(as for the trend of the plot, because a knowledgeable, so-called God man reminds, of course, or can be called reprimand, that it is too simple, too idiotic, and makes a deeper excavation of the plot. That's why we have the changes in the last few. Thank you for this god man!)

This matter, up to now, has been out of control.

For these gentlemen, that's true. The same is true for Lin Feng. Lin Feng originally thought that he had many advantages and many cards, and the two sides should negotiate. Unexpectedly, it turned into a fight.

It seems that the final decision depends on the fist. Just as in those days, it was the full-scale civil war that ultimately decided the fate of new China. There are irreconcilable contradictions between the two sides.

Lin Feng is very sorry about this. Originally, Lin Feng thought that he would bring us $18 trillion back to China, and promised us $3 million per capita subsidy, and the country would give him a period of time to develop slowly. In that way, Lin Feng can threaten the public opinion and the high-level in the future. I never thought that a statement made by the United States has brought about such a big change.

But is that all? At the moment, Lin Feng calms down and faces the troops of a division. Lin Feng calms down and thinks about all this. Maybe, there are more dark scenes on the back.

The two gentlemen were awakened by Lin Feng. They didn't hurt themselves. They were just hit by Chiyou. As for whether there are sleeping acupoints, this one exists.

Sleeping point, the traditional Chinese medicine name of Anmian point, is located in the back neck (earlobe parallel) depression, one on the left and one on the right, which is the midpoint of the connection between Yifeng (ear root after earlobe, depression between mastoid process of temporal bone and mandibular ramus) and Fengchi. It belongs to extra meridians. In traditional Chinese medicine, its indications are insomnia, headache, vertigo, hypertension, etc. Hysteria, irritability, epilepsy, psychosis, deafness, hypertension.

As for the operating hand rule, the two fingers are in flexion position, and the middle finger pulp is used to do some pressing manipulation on the Anmian acupoint, about half a minute or knead 10-20 times.

Of course, Chiyou's technique is a little heavier, which makes him drowsy instantly. And this is much better than hitting someone in the back of the head and knocking them out. That knock out is harmful to the brain. This, there is no!

So it's much easier to wake it up.

"What's the situation now..." the two gentlemen woke up and were about to ask about the situation. When they saw the bloody scene in front of them, they were all shocked. But in an instant, they also understood what had happened. They know more about the situation here than Lin Feng.

"Mr. two, I think they did so not only because of the American's promise to Taiwan Bay." Lin Feng thought deeply, "if only this, these guys won't be so crazy!"

The two gentlemen sighed.

"Up to now, we can only make it clear. Now the two of us have been temporarily seized. Even said that we temporarily lost the right to speak The two gentlemen looked serious. "The Taiwan Taiwan issue is just an excuse. Or, the Americans just gave them a very good excuse

Lin Feng nodded. Sure enough, this is what I guess. All this is just an excuse. But what's the problem?

"Including your so-called two asset lists, it's not enough for them to kill you. All these are excuses. It's all excuses. " Mr. Xi said seriously, "I hurt you, too."

Lin Feng knows. In the final analysis, it is still a power struggle. It seems that the other side should want to rebound, and it is dissatisfied with Mr. Xi's future trajectory. Therefore, they use themselves as an excuse to attack Mr. Xi. In other words, I want to modify the path of fate.

"Of course, it's not just that. This is just one of the excuses. Although it's very important, it's not the reason why they dare to seize our rights and put us under house arrest in the capital. " Mr. Wen added.

Lin Feng is tongue tied.

"What else? 18 trillion dollars? I don't believe they are so shortsighted. Naturally, I can't put the money in the bank. Money in the bank, that is paper, is a pile of data! It's no use Lin Feng is very curious.

"Money, Kobayashi, this is a money society, but sometimes, at the national level, money is useless. It's very simple. It doesn't matter whether you use the money or not in China. For the country, your 18 trillion is a very suitable opportunity. How to say, you should have heard such a sentence. " Mr. Wen slightly slowed down, just woke up, the brain is still a little bit uncomfortable.

"Kissinger said that whoever controls oil controls all countries; Whoever controls grain controls human beings; Whoever controls the right to issue currency controls the world. " In his light words, Mr. Wen expressed his deep sadness.

