"I've been in power for 57 years. Now I'm old. I feel very old and frail. I can't serve as Queen any more to serve my country!" Queen Elizabeth's tone revealed an old context, "now this world belongs to young people! When I see the prince of Falklands, I feel that time has passed and youth is no longer there. Moreover, over the years, as a wife to my family, I have been very derelict in my duties. For my husband, Prince Philip, I am not a qualified wife. So, I want to abdicate, return to family and enjoy family life! "

Everyone was moved. For Queen Elizabeth, they were awed. Over the years, British diplomacy has been full of flexibility because of Queen Elizabeth. It is no longer the tough diplomacy of the old imperialism, but more gentle because of Queen Elizabeth.

Although Queen Elizabeth does not have any real rights, any of her decisions can not change the country's prime minister's policy. But because of her presence, there is a buffer zone in British diplomacy.

Queen Elizabeth's diplomatic means, as well as wisdom, that is for all to see. However, she owes a lot to her family. Her whole life has been dedicated to this country.

So, who will she pass the throne to? Prince Charles, or is the throne really passed to Prince William in advance?

"I will pass the throne to --" Queen Elizabeth's words, caused the whole audience, and even the world's close attention.

Who will be the future king of England? King Charles or King William?

"I will pass on to the Royal Knights of the Duke of Cambridge, the Earl of stratson, the Baron of Carrickfergus, the noblest of the order of Gard, the oldest and noblest of the order of thistle, and Her Majesty's personal aide, William Arthur Philip Louis." Queen Elizabeth announced her decision.

Prince William, will be King William!

Lin Feng smiles and takes the lead in clapping.

With the applause of Lin Feng, the whole scene gave out cheers and warm applause. For Prince William, all of them are supportive. It is not only in Westminster Abbey, but also the people all over the world who have expressed their heartfelt wishes for William to become king of England.

Especially in Britain, all the people took to the streets to cheer Prince William as the new king of England. For Prince William, the British people support him from the heart.

No matter in appearance, talent, or behavior, Prince William is never perfect. He has all the virtues that princes have, and he has the bravery that most princes don't have. If such a prince does not become a king, who will become a king?

Who would be more popular if the handsome Prince William appeared in front of the public with a crown and the aging Prince Charles appeared in front of the British people with a crown? Who will be more loved by the British people?

I think there should be no suspense.

As for her majesty, she has done a lot to this country, but she is old. And now is the world of young people, now this society, the desire is fresh power, Prince William can better represent the royal family, on behalf of the country!

"Now let's invite our future king to make a speech!" Queen Elizabeth applauded and invited Prince William to take the stage. "Of course, our new prince of Falklands won't feel that today, the guests are overwhelming."

Lin Feng smiles. He knew that this was a little revenge of the queen of England for herself, a little loss of face. At the same time, it is also to determine the status of William. Although I'm a prince, I can't compare with Prince William in terms of status and position.

Of course, at the same time, he is telling Lin Feng that William is the king and so popular. He is the most popular royal member in the history of the British royal family, and he will certainly become the most popular king in the history of Britain.

Therefore, any stain on William must be removed, and it can never exist in this world.

Lin Feng nodded to Queen Elizabeth.

"Your Majesty, I'm honored to be a prince, and I'm as happy as all the British people that William can be king. I believe that our future King William will be the best king ever! The king most loved by the people“ Lin Feng gives Queen Elizabeth a reassurance.

Prince William, no, it's time to call him the future King William.

"I am very grateful to the heads of state and the royal families of all countries for participating in today's canonization ceremony. It's a surprise, though, that her Majesty would be willing to abdicate early and give way to me. I am afraid of this responsibility. Over the past 57 years, her majesty has set an extremely brilliant example for all our royal family members. She has told us how to bear the responsibility on our shoulders, how to serve the country and all our people as members of the royal family! Today, her majesty announces that I will do my best to serve this country and all my people by entrusting this important task to me Prince William delivered an impassioned speech.

Applause thundered again.

The whole of England once again cheers for their prince, the future king!

A new era is coming!

Queen Elizabeth had a happy face. Although her abdication was not entirely voluntary. But she had this plan and this idea in her heart. After all, she has been in power for 57 years, a long time, a long time.

