Prince of Falklands!

What's wrong with the title!

Of course, this is not the time to delve into this. Whether the royal family owes itself or not, William becomes king, and that all offsets. At least compared with what her woman Sumitomo Ning did, what the queen of England did, Lin Feng was acceptable.

"Congratulations, my King William!" Lin Feng laughed and gave a hug.

"Hey, my royal highness, you will be loyal to my king from now on." William said with a burst of laughter, "by the way, did you say something to grandma, otherwise why did she suddenly decide to pass it on to me?"

Lin Feng smiles.

"I did say something, but I want her to be sure that you are the first in line, not the second. Just did not want to, but she directly decided to retire from you. It seems that all this has been planned in her mind for a long time, but it needs an opportunity. After all, you are much better than your father Charles, and she has been hesitant because she has to care for her mother and son, and I have given her a chance to be the prince this time! " Lin Feng explained.

For these, Lin Feng did not cheat William. As for the video, it can only be said that this is Sumitomo Ning's personal behavior, which has nothing to do with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has a clear conscience, so he doesn't need to explain and make things complicated.

William nodded.

"It's just that I'm sorry for my father!" There was a lonely and guilty look on William's face.

Lin Feng patted William on the shoulder.

"William, you don't have to feel guilty about it. You should be very clear about the pressure on her Majesty in the 21st century! " Lin Feng looked serious. "After your royal family no longer has any substantive rights, the biggest pressure is the huge conflict between the people's economic living standards and the huge annual expenses of your royal family. I've heard that the queen is considering whether to cut out the royal family's huge membership system and prepare to separate the sidelines from the royal family so that they will no longer enjoy all kinds of royal treatment! "

William nodded. There's no way. There's too much pressure from British society. At present, the economic environment in Britain is not good. Although the economy keeps a small growth every year, in fact, it also involves a very helpless and serious problem - the widening gap between the rich and the poor.

The widening gap between the rich and the poor is originally the most intractable problem faced by the developing countries in the third world in their economic development. But now, these developed countries are also facing such problems.

Originally, the social structure of these developed countries was "Rugby", that is, small at both ends and big in the middle. There is a large middle class to support the country. That way, the country is the healthiest.

However, they also ignored a question, that is, what is the most fundamental factor in the human world? It's human! People are the basic elements of our sense perception of the world. No one, our world will collapse.

People are born with inequality. People's intelligence quotient is determined by nature. Some people are born smarter than others. They can master all kinds of knowledge and skills easily. And those who are not smart, to be very, very hard to master a little bit.

The simplest analogy is the difference between Xueba and xuezha. There is a joke that goes like this: one day, xuezha got 100 points in the exam and went to show off to Xueba. But Xueba said that you got 100 points, which is the limit of your efforts, while I got 100 points, because the paper only got 100 points.

This is how domineering a word, but do the cruel reality of today's society.

The reason why the gap between the rich and the poor is widening is that no matter how hard they try, they can't do what Xueba can. What's more, many Xueba are working as hard as xuezha. Then, the gap will be bigger and bigger. The direct result is that the gap between the rich and the poor will become larger and larger. Once the gap between the rich and the poor widens, society will naturally be unhappy.

And whether the poor or the ordinary middle class are faced with this cruel fact, will they blame themselves? can't! People can never see their own shortcomings, what they see are the shortcomings of others. Naturally, they don't think of their own problems, but blame the injustice of the social system. They attack the reasons that seem to make them poor. Will envy those who are born with a good life.

For example, the British royal family! This is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

In fact, Lin Feng thinks that Prince William and they are lucky enough. At least the British royal family does not exist in China. Assuming that there is a royal family in China, I'm afraid that I've been scolded for a long time.

Isn't it the latest four talent rankings: Japanese devils, Korean clubs, Vietnamese monkeys, and Chinese blowers. Among them, the Chinese jet ranked first.

This is not Lin Feng's slander of the Chinese people, but a really helpless thing. Most of them are people who live at the bottom of the society. They don't try to change their own destiny, but they complain. They have free time, not to charge to improve themselves, but to online abuse. And, no matter what, you can abuse it.

