Martial arts want to glow in the new year, want to get international status, this is all martial arts people dream to do. The same is true for Zhang Genxue, the head coach of the National Wushu team. And the reason why he came to find Lin Feng, in addition to hope that Liu Yifei can join the martial arts team, to expand influence, but also hope that Lin Feng side can collide with a spark.

After all, before that, Lin Feng also strongly supported traditional Chinese medicine. Although traditional Chinese medicine has not replaced western medicine, it has planted traditional Chinese medicine in Changbai Mountain, built a number of specialized traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and established professional training schools for traditional Chinese medicine. In the long run, traditional Chinese medicine has a bright future. Therefore, he longed for the revival of martial arts.

"Mr. Lin, please go ahead!" Zhang Genxue looks forward to it. He longed for Lin Feng's advice on how to break through the current predicament of martial arts.

"Wushu, in the eyes of most people, has always been HuaQuan embroidered legs, and martial arts fight to fight, this school, that school, what mantis boxing, liuhequan, Yongchun boxing and so on, the name sounds like a variety of strange, but when it comes to the challenge arena, it is no different from Sanda. Although the guests said that this is what kind of boxing move, that is what kind of boxing move, but for the audience, it all looks the same, no difference, it's all cuddling, wrestling and so on. In this way, we can learn from the same school or not! " Lin Feng make complaints about it.

Zhang Genxue sighed helplessly. If others say that, he will naturally retort that he doesn't know Chinese martial arts. But does he know who Lin Feng's "wolf tooth" is. Although the special forces are not opponents of Sanda, they are ordinary special forces. Zhang Genxue knows that the elite of the elite, the special forces of the special forces, are far away from the Sanda Team, especially those who have really learned the essence of Chinese martial arts.

When Zhang Genxue came to his position, he naturally understood that the martial arts practiced by ordinary people were only superficial, not real martial arts. The real martial arts, in fact, have been handed down, but ordinary people simply can not practice. He also contacted people in this field and asked them to come out to teach, but he was rejected as usual. But he knows what the essence and spirit of the people who have really practiced martial arts are like, and the "wolf tooth" bodyguards around Lin Feng are all real martial arts practitioners.

Therefore, Lin Feng said that there was no school, and he could not refute it.

"Of course, it doesn't matter. For us Chinese people, we don't care so much about what sects are not. What we care about is that there are so many fighting competitions in the world, but there are no Chinese martial arts people. However, in the domestic fighting competitions, although Chinese martial arts has won many times and won this national champion and that national champion, they will never leave the country. " Lin Feng shook his head. "Naturally, it's impossible to promote Chinese martial arts. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, this time Feifei's participation in the martial arts competition is nothing more than a sensation and a bustle. It really doesn't work! "

"What Mr. Lin means..." Zhang Genxue naturally knew that there was something in Lin Feng's words.

"I mean, actual combat! Let the common people know that the actual combat ability of Chinese martial arts is very strong, then it will arouse the common people to practice martial arts. However, there is also a problem, that is, whether the national level really wants the whole people to practice martial arts! " Lin Feng shrugged, "it's a famous saying since ancient times that chivalrous men break the ban by force. Although we have entered the era of hot weapons, individual bravery can no longer affect the overall harmonious atmosphere of the society, but small-scale friction is inevitable. At that time, there will be frequent incidents of fights between warriors. What should we do? "

"This..." Zhang Genxue hesitated. He is a system type person and naturally understands this truth. Why is it that in recent years, although Chinese Wushu has been carried forward in the society, it has achieved little effect? And there are no real Wulin sects? I'm afraid they don't want the whole people to practice martial arts and cause endless troubles, so they acquiesce in those real martial arts schools. They keep a low profile and never come out easily. They want to vigorously promote it. To be honest, they are really powerless.

"Is that the only way?" Zhang Genxue is a bit depressed.

"Ha ha, not really. As I said, Chinese martial arts is a bit extreme at present, or it's too fierce to be forced to death! " Lin Feng thought of the two guys, void and Qingfeng, who were really powerful. The skill, which would be seen by ordinary people, really thought that they had gone to hell. "Either, they're going to die. They're pure HuaQuan embroidered legs, and what's high or low in the middle is your Sanda. It seems that there are no moves, just a few moves anyway, and there are no international competitions. In this case, to be honest, ordinary people would rather learn Taekwondo, which is more gorgeous. If they have ideas, they will go to learn Taiquan or karate. In this way, promoting Chinese martial arts is just a joke! "

Zhang Genxue vomited his turbid breath for a long time. No matter what Lin Feng would do, at least he really analyzed the current situation of Chinese martial arts incisively and vividly.

