"I hate mom and Dad!"

As a result of work, Qinmei's father and mother have to go on business. They can't accompany her to spend the birthday they agreed to spend together

Qinmei finally cried and said this sentence to her parents. However, this sentence is the last one she said to her parents.

When her parents' plane had an accident, she left in her "disgusting" voice and never came back. She could no longer convey her "love" to her parents and had no chance to get their forgiveness.

Looking at this story of Qinmei, the audience deeply sympathizes with Qinmei: the last words of her parents turned out to be "disgusting". Her huge self reproach and guilt must be like a curse, tormenting Qinmei - perhaps, she may even blame herself for the death of her parents.

And she will never be redeemed - because her parents have left the world forever.

Qin Mei, who was unwilling to accept this fact in her heart, burned a document in her parents' study. She thought it was a copy of her parents' research paper. It was because of this degradation that her parents left her. She thought that if this degradation disappeared, her parents would come back.

It's very childish, even stupid, but when it comes to young Qinmei, it only makes people feel heartache - for a child, parents are everything. This is a child who has lost everything, longing and praying for happiness!

However, everything is the same, the thesis is gone, and the parents are not back.

The paper was the result of her parents' research, but she destroyed it - regret, she put a heavy shackle on herself. If you mention your parents' names or the pages related to your parents' research, you should collect them. This is actually a kind of nostalgia for her parents. It is also an atonement for his past "mistakes" (burning the "copy of the paper" for his parents' return).

"I don't want to cry."

What Qinmei said to Zhu in the acting department once again came to people's mind. What a strong soul is wrapped under the soft appearance!

In addition to her unique self introduction, she also has her violin.

In Qin Mei's memory, her violin is very beautiful, but now, what she is pulling out is the Dementor sound that only she can be intoxicated with. To savor again. Will understand, because now the sound of the violin, has lost her original taste of happiness.

"Are you awake?"

Okazaki restores the courtyard of Qinmei to the beautiful appearance in his memory. Sitting on the chair in the courtyard, he looks at the book that Qinmei once handed him. This is the story he once read with Qinmei, the girl of dandelion.

In my dream, the happy days when I met with Qinmei, like a trickle of water, gradually gushed out from the dusty memory.

Open your eyes. It's afternoon. The afterglow of the setting sun cast a warm color.

Okazaki saw the girl and finally came out of the room where she had closed herself.

Wearing a black dress. As if back to the moment when we met.

"Maybe still dreaming." Okazaki replied.

This is a dream that has been stagnated for several years, and has begun to continue again.

His father's suitcase, which his parents' colleagues brought to Qinmei, was spotted. After a long journey, it finally came to Qinmei.

This is the last legacy of my parents.

Qinmei opens the suitcase, but what appears in it is not the paper she expected, but a bear doll

"I want a baby bear doll for my birthday!"

This is the birthday present that Qinmei hoped to get when she was a child.

Qinmei takes the doll out of the suitcase. Just like the suitcase, it is stained and dirty. A letter suddenly floats down from the bear.

On the back of the envelope, she said, "if you find this suitcase, please mail it to our daughter.".

The signature is the abbreviation of Qinmei's parents' name. Qinmei is very familiar with this note. Papers that her parents study together always use this abbreviation.

For a long time, Qinmei thought that the document burned by herself was her parents' paper. She lived in guilt and remorse for it. She studied hard, collected books related to her parents' research, and made atonement for his "mistakes".

Now, however, she learned that it was not a thesis. Before leaving, her father had been revising his thesis, and there was no time to leave a copy of it. What was in the document was the catalogue of bear dolls, a birthday gift for Qinmei.The suitcase was originally filled with the papers of Qinmei's parents. However, in the end, Qinmei's parents threw away all the research papers and put the doll and the letter in instead.

"To Qinmei:

The world is beautiful. Even if it is full of sadness and tears, please open your eyes, do what you want to do, become what you want to be, find your friends, and grow up slowly.


This is the baby bear found in the gift shop. Although we have found many places, only this baby is the biggest. Time is running out, I can't send it to you from the airport, my lovely Qinmei.