The result is that Xueba continues to make progress and to control more social resources, while xuezha is more forced. In the end, his youth is exhausted and he can only place his hope on the next generation.

However, the theory of genetic inheritance has proved that the children of Xueba are Xueba and the children of xuezha are xuezha. Of course, it's not absolute, but at least it's true for the vast majority, unless there's a genetic mutation.

Heredity, it's very realistic.

Of course, society is unfair. But when you can't change society, you can only change yourself. When you meet Xueba with the same effort, you may not be able to surpass, but you can work harder than Xueba to surpass yourself. Make your life better, not worse.

"William, your rise is the result of the times. The queen must abdicate, or your royal family will suffer a great change. I think that her Majesty's early abdication is also the last effort to keep the royal status of other members of the royal family! The rest is up to you. " Lin Feng sighed, "of course, I will help you. I think that's what her majesty wants to see! "

Why do the British people have so much dissatisfaction with the British royal family? Why didn't they have it before? It is because over the past decade, with the rapid development of world economic integration and the decline of Britain itself, the British people have become more and more dissatisfied with themselves. There is only one way to change this discontent: to improve the economy.

With so much cash in hand, he is the biggest gold owner in the world. To improve the British economy is just an idea. After all, the overall structure of the UK here is much more reasonable than that of China. Moreover, people's living standards are not so poor. After all, Britain is a welfare state.

The reason why the people are dissatisfied is that their living conditions are worse than before, and the situation is deteriorating, which makes them dissatisfied. So it's not too difficult to change. It's not like China. It's hard to get back.

Lin Feng always wanted to change China. He got the blueprint of agricultural mechanization from France and signed the contract of related machinery from Germany. But why not? The reason is the idea. The concept of Chinese people has not changed. It is still very traditional. It's impossible to predict the consequences of doing things rashly.

And where are so many people going? What skills do they have to survive when they go to work in cities? Are all pouring into Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou? That will only have more negative effects. This is a big plan that will affect the whole body. Lin Feng didn't dare to do it easily. Otherwise, if you do something wrong with your good intentions, you will be reviled by the whole country. That's unnecessary.

Although Lin Feng has a large number of fans now, most of them just follow the trend, except for some of the die hard fans who really support themselves or even believe in themselves. These people can believe in themselves today and spit at themselves tomorrow.

Why? China is a country without faith. People lack faith. No matter what you believe in, whether you believe in Taoism, Buddhism or Christianity, no matter what. The Chinese have no faith.

The biggest drawback of atheist countries is that people are easy to get out of control. Because we can't find the harbor of our soul, we are easy to lose control and do all kinds of extreme things. Although it is said that there will also be crimes committed by various extremist organizations in countries with faith. But that's a minority.

In China, as far as Lin Feng knows, there are too many such things. I've heard too much about the massacre. Think about Tang Feng and you can see how heinous the massacre is.

Moreover, it is not a good thing that the whole country believes in money first.

Businessmen can be money first. But one country, one nation, can't. If so, it is not far from chaos and destruction.

"Lin, should I comfort my father now?" Asked Prince William.

I'm sorry that I became king and my father continued to live a miserable millennium.

"William, I don't think you used to be well now. Don't worry, I've invited the prince of Wales to my island of Safira dura to help me with the hotel decoration. I'm going to rebuild there and build a castle there. So, the prince of Wales, please give me some advice Lin Feng said with a smile, "where is isolated from the world, beautiful scenery, complete facilities, 300 days of sunshine a year, you can enjoy the unlimited scenery of the Mediterranean. I think it's easy to get addicted to it! "

William moved and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Lin! It's my pleasure to have you as a brother William sighed.

When Prince Charles goes there, he will be able to say goodbye to the noise of public opinion and leave the world for a while, so as to have a good self-cultivation. It can also make up for the possible rift between their father and son.

"My king, this is what my subject should do!" Lin Feng joked.