"So, my idea is to sort out a set of martial arts schools that ordinary people can easily start, can get started in half a year, can achieve small success in one year, and can achieve great success in three years. Not to mention how powerful they are, they should at least be able to win Taekwondo of the same level. As for those who drink Muay Thai, let those real martial arts experts come out. I suggest that those martial arts experts go out once and deal with those who despise Chinese martial arts. Those competitions all over the world have won the championship once. Let the world know that Chinese Wushu is powerful! In that way, Chinese martial arts will naturally be promoted. " Lin fengxiao said.

Nowadays, the best Kung Fu in the world is Taekwondo in South Korea. You know, ten or twenty years ago, karate in Japan was the most practiced in the world. But in the past ten years, South Korean people with the gorgeous Leg Skills of Taekwondo vigorously promote it into a global fitness project, and also entered the Olympic Games. This is something karate has never done. Therefore, Lin Feng's requirements are not high. If ordinary people want to be more gorgeous than Taekwondo in their martial arts moves, it goes without saying that kuibao, a 5000 year old Chinese martial arts master, can't surpass Taekwondo in his martial arts moves? Lin Feng has absolute confidence in this.

Secondly, naturally, while the moves are gorgeous, the same level of martial arts can defeat Taekwondo. This is Lin Feng's idea. He also thinks that as long as these two points are achieved, it will be difficult for Chinese people not to learn.

"But, I'm afraid we can't do that!" Zhang Genxue smiles bitterly.

To be honest, these Sanda players can't do it. They are more practical than Taekwondo, but they can't create such a genre. The famous martial arts masters who can create a set of schools are all really powerful figures. There are no such people in their team. This may need the master level people in the real Wulin sect to do. But he doesn't know such people. Second, let the people of the Wulin sect sweep the global fighting competition, which is not what he can do!

"Leave it to me. You go back first. I'll contact you in Beijing these two days. You're not in a hurry Lin fengxiao said.

"Well, it's not too urgent!" Zhang Genxue was stunned. He didn't know what Lin Feng was going to say. Although the martial arts competition is about to start, it's all a routine exercise among the domestic martial arts people. It doesn't make much difference whether he is there or not.

"Well, I'll contact you when I get to the capital." Lin Feng smiles and asks Zhang Genxue to go down.

Immediately, Lin Feng called void and Qingfeng, and asked them to call the real masters of the major sects to meet in the capital. For Lin Feng's phone call, void and breeze are naturally very happy. They went back to the school because of the school, but they still miss Lin Feng. After all, they ate well, dressed well, drank well, and enjoyed all kinds of delicacies in the world. Almost, their martial heart was lost. Therefore, when the sects called on each other later, they immediately went back. They were also afraid that if they were completely immersed in the desire of the city, their martial arts practice would be completely abandoned. But I went back, but I didn't forget Lin Feng.

Therefore, they were very happy when Lin Feng called. After hearing Lin Feng's words, they naturally patted their chest and promised that they would invite all the leaders of various schools and schools, and they would go to the capital tomorrow. After all, although they are Wulin people, it does not mean that they really abandon all modernization. The mobile phone that should be used still needs to be used, but there are many kinds of material enjoyment that only modern people have.

The next day, Lin Feng also arrived in the capital. I got together with the leaders in Xiangshan. Of course, I invited Zhang Genxue over. As soon as Zhang Genxue arrived, he was shocked to the ground. He has been practicing martial arts for so many years. He has a keen sense of the unyielding toughness of the warrior. And the people here today are terrible. All of them are full of Qi and blood, and all of them have bright eyes. Even if they are old people, they are all real Wulin people, and they are absolutely masters in the Wulin.

Well, how did this group get here? How could Lin Feng invite so many people? Zhang Genxue exclaimed. What's more, how can he sit in the middle? God, this Wulin sect is most particular about hierarchy. You sit in the middle, God, even if you are rich and proud of China, you can't do that. Well, it's going to be a big deal. These people in the Wulin will fight if they don't agree with each other. They will be dissatisfied at that time. They don't dare to save them. Even if they do, they can't save them!

At this time, the Wulin people, a - good alliance!

Hum! Zhang Genxue fainted directly!