Qinmei opens the window, the breeze is gentle, and the curtain and her hair are rolled up.

With her eyes half closed and half open, she is as lazy as a beauty who doesn't wake up, with a hint of sadness and loneliness. She turns her head slightly to Okazaki... As if to the audience in front of the TV.

The soft voice is as smooth as ever, but it has an unusual taste.

"The day before yesterday... I saw the rabbit. Yesterday was the deer. Today, it's you."


I can't say why, but seeing this scene, the only word emerging from my heart is "good beauty".

This kind of beauty is a very wonderful feeling.

Qinmei's words are also deeply imprinted in Joanne's heart.

"I saw the little rabbit the day before yesterday. Yesterday was deer, today is you..."

Next to him, his father suddenly repeated a sentence with inexplicable emotion and melancholy in his voice.

"Do you know that?" The father asked again.

"Well?" Perhaps out of concern for Qinmei, he replied to his father's words with curiosity in his voice.

"Dandelion girl... This is Robert the American writer? Franklin? Yang's short story of science fiction love is also his most famous work. Published in April 1961, "the Saturday Evening Post" was also nominated as Hugo Award for best story. I saw a rabbit the day before yesterday, a deer yesterday, and you today

The fire in my father's words suddenly disappeared. With never had of calm manner, lightly said to Qiao an.

Maybe. He wasn't talking to Joanne. Just talking to yourself.

Is it a foreign science fiction short story?

How could father know this sentence?

Although the heart is curious. But he didn't ask anything, as if he had asked his father, and the long-lasting family fighting had failed.

Father went on talking to himself.

"One day, a man in his forties named Mark met a girl in her twenties, Julie, on the mountain. Mark found himself in love with the girl, but he already had a wife, Anne. He loves his wife very much, but he finds that his heart falls in love with another woman, which makes him very painful. "

"Bang. There's nothing painful about it. Since we all like it, let's take it all away. " Joanne blurted out that although she was watching TV, her attention had already been attracted by her father's words.

The father gave him a deep look and said nothing.

Joanne was very uncomfortable. He ignored his father all the time. This was the first time that his father didn't respond to his words, which made him feel that he was ignored as a "child".

He didn't show his displeasure, since his father didn't say it. It just allows him to watch the animation quietly.

There was a sudden silence in the room.

After a while, my father's voice rang out again.

"Julie said she came from 240 years later. The two chatted happily about many interesting topics. Her father invented the time machine. Mark asked her if she often came here. Julie said, "this is my favorite time coordinate. Sometimes I stand here for several hours and keep watching. The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. Yesterday, it was a deer. Today, it is you."

A girl from the future, looking at the "past" scenery novelty - these are in the future has not seen the "history".

A beautiful picture unfolded in Joanne's mind, but in the middle of it, Joanne impolitely interrupted: "if you always return to the same place on time with the time machine, how can there be yesterday?" He could think of all these questions. He began to doubt the truth of the story, whether it was his father's deliberate nonsense.

"Mark said the same thing." His father laughed, as if mocking his intelligence, which made Joanne very unhappy.

The father then said, "Julie said that's because the time machine, like other things, is also affected by time, so if you want to keep the same 'time coordinates', you have to turn back its clock pointer every 24 hours. She didn't do that because she prefers to come back every time on a different day."

Joanne stopped talking.

"Mark fell in love with Julie, and they agreed to continue to meet here. An uncontrollable curiosity made mark tremble like a passion for life.""At the age of 20, mark was a serious young man who passed the law school through his own efforts; When he was 24 years old, he had his own career. Although his career was small at that time, it occupied all of him - oh well, not all. When he married Anne, there was a short period of time - work lost its sense of urgency to some extent. Then, with the coming of the war, there was another period - much longer this time - when the work was not only remote, but sometimes despicable. However, after he returned to civilian life, the sense of urgency of work came back, and it seemed even more urgent as revenge, because at this time, he not only had to raise his wife, but also his son, Jeff. As a result, mark was occupied by his work, except for the four week vacation every year, which he only allowed himself to enjoy in recent years. In the first two weeks, he would go with Annie and Jeff to a resort chosen by the latter; In the next two weeks, when Jeff returns to school, he and Anne will be alone in their cabin by the lake, maybe not alone

After that, my father stopped for a long time - but not long, because the animation was not finished yet.

