, her parents neglected to take care of Zhu because of her busy work. As a result, Zhu became seriously ill and almost left the world.

Because of their own negligence and almost lead to catastrophe, the heart of grief, two people wake up in Zhu made an oath: in the future will always be with Zhu's side.

So they gave up their dream jobs, and in order to take care of Zhu all the time, they switched to business and opened a bakery.

Both of them couldn't make bread at the beginning. They abandoned everything completely and learned to make bread from scratch for their daughter's sake.

However, after understanding all this, Zhu blames himself for the reason that his parents are forced to give up their dreams. Even with, self reproach to think that because selfish oneself want to achieve their dreams, waste a lot of time to help her everyone.

Zhu found the video of his father's winning the drama competition when he was a student of this school.

At the end of the video, Qiu Sheng delivers his victory speech.

"I love acting!" He roared out his inner words with all his strength, as if to inject all his feelings into this sentence.

"I will always be on the stage!"

"Be a professional actor!"

"I take this oath!"

"Acting, it's wonderful!"

Qiu Sheng, who was a student, looked sunny and handsome, full of energy. The passionate words of the acting couple. It's deeply affecting everyone.

This is the power of dreams!

But times have changed. Today's Qiu Sheng is not an actor, but an ordinary father who runs a bakery.

Chu's mother, Zaomiao, did not become a teacher either - her dream was to become a teacher. She loved teaching and even set up a Zaomiao private school at home.

All this is because Zhu, in order to take care of the crystallization of their love, they gave up their dream and built a warm nest for their daughter.

This is the greatest and most selfless parental love in the world.

But. For Zhu, this made her feel deeply painful - because of her reasons, her parents lost their dreams. In the eyes of gentle Zhu, this is simply unforgivable!

Selfish and self willed, things that do not belong to Zhu in other people's eyes, are deeply troubling Zhu, like a heavy shackle, which confines Zhu in the pain of self blame.

On school day, it's the theater's turn to perform. Zhu stood stupidly on the stage, but did not move.

She recalled the plain but warm conversation. Her parents never talked about their dream in front of her, and face her with a loving smile every day.

Zhu was silent.

"Dad, mom, what's your dream?"

Watching the animation, the child suddenly asked his parents.

Father looked at the animation and laughed softly.

And the mother rubbed the child's head: "you are our dream!"

At this moment, countless families are asking the same question. The parents who watch the animation with their children answer similar questions from different children and voices.

In Zhu's mind, his father's passionate and loud voice in the video echoes.

"It's wonderful acting!"

"It's wonderful acting!"

"It's wonderful acting!"

How much passion and pursuit of dreams does this sentence contain? However, because of her, my father gave up his favorite acting

Zhu's body began to shake.

Tears welled up from Zhu's eyes.

"Zhu! Don't cry. I believe Qiusheng and Zaomiao love you deeply. They can't fake your smile every day! Don't blame yourself, I believe that even if God gives them another chance, they will still choose you! Because your happiness is their real dream

"Zhu! Don't blame yourself, but respond to your parents' love with your love. A child's smile is a parent's biggest dream

Countless SMS barrage flashed on TV, which is the encouragement and blessing from the heart of countless fans to Zhu!

Zhu bit his teeth and sobbed.I can't wipe my tears.

The audience who came to see the show didn't know, so.

"No, pull down the curtain."


Zhu, who has been helping him to set up a drama department, rehearse, and then step on the stage, worries about him.

However, the stage of drama department is Zhu's dream!

Okazaki gritted his teeth, worried for Zhu. He put his finger on the backstage controller, but he couldn't press it down.

When the curtain is drawn down, Zhu's dream is also drawn down.

Suddenly, Chu's father Qiu Sheng appeared at the door of the auditorium.

"Go and make your dream come true, Zhu!" He roared to Zhu with all his strength, just like his love for "acting" in the video, no, the power in the voice is deeper and deeper!

His roar spread all over the meeting hall and to Zhu's heart.

"Zhu, are you a fool! A child's dream is a parent's dream. It's up to you to realize it. We dream that you can realize your dream! We didn't give up our dreams, we just pinned our dreams on your dreams

"That's what parents are like!"

