Wang Fuzi, whose name is "Er Nong", is called Jiang Zhai and Xi Tang. He, Gu Yanwu and Huang Zongxi were known as the three great thinkers in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. His works include Zhouyi waizhuan, Huangshu, Shangshu Yinyi, Yongli Shilu, Chunqiu Shilun, Menggu, dutongjian and songlun.

Wang Fuzhi studied with his father and brother when he was young. In his youth, Wang Fuzhi took an active part in the anti Qing uprising. In his later years, Wang Fuzhi lived in seclusion in shichuanshan. He wrote books and biographies and signed his own name as Chuanshan's sick old man and Nanyue's adherents.

Of course, it also has a name, which is called the smartest Chinese in 300 years. His greatest achievement is in philosophy, abandoning the ancients' ideas which are obviously against human relations, such as "preserving the principle of heaven, eliminating human desires". His thought, in the Qing Dynasty, was obviously ahead of China at that time, and close to the West.

As for this sentence: two hundred years have passed since the great maladministration made the people sick. what do you mean? This is a comment on the malpractice of issuing currency in ancient dynasties. It means that the bad government of your Dynasty will harm the people for 200 years. In short, it will have far-reaching influence and poison the people. Because, once all dynasties encounter difficulties and financial crisis, what they do is not to solve all kinds of maladministration, not to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, not to promote market flow, but to issue money indiscriminately.

And the result is inflation. Overnight, money is not money. This is true in all ages. Every dynasty, on the verge of crisis, issued money indiscriminately. Even in modern times, it was the same in the period of the Kuomintang.

During the period of the Kuomintang, there was a dilemma of buying an egg with a bundle of money. In the end, the monetary system collapsed and the people only accepted barter.

"What I want to say is that for the country, it's not bad whether you give it or not. The country can print 18 trillion banknotes at the same time. At that time, the inflation of prices will ultimately be on you. To some extent, if you don't take it out now, it's self-protection! As for your promise of 3 million to the public, my attitude towards it is, ha ha! " Mr. Wen smiles.

Lin Feng has a black face.

Ha ha, these are the two most disgusting words on the Internet. I didn't expect Mr. Wen to do the same to himself.

"Don't be angry. How to say, there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is when the 3 million you promised to the people will be delivered and when the price will expand. Even if your money comes from the United States, in principle, it should definitely improve the level of the national economy and let the people enjoy welfare. However, under some interest groups, they will force money to be issued indiscriminately, eventually raise prices, enjoy profits, and let you carry the black pot! " Mr. Wen said with a smile.

Lin Feng turned his lips. This belongs to an interest group, for which Lin Feng can only shrug helplessly. It's not easy to defeat this interest group. It's a complex interest group that has existed for decades. It's not easy to beat yourself. Perhaps, we can only take our time.

"Of course, the advantage is that because you promised, you can't use the money now. You have no money! You don't have that much money. So you can't take out the 18 trillion dollars now. Therefore, prices can not be inflated now, and those people, they will not issue money indiscriminately at this time, leading to price rise. Because, you announce your asset proof at any time, it is enough to let them eat evil fruit! So, now you're in a dead circle. Let's see who starts first. What else can I say about it, except ha ha Mr. Wen shrugged and looked helpless.

Lin Feng thought, indeed, at the moment can only ha ha. But this ha ha, very uncomfortable. Of course, there is even more unpleasant is that someone said ignore you. That's too sad! That's the tormenting goblin! Of course, Lin Feng's proposal is to spank.

"It's not money, so what's the reason?" Lin Feng is very curious.

"Ha ha..."

"No, ha ha!" Lin Feng's helpless protest.

"You should have heard a saying that every man is innocent, and he is guilty." Mr. Xi said in a deep voice, "you control too much technology that we can't control. And these technologies, for politicians and for the military, are things that inflate their ambitions. For example, with your "gravity magnetic field" technology, you can now build a flying saucer. If it is used in military, the strength of the air force can be increased by several times, and it can instantly compete with the strength of American space! Moreover, as far as the army is concerned, once the tank can possess the "gravity magnetic field" technology, it will be possible to turn a natural moat into a smooth road. You say, can this not arouse the salivation of the military? "

"And Nuwa, the digital life, has long been noticed. I just didn't expect it to be so powerful. The United States tells us that your "Nu Wa" can break through the network system of any world. In the information age, "Nu Wa" is the king! It's God! You said, "can they not be moved?" Mr Wen added.

