"Have some Xiaoshi soup, gentlemen." Lin Feng handed two bowls of soup with a smile.

Anyone who comes to "China on the tip of the tongue" will eat and leave. Therefore, this Xiaoshi soup is also specially equipped by hua17. Of course, even if the effect is good, it is limited.

The key is to eat less and eat more!

But people, that's it. I knew it was wrong, but I did it. Clearly know wrong, but still do not recognize.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry, waiting for the two gentlemen to drink Xiaoshi soup slowly. He knew that when the two gentlemen came, something must have happened.

Finally, the two gentlemen had a bowl of Xiaoshi soup. After a few burps, they felt comfortable.

"Xiao Lin, I'm making you laugh!" The two gentlemen were slightly embarrassed.

After all, it's rare for them to eat so much and burp ignominiously. If this is someone else, the two gentlemen will not be able to sit down. What a shame!

But in the face of Lin Feng, the two gentlemen were barely able to sit. After all, it's Lin Feng, isn't it! Between them, they don't care about this little gaffe.

"Xiao Lin, let's get down to business!" Mr. Xi still has the aftertaste of the dish in his mouth.

To be honest, he has never eaten anything so delicious. Although, they are all customized and taste top. But it must be admitted that the chefs on their side pay more attention to the health and nutrition of their diet, followed by the taste. On Lin Feng's side, the first thing is taste.

Of course, the price is so expensive. In terms of health and nutrition, there must be no running. It absolutely has to be full of color, fragrance and health.

"The two of us came here to make sure you came home safely. After all, this time, the other party has gone crazy. But we never thought that you would win! " Mr. Wen has a bitter smile on his face.

"Yes, we didn't expect you to win!" Mr. Xi also had a bitter smile.

Lin Feng actually won. You say, it's incredible. They never thought that Lin Feng would win, and they won so freely. The last five minutes of the Jedi counterattack turned everything around.

"To win is a must! I started this war at first. Since I started the war, I naturally have a way to win it. I'm not Napoleon, let alone Hitler. The War I started must be won! " Lin Feng is still domineering, "if there is no absolute certainty of winning, then I will not start this war!"

The two gentlemen were also speechless. After a while, Lin Feng became more aggressive. It's a period of time. In fact, it's just a little more than a week.

Lin Feng got married on November 11. Today is November 18, New York time. Of course, China time is on the 19th. It's only eight days since then.

But these eight days, Lin Feng gave them a different feeling, a new feeling. Lin Feng is more aggressive and sharp.

Of course, Lin Feng used to be sharp, but now he is different. Before Lin Feng, although determined to forge ahead, but more is a helpless. It's a choice you have to make. Now, the feeling Lin Feng gives to the two gentlemen is that Lin Feng takes the initiative to choose. No matter what he does, he takes the initiative to make a choice.

In short, he used to be led by the nose, but now, this is the one who leads the rope. This change is a good thing. This is a good thing to turn passivity into initiative.

"Xiao Lin, I haven't seen you for a few days. You've changed a lot. This reminds me of a sentence: a day without seeing, such as three autumn! " Mr. Xi said with admiration, "that's what LV Meng was like at that time."

When Lin Feng heard it, he immediately fainted.

"Boss, it's a farewell day. Let's look at it with new eyes! You get it, you want to let people hear it, we have the same basic feeling! " There was a twinge of white eyes in the forest wind.

"Ha ha, yes, yes. It's a farewell day. I'll look at it with new eyes." Mr. Xi burst out laughing, "I can't help it. You are so delicious. I feel a little dizzy here!"

Lin Feng is also guan'er.

"But this time, we're here to tell you something we're not so happy about." Mr. Wen lowered his face and said, "you've won. You've won. But in the end, how much can you win?"

"Do you think they will really pay you so much?" Mr. Xi is no longer laughing, but frowning, "before we came, we have got a lot of news from reporters. You're going to call together countries and charities around the world that need help to come to New York and talk about how to spend the money. "

"What's more, you predict that the Mellon consortium will become the backer tomorrow!" Mr. Wen added, "as well as your recognition of knowing Tang Feng and your reprimand of the eight families, we know that you want to use the power of these media to make trouble and force the eight families, but do you think they will give in because of the media?"

"Public opinion, what is public opinion? To put it simply and rudely, it's nothing more than the ridiculous roar of a group of incompetents! Do their voices really care for the real strong? Let alone say that the United States is a democratic society. In fact, the American people can never oppose the will of the American government. " With a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Mr. Xi said, "Xiaolin, you always think American democratic society is good. We don't want to refute it, because in many cases, they do show their superiority. But have you ever considered that apart from the fact that they have a richer material base than us, they are really better than us? "

"The will of the US government has always been in the hands of a few consortia. They are not oligarchs or dictatorships. It's just that they're good at camouflage. If you want to say that the people have changed the will of the United States, it is not so much the American people who have changed the will of the American government as the will of these consortia has changed. For example, the Vietnam War was apparently due to the pressure of the domestic people, but in fact, it was also the eight major consortia. They felt that there was no profit to gain. They just didn't want to go on. From the beginning to the end, they fight whenever they want and leave whenever they want. They've got the upper hand and the lower hand! " Mr. Wen sighed.

"The dead are just soldiers. No matter how fierce the public opinion is, at most one president will step down, and they can cultivate dozens or hundreds of presidents at any time! " Mr. Xi said, "Xiao Lin, I'll ask you a question. What will they do if they play rogue this time? They just refuse to accept this account. What should they do? What are you going to do? Besides, they won't let you leave. What should we do? They're completely playing hooligans. What shall we do? "

"You know, America has always been the most rogue country in the world!" Mr. Wen is gnashing his teeth.