"That's what families are like!"

"So, from that day on, we've been living a life of baking bread, and we've been longing for this moment!"

"If you are discouraged here, we will be very disappointed! You son of a bitch! It's a big responsibility, you fellow

Heartrending cries, all roared the throat, however, nothing can be more pleasant, more beautiful than such a voice.

This is the roar of love!

In the center of the world, call the beast of love!

"Come on, Zhu!" Zaomiao also stood up. Hard to encourage Zhu.

These words. It resonates with countless parents.

Maybe. There are some wonderful parents in the world.

Perhaps, parents who don't love their children have all kinds of "don't love".

However, all parents who love their children have the same "love" - they all hope that their children can live a better life and live happily.

This is the dream.

Although some parents may be paranoid, take this dream apart and let their children do something he or she doesn't like, their ultimate goal is to make their children stand out and live better. The hope that children can live happily is common.

He Chen thought that at the beginning, his parents were extremely opposed to his choice.

Looking back now, the cartoon was not understood by people at the beginning. From their parents' life experience of most of their life, it is obvious that this is a very risky and uncertain thing.

That's why they are so opposed. For ordinary families, they don't require he Chen to become a rich man, a master or a celebrity. Their idea is very simple, learn a job best, the most secure professional. Find an ordinary but secure job, so safe for a lifetime. This is their biggest dream.

He Chen thought that at the beginning, he was still immature. Although he knew his parents' good intentions, his attitude was too tough - it could be said that he was paranoid. Because only he knew the reason, he firmly believed that he would succeed in the end, but in other people's eyes, it was a kind of blind conceit.

He didn't think about what he would do if the world didn't agree with comics at all?

Once wild talk will become a laughing stock - although his parents and sister will not laugh at him.

If let him do it again now, he has countless very peaceful ways to deal with his parents. Even if he listens to his parents, he can choose any major, and then teach himself comic books in private. What is difficult for others is light and easy for him who has plug-ins.

Perhaps, because he believed in his parents' love for him, he dared to speak so frankly.

Because of "love", his parents finally let him fly his dream - the biggest dream of parents is that their children can realize their dreams!

This is home, this is love.

"Jingyu, I suddenly feel that you should not be with Zhu." Looking at the animation, he Chen said to Yi Jing.

Yi Jing Hui frowned and asked: "why? I don't deserve it? "

To be fair, Yi Jingli has become very vivid, perhaps because she was moved by the script. She took the dubbing and song work of "clannad" very seriously. If there was a little defect, she recorded it again. Although Liu Ying complained, she increased the workload of all animation departments, and asked for subsidies for spiritual loss, youth loss and so on. But it is precisely because of such a conscientious attitude that today's "clannad" surpasses hechen's expectation and can be called perfect."Very good." Hechen nodded and praised Yijing. Seeing that Yijing was angry that he thought he was teasing her again, he continued: "what a good child Zhu is. He felt guilty for it. Look at you. I've heard Liu Ying say that you've forsaken your family many times. If the whole family doesn't agree with you, you've forsaken your family and become a star. You look so domineering and rebellious. It's quite different from Zhu. "

Yi Jing wiped the tears just moved by the animation and pinched hechen's tender loin.

Her parents also love her a lot. They are just opposite to hechen's parents and strongly oppose her rebellious dream. However, in the face of her family's behavior of becoming a singer, her parents can only hold their noses and acquiesce to love her. Otherwise, Liu Ying will not accompany her and protect her in the big dye vat of the entertainment circle.

At the same time, in Yi's home, Yi's parents also watch the animation.

"It's a good animation." Although his daughter's voice has changed a lot, Yi Jingsheng can still hear it. It's the daughter's voice, and his parents can hear what it looks like.

They have gradually accepted this new thing.

"Jinglin is very happy over there."

"She's happy."

"We haven't been to her yet. Why don't we go and see it?"

"Well... That's OK. We have nothing to do now. Let's go shopping."

"Chinese new year? Just in time to get together. "

"It's up to you."( Not finished, to be continued