"And you are in charge of all this. And the most important solar technology. This is also the super technology to change the oil resources, which is still in your hands. It's said that you still have more powerful "dead light technology" in your hands. You say that if you have these technologies, you will cherish them. You say that they have a chance. Can they not deal with you? " Mr. Xi asked.

"Plus you're from our department, there's an excuse to block us!" Mr. Xi added, "so all this is false. It's all driven by profit. But before, there was no excuse, and the timing was not right! "

Lin Feng nodded.

It's true that everyone is innocent and guilty. He has too much.

"Aren't they afraid of me making trouble?" Lin Feng is very curious.

"You should know what happened in the 1980s! You should also know what happened in the '90s! In the 21st century, even if something bigger happens, everything will be submerged in the long river of time. In our country, nothing matters. What you have is nothing but a beautiful soap bubble, which will burst as soon as you poke it Mr. Wen shook his head. "Of course, except for Chiyou, which you have, it's beyond all our imagination. However, according to our intelligence, you do have a mysterious army, but it should not be so powerful. When Sir Rothschild was attacked at Frankfurt Airport, his fighting power was terrible, but it was far less terrible than it is now! "

"So it led to their blunder!" Mr. Xi sighed, "otherwise, the strength of a division is enough to quell any accident. Including your "wolf teeth", it is impossible for foreign "wolf teeth" to enter China! Come in one, catch one! After all, they are all from the military. Those who go out from the military know their roots and know their bottom. These people can be smuggled back to China in small quantities. But it's impossible to come in on a large scale! "

Two gentlemen sigh. Originally, their calculations were very accurate, but in the end, they accidentally missed Lin Feng's Chiyou, who was so abnormal. Otherwise, Lin Feng is already a caged bird.

"Well, it seems that I am lucky. Maybe I have to thank the eight families!" Lin Feng suddenly has a little smile. If the old DuPont knew that his missile made Chiyou evolve, he would not only fail to blow himself up, but also harm the DuPont family and help Chiyou protect himself from a political crisis. He didn't know what to think!

Maybe the old DuPont in the hell of Yin Dynasty had already vomited blood.

"Well, there's another point. Why don't you directly use the power of the local government to deal with me? To some extent, a ministry can use its power to punish me!" Lin Feng asked, "after all, you two can't help me this time!"

This time, the two gentlemen were restrained for various reasons, and they were totally unable to help Lin Feng. If there is no one on it, a minister can deal with Lin Feng.

"Do you think they are not afraid‘ The Revenge of Tang Feng is a taboo for them. In particular, you have bodyguards around you. They put you on Shanghai to deal with you blatantly. They worry that you will bombard Shanghai directly! " Mr. Xi said, "you dare to bombard Tokyo. I'm in a hurry. What do you dare not do? "

In terms of naval power alone, a country is inferior to a private one, which is also the most intolerable thing for the military. This is also the cause of Lin Feng's disaster.

"What's more, the most taboo thing for them is that you run away! You have to run away, believe that no one can stop you. The whole Shanghai is a piece of iron run by you. If there is a slight disturbance, you will run away. And from Shang Hai, you have multiple routes to escape. You can go to Korea or North Korea. And Japan. I believe Japan will send someone to pick you up. We don't dare to change. Then even if these people don't come to pick you up and your own aircraft carrier goes to the high seas, we can only watch you leave. " Mr. Wen sighed.

"And once you leave, they'll be very unlucky in terms of your character." Mr. Xi said helplessly, "they are also taboos."

to hold back from taking action against an evildoer for fear of involving good people? Lin Feng showed a puzzled look.

"Don't pretend. I don't believe you don't know how many descendants they will have abroad. I've driven you out of the country and you've run away. I can't take it out on them. I don't believe you won't catch their offspring. You were able to kill 23 direct descendants of eight families. You are not polite to their descendants. In this case, they can only trick you in. Otherwise, put you outside, once you run, the harm is too big! In particular, you have too much influence in Africa and you have Somalia. Once you establish a state in Somalia, the harm will be endless! " Mr. Xi stares at Lin Feng.