Who is Kissinger? The forest wind is clear. German Jewish descendants. He is a famous American diplomat, expert on international issues and former Secretary of state of the United States. President Ford praised him as "the greatest Secretary of state in the history of the United States.". In the process of serving as secretary of state of the United States in the 1970s, he vigorously inferred the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

It can even be said that Kissinger made the world truly integrated and made great contributions to the global economic integration and the development of mankind.

Of course, the biggest contribution is that the United States will gradually become a superpower and the only power dominating the world. It is also in this wave of global economy that America's economy has far surpassed that of other countries in the world, and the Soviet Union, which was once extremely powerful, has finally fallen into ruins from the complacency of a superpower.

Among the three key points mentioned by Kissinger, the United States gradually controls, then gradually decentralizes, and gradually consolidates its position. At first, after the industrial revolution, when oil gradually became an important energy source for mankind, the United States controlled the world's major oil exploitation rights by virtue of Rockefeller's global exploration.

Later, with the increase of population, the United States introduced genetically modified food, which greatly increased food production and solved the food shortage of the world population. At this time, the United States is very open to oil and gives it to OPEC. Let OPEC set its own price. But behind the seemingly open policy, the United States firmly controls the political orientation of oil countries.

As for food, the global third world countries, the full-scale promotion of genetically modified, and enough to illustrate the United States in food control.

"Of course, compared with the previous two powers, the real hegemony of the United States lies in the right to issue currency!" Mr. Wen said.

Currency issue right! Lin Feng knows that, for example, Hong Kong dollar, Lin Feng's "second bank" has certain issuing rights. Of course has the final say that the right to issue is only for manufacturing. As for how much and how much it produces every year, it is not the Lin Feng has the final say. This is the incense and port government's final say. Lin Feng just has a manufacturing right.

"Today, the seven most popular currencies in the world are US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Swiss franc and other currencies!" Mr. Wen said in a long voice, "among them, the US dollar accounts for 60.9%; Euro accounted for 24.5%; Yen accounted for 4.0%; Sterling accounted for 3.9%; Canadian dollars accounted for 1.9%; The Australian dollar accounted for 1.7%; The Swiss Franc accounts for 0.3% and other currencies 2.8%. "

Lin Feng is not too clear about the economy. Of course, they know that Lin Feng has such economic masters. However, on these issues, because Lin Feng is a businessman, not the head of state, they did not say this to Lin Feng.

"China's share of the 2.8% is similar to that of the euro." Mr. Wen said, "so the strength of the United States is shocking. It is impossible to surpass the United States only from the economic level. Because the world is using dollars. So, in the event of a crisis, Americans can print dollars. "

"Keynes commented in 1924 that a government can survive in this way when there is no other way." Mr. Xi added.

Keynes, whose full name is John Maynard Keynes, is one of the most influential economists in modern economics. The macroeconomics he founded, together with Freud's psychoanalysis and Einstein's theory of relativity, is known as the three great revolutions of human knowledge in the 20th century.

"Therefore, any attempt to overthrow the power of the United States will hurt itself because of the additional issuance of US dollars. Unless, you don't need dollars. However, the strong military strength of the United States has ensured that the US dollar is the first choice in the global currency circulation! " Mr. Wen sighed helplessly, "it's said that Britain can expect to catch up with the United States, but how can we catch up with the United States? We all have trillions of US dollars of foreign exchange reserves. How can we catch up with others? "

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt extremely dignified. Of course, Lin Feng is aware of the strength of the United States. But from the national level, the cognition is obviously very narrow, not as macroscopic as Mr. Wen's.

"Of course, I don't mean to say how strong the United States is. I just want to say that a government that controls the right to issue currency has absolute dictatorship over the economy! " Mr. Wen said, "Mr. Wang once said such a sentence: 200 years have passed since the people were infected by a bad government."

Master Wang? Lin Feng turned his lips. For these ancients, Lin Feng knew some, but not much. Although Lin Feng has been trying to read books and increase his knowledge and insight.

But there is a good saying: there is no limit to learning. In the world of knowledge, the more you know, the more you feel small! In the ocean of knowledge, you feel more and more like a leaf boat. The ocean is so vast, and its own is so small.

Therefore, there is a saying that people are never too old to learn. Otherwise, you are doomed to be eliminated by this era.