People always like the new and dislike the old. Why? Is tired, is tired! It's the same with her. But, she abdicated, who will take over the problem, has been bothering her.

She likes, appreciates and values William, but Charles is her son after all! Blood dissolves in water! The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. How does she choose? No choice!

This time, Lin Feng's "forced Palace" also gave her the courage and excuse to choose.

For the sake of England, for the sake of Lin Feng, Charles, my mother has no choice but to apologize to you! Queen Elizabeth murmured in her heart.

Who is the saddest person in Britain at the moment? It's Prince Charles.

Prince Charles is the eldest son of the queen of England and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is the oldest prince in British history. Yes, it's the longest time in history! Now, William is king, and what about him? Or is it?

yes! It's still! At least until Prince William, oh no, King William had his own son, Charles was still the first in line. It's just that the position of the successor is too embarrassing.

My son has become king, but I am still a king. Moreover, he can't resign from his position as a communist. Because, William did not marry, no children, then he must bear the first identity in England.

How embarrassing! This is the most important reason why Queen Elizabeth has been thinking about it for so long, but she has not made up her mind. Charles, it's embarrassing.

But all this is inevitable. Even if King William gets married immediately, it will take at least a year for Queen Kate to get pregnant and have children. That is to say, conservatively speaking, at least Prince Charles will have to live in the UK for a year under the public's eyes with the status of being the first man in embarrassment.

This year, I don't know how many laughs he will become. I don't know how long those gossip magazines will make fun of him. It's not for everyone. Even said that the public opinion's ridicule, can let the human collapse directly.

A lot of money is wasted!

This sentence comes from the tenth biography of Zhang Yi, Volume 70 of the historical records: "when I heard about it, I accumulated my feathers and sank my boat, and all my friends broke their axes lightly." I hope that the king will examine and approve it, and give me the bones to build up the Wei Dynasty. "

Of course, the earliest is from Guoyu · zhouyu Part 2: the unity of mind, the unity of mouth.

The pressure of public opinion, even if you are steel, can be melted. People slander you together, which can make you immortal. This kind of public opinion pressure is not what ordinary people can bear.

Queen Elizabeth has nothing to do with it. The only compensation is to let Charles go on holiday for more than a year in the future, instead of staying in the royal family and Britain. Only in this way can we leave the vortex of public opinion temporarily.

At this time, Lin Feng came.

"Prince of Wales, I have an island in Spain. Recently, it is undergoing renovation and is ready to be redecorated to achieve a seven star design. Considering that it will receive royal family members from all countries in the future, I would like to ask the Duke of Cornwall to give us some advice! Thank you very much Lin Feng asked.

Prince of Wales, this is the title of Prince Charles, his full name should be: Prince of Wales (the special title of the heir to the British throne during the period of the throne), the Earl of Chester, the Duke of Cornwall, the Earl of Carrick, Baron renfrey, the isles of Scotland, Lord Stuart.

Prince Charles was stunned. He was not a fool. He naturally understood what Lin Feng meant. It's an invitation to him to stay out of the limelight. And Lin Feng's Island, he knows. Safira dura, Spain, is the most expensive private island in the world.

The rent is as high as $230000 a week, which makes most people sigh. Besides, it's still the price a few years ago. Today, with the improvement of Lin Feng's global status, the weekly rent of the island is also rising. Moreover, in most cases, you may not be able to rent if you have money.

Because Lin Feng is not short of money. He doesn't usually rent out. Unless it is the face of human relations can not be erased, he will rent out!

"Thank you, Prince Falklands Prince Charles would not refuse Lin Feng's kindness.

Although he became the most embarrassing prince in history, there is a certain reason because of Lin Feng. But he would not blame Lin Feng. Lin Feng is the catalyst, but not the main reason. Prince William's excellence, as well as his own failure in life, is the key.

Besides, Prince William is his son, there is no reason to envy his son!

Then, he has to express his gratitude to Lin Feng.

"Prince Falklands, I hope you will find out the source of your Falklands later! The royal family owes you something in this matter! " Prince Charles whispered.

(the end of two shifts today, and strive for three shifts tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)