Happy birthday to you. "

In just a few words, the emotion contained in it is beyond the heaviness of life!

This is Qinmei's late birthday gift, and also full of the most sincere, beautiful and greatest wishes from her parents!

At the last moment of life, what parents are concerned about is still Qinmei!

This late birthday gift is also a redemption for Qinmei, so that she does not have to use the shackles of "atonement" to imprison herself!

This is the greatest and most selfless emotion in the world - the love of parents!

The traces on the suitcase tell of his rugged journey. It must have traveled all over the world. There are small towns in the desert, islands full of ice and snow, steep mountains and lush green land, which are passed on by many people.

If you find this suitcase, please mail it to our daughter.

13 There are two languages, repeating the same sentence.

chinese. English. French. Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Hindi, Indonesian, Persian, Portuguese, Japanese. Korean, Russian

Countless words interlaced, no how magnificent music accompaniment, no gorgeous scene, but at that moment, the audience was shocked by the greatest emotion in the world - love!

This is not only carrying the love of Qinmei's parents, but also the relay and inheritance of love in this beautiful world!

Once again, the audience was moved by the deep love of their parents!

When the "Tuanzi family" rings out again, at this moment. It has a different charm.

Round ball, one by one. Forming a big circle is like the earth. In a trance, the whole world seems to become a warm family.

Throat as if blocked by something, quietly dry tears.

Joanne is sitting on one sofa, and her parents are sitting on another sofa. Although it is the same story as before, it is not cold. There is a feeling of blood connection in the void, which connects them.


Cao Jun bought a bottle of Maotai, which was either high-end or ordinary. His father often drank it.

He also bought peanuts with vinegar, cooked beef, and simply ordered wine and vegetables.

In their home, he and his father were the only two people, pushing a cup for a cup, drinking wine and chatting.

My father was very happy. He drank a lot, a lot, and laughed. Tears flowed down, scalding, burning Cao Jun's skin and his heart.


After Jiang Yan finished, he dried his tears, picked up the phone and dialed his mother.

The word "Ma..." contains countless complex feelings, but it is not as good as an ordinary reply.

"Xiaoyan? What's the matter? "

Mother's words always reveal a kind of care that has become her habit, such as breeze and drizzle, every word and every action hidden in life, even make her imperceptible.

The air seemed so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

"Xiaoyan? What's up? What's the matter? How about over there? Are you still used to eating and living? Are you unhappy at work

Silence, let mother ask again.

Hearing his mother's voice, Jiang Yan said with a smile: "Mom, it's OK. I'm still used to it. It's very good here. When you and dad are free, you can come here to play. There are many interesting places here. The company is also very good, very comfortable. "

"When I jumped from CCTV to this company, I heard that private enterprises are squeezing employees very hard... Forget it, just be happy." Mother nagging, even Jiang Yan's bad sleeping posture can nag for a long time.

In the past, she always felt very upset and felt that her mother was too wordy. Now, however, she can listen to her mother's nagging quietly. Even the top and most gorgeous concert is not as good as her mother's nagging."Mom, how about the massager I bought for you and my dad last time? Is it working? Is my father still suffering from rheumatism? "

"Very good, very good."

The mother's answer is always the two words "very good". As long as he hears these two words, even if there is any more trouble in Jiang Yan's heart, it will disappear.

"By the way, did you talk about boyfriends? Your uncle Xia's son has just come back from abroad. He is very nice. You can get to know him first, and the son of your Aunt Xue's relative, who is a promising young man in Tianhai Discipline Inspection Commission. You can also talk about it. "


If it wasn't for her mother to lead to this aspect every time, she wouldn't be afraid to call her mother all the time.

Love and life are really troublesome!


He Chen's parents live next door to him. Now they eat together every day. The whole family is very busy.

Yi Jinghui also called her parents and talked for a long time. She talked about the past, the present and the future until late into the night. At the beginning, she was particularly rebellious and worried about her parents.

Ma Meizi also called her parents. Her eyes were as red as a rabbit. She was more and more like Lingxian.

Countless love signals to the world, connecting people, forming one circle after another, pouring out warmth, playing the same song - Tuanzi family( Not finished, to be continued