(today is Christmas Eve, a confidant and the companion of readers. The dog of 13 years is sick, old and maybe not. One more chapter, today's fourth watch, pray for it! Of course, there are people who don't love dogs who think they are affectable. What I want to say is that a life with you for more than ten years, I think, is no less than that of your family. Of course, if you don't like it, this paragraph can be omitted!

Break the army, come on! Come on.)

Lin Feng frowned.

Really play hooligans, don't admit it! Lin Feng didn't think of this. Lin Feng also knows how powerful the eight families are. But rooted in the United States, they always have to give an account to the people. There must be an explanation for the people. No matter how shameless they are, there is a limit.

But looking at the two gentlemen, it seems that they can be shameless to have no bottom line. If that's true, they don't recognize it at all, what can they do? Lin Feng didn't think about it. But now, it has to be considered.

"Xiao Lin, we have a lot to say that we didn't tell you before. But now, you mature faster than we think, and you transform faster. In the past, you were full of vigor, and you were determined to forge ahead. But you have a disadvantage, that is, you are more passive than active. Although you can turn decay into magic time and again, why do you want to turn decay into magic? " Mr. Xi asked, "why can't you direct the divine power from heaven?"

"But this time we see you, we feel that you have obviously changed, you are more active. Instead of being beaten passively, they take the initiative. The weather you give us has become more aggressive. Although the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. But if that tree, a towering tree, can't be blown down by the wind Mr. Wen appreciated it.

"So what we want to tell you is a sentence that you may have heard many times: politics is dark." Mr. Xi said.

"You may think it's hard to hear this, but can you really understand that politics is dark?" "Politics is dark, politicians are shameless. All politicians, including us, are the same. For the sake of interests, everything is negotiable. Everything, everything you can have, is negotiable. This is politics! You may say that someone can be wise, but either his political career is over or he is a junior. Such people can't be in a high position! "

Lin Feng has heard these words many times, and many books have such words. But for Lin Feng, this time, I still felt deeply.

"So what do the gentlemen think they will do?" Lin Feng asked.

"It doesn't matter what they do. As I said, if you become active, you should consider what you should do. Don't wait for them to hit you passively, but you go to hit them actively Xi said with a smile, "passive attack, of course, can defend and counterattack, but you should know that there is a saying in football - the best defense is attack. Instead of waiting for others to attack and show their flaws, you should take the initiative to attack and defeat his defense line and make a flaw. "

Lin Feng nodded. Before, Lin Feng always imagined what the other side would do, and then how to fight back. At the moment, as Mr. Xi said, he should know his own advantages, and then try his best to attack the weakness of the other side and defeat the other side. Only in this way can we really take the initiative. It's not a defensive counterattack.

Defensive counterattack, of course, can play the other side in neutral. But there are also times when we can't prevent it! If you can't prevent it, you're dead. On the contrary, take the initiative to attack, even if you are attacked once, you still have the chance to pull back. On the contrary, once the defensive counterattack is hit through the defense line, then you have to fight for your life.

"I see! I've been taught! " Lin Feng bowed deeply.

The two gentlemen were pleased to receive the present. This is what they deserve. It's not easy for them to wake up Lin Feng. To be honest, no one, even their own son, would have said that as long as it wasn't Lin Feng. Because it's not Chinese philosophy. Chinese philosophy stresses moderation and humility. What it stresses is to be a tortoise. When it comes to danger, it shrinks its head back. When there is no danger, it comes up again, and then it takes advantage of its unpreparedness to bite hard.

Although the tortoise crawls slowly, it is also very fast at the moment of attack, and once it bites, it will not let go. But this way is suitable for all Chinese, but it is not suitable for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is known as Fengshen. The so-called wind impermanence, the wind can be soft wind drizzle, can also be stormy. Lin Feng should attack and take the initiative. China needs such a person to take the initiative. China's change is not a passive change, but an active change. If China wants to stand on the top of the world and the Chinese nation wants to stand on the top of the nation again, it needs the change of Lin Feng and the initiative of Lin Feng.

"Those two gentlemen, is there anyone who can instruct the boy?" Lin Feng respectfully asks for advice.

"No!" The two gentlemen laughed and said, "we are all the golden mean. We can't teach you anything. How you do it is up to you. Once we teach, it's not you. Moreover, no matter how well considered our method is, it may not be successful. Because this has the final say, the other side's home court, the other side's world, all rules. You are the one who can break the rule. Lin Feng, we believe you can do what we can't do! "

Lin Feng nodded slowly. Indeed, if you take the initiative, you will do better than the two gentlemen.

"Of course, we can do a lot. At least we're here to make sure you're safe. No matter how shameless they are, they dare not bombard you directly. Unless they want to fight! And once war begins, China will lose. Then, nuclear war is bound to start! Because he's here, the military will never allow him to have an accident. If the United States dares to touch him, it must be a nuclear war. " Mr. Wen pointed to Mr. Xi and said.

Lin Feng agreed.

"It looks like I've got an elephant leg this time." Lin Feng joked.

"Well, I won't talk to you. But this time we'll take you hostage. You'll have to take care of the food these days. Here, we eat, you pay for it Mr. Wen pointed to the restaurant and said.

Lin Feng laughs.

"No problem. As long as two gentlemen are willing to show their respect, they can stay here. " Lin Feng laughed.

Lin Feng went out of the door laughing.

"Do you think he can really make it?"

"I don't know! But I would rather believe that he can succeed! If there is anyone else in China who can change the world pattern, it's up to him! "

(it ends at 4:00 today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support! Wish you all a happy Christmas Eve