Joanne vaguely felt something: one was sudden violence, which even made people unable to control themselves; The other is the plain daily life, which is not surprising every day, nothing new, running for life.

It's boring, it's exciting - it's extramarital.

His father continued to tell the stories of mark, Julie and Anne, and Joanne's attention had been completely attracted by his father's story - as if he had gone back to his childhood, before he went to bed. His parents gently told him countless strange stories.

He remembered the father he admired most when he was a child. Because my father never had to read when he told him stories. My father's brain is a great library of countless stories.

Annie and Julie, what kind of choice will mark make in the end?

Joanne was deeply attracted.

Mark and Julie are talking about a lot of topics and their own lives. They share many hobbies, although Transcendentalism, Berkeley's and relativity are not suitable for a man and a girl to talk about on the hilltop in September, especially when the man is 44 years old and the girl is only 21 years old, Mark didn't realize that until just now. Fortunately, however, compensation is still behind them. Their happy discussion on Transcendentalism not only leads to the conclusion of "earlier" and "later", but also leads to the subtle spark in the girl's eyes; Their criticism of Berkeley's doctrine not only emphasized the inherent defects of the pious Bishop's theory, but also made the girl's face more red; Their review of the theory of relativity not only proves that energy is always equal to the square of mass times the speed of light, but also proves that knowledge is not only not an obstacle, but also an attractive wealth for women.

For the next few days, Mark would meet Julie on the mountain every day. However, one day, the girl did not come to the mountain. For several days, the girl didn't come.

Even so, mark still goes to see it every day. What are you looking forward to. A few days later, he saw the girl - Julie's father died. Julie is heartbroken. Mark comforted Julie.

And the time machine also has a problem, she does not know how to replace parts, maybe only to travel again.

"If I can't come, please remember - I love you!"

Julie confessed to a man more than 20 years older than herself.

Then Julie disappeared, Mark would go to the hill every day, but the girl never appeared again. Mark sat on the granite for hours, staring at the place where the girl disappeared.

I saw a rabbit the day before yesterday, a deer yesterday, and you today.

"In the end? Julie never showed up again? Mark continues to be with Annie? " Joanne asked. It's a pity that the ending is like this, but he thinks it's just like this.

Father did not answer, took out a cigarette, ready to point, thought about it, but put down the cigarette.

"Annie is Julie. Mark opened a suitcase that Annie had never asked him to open. It was Julie's white dress that he had seen inside. There was a note on the dress: I saw a rabbit the day before yesterday, a deer yesterday, and you today. "

"Bullshit, if that's the case, how can he not recognize..." Joanne said, and generally stopped.

Twenty years ago, mark didn't know Julie, and Julie did something to avoid the time and Space Police (her behavior through time and space is illegal, and the time and Space Administration forbids it), such as changing her name.

Julie can't tell mark her identity, because twenty years ago, mark didn't know her at all. Twenty years later, she has grown old and is no longer as young and beautiful as she used to be. Julie still can't tell her identity, and mark didn't recognize Julie at the first time - maybe he never thought about that aspect, My wife, who has been married to me for 20 years, is a girl from 240 years who I knew only after 20 years.Twenty years ago and twenty years later, mark was in love with the same person.

The good side is Mark's everlasting love for Julie.

On the other hand, why does the person he loves so much change his mind? Is the mild warmth equal to the stimulation that comes suddenly after all? In other words, insipid and boring, wear away the once sincere love?

He looked at his father.

"In the end, what happened to mark and Annie?" Joanne knew he would be together, but he confirmed to his father.

"They walked home hand in hand..."

The father said a word, then got up, went to the bedroom, thought it should be to see Joanne's mother.

Just at this time, the animation just finished, and the familiar song of "Tuanzi family" sounded.

Joanne looked at it silently. In the song, he felt something he had never felt before( Not finished, to be continued

ps The eleventh part of "9999 death methods of porters" written by Fan Wai

Hechen: Oh, Mr. Bei.

Bear greers: the day before yesterday was rabbit, yesterday was deer, today is you

He Chen, death.