Zhang Yimou is in Beijing. He is watching Lin Feng's Micro blog every day. He is following all kinds of news. He wants to know if Lin Feng has come back. Among them, he has also been asked about. However, the whereabouts of Lin Feng has always been a top secret, which is unknown to most people. Even if you know, you won't tell Zhang Yimou. Although you are a well-known director in China, compared with Lin Feng, the two sides are far away from each other. The insiders dare not reveal Lin Feng's whereabouts.

Otherwise, it's ok if Lin Feng doesn't investigate. Who is responsible? To offend Lin Feng, no one is willing or dare. Because, Lin Feng will be rewarded. It sounds like a derogatory word. In fact, it is also a derogatory word. It is used to describe villains. But now, because of Lin Feng, this part of speech has changed dramatically, becoming a positive adjective, and a very glorious positive word.

If you want to use it to describe a positive figure, you have to say it like this - you are really like Lin Feng! In this way, it can be used to describe the positive image of the characters. On the contrary, if it's a villain, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, in China today, it is not a derogatory word, but a androgynous word. Therefore, no one dares to offend Lin Feng. Lin Feng slaps him in the face. The outside world will only think about why he should be repaired by Lin Feng? Did he do something harmful?

If this person has bad deeds, it goes without saying that he has been repaired by Lin Feng, and the whole people applaud him. He even wants to be praised by gongs and drums and colorful flags. If the other party is not a villain with bad deeds, but just an ordinary person, or even a good person in the outside world, Lin Feng will fix him, and the masses will think, is this guy a hidden villain, or does Lin Feng find out his bad deeds, so he comes to fix him?

People will think so! In this case, to be honest, there is nothing the law can do. In the west, the law is the law, and the will of the people can't interfere with the law. Just like the most famous case of Thompson's killing his wife in those years, all Americans know that Thompson killed his wife, but because of the lack of a police officer, the key evidence went wrong. The glove (worn when he killed his wife) was soaked in the rain, and then it was burst and shrunk, So Thompson couldn't fit in. Although there is his DNA on it, it's very simple. If you can't wear it, you can't prove that it's Thompson who is wearing it. Then all doubts belong to the criminal principle, and Thompson can't be convicted.

So, in the end, even if the United States was in a uproar, the court also ruled that Thompson was acquitted based on legal principles. But this is America, and now this is China. In China, it's normal that human relationship is greater than law. For example, the simplest beating among students, a group of students beating a student, removing her hair, forcing her to swallow her hair, take off her pants and let her run naked, is the most typical crime of abuse in the west, which is a felony. However, in China, most of them will turn the big problem into the small one on the ground of children's mischief. They will pay a little money at most. It's no use suing you. If it's really serious, their parents will try their best to find the attorney general and the police to intercede. In the west, it's not only a serious crime, but also a serious punishment. But in China, a sentence - human nature, to send.

The same is true of Lin Feng. He who provokes Lin Feng provokes all the people. In China, Lin Feng beat people, which is not subject to legal sanctions. In other words, Lin Feng is almost equivalent to having a "beating license", which is protected by law. As long as Lin Feng doesn't kill you or maim you, it's basically OK. In fact, as long as we don't kill them, I'm afraid most of them will be OK. In this case, few people in China are willing to offend Lin Feng.

As for those experts who spray each other on the Internet, they are mostly anonymous and never dare to use their real names. Moreover, Lin Feng doesn't pay much attention to Internet speech. Because these remarks can't hurt Lin Feng, and the most important thing is that there will naturally be deities to spray back.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou is helpless. Finally, he learned the news of Lin Feng's return from the newspaper, so he rushed to Shanghai overnight to meet Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, there is still a week left. The opening ceremony is about to begin. Well, everyone has rehearsed for many times, only you didn't go, so I hope you can find time to rehearse once in recent years. Well, it doesn't take too long, just an hour at most! " Zhang Yimou restrained his anxiety and said respectfully.

Now, the opening ceremony is approaching, and the Olympic rehearsal is in full swing. As the chief director, Zhang Yimou is naturally busy with all kinds of things, but Lin Feng will be the biggest brand of the opening ceremony and the biggest highlight of the Olympic Games. Although Lin Feng's image has long been a household name, his appearance in the Olympic Games is still a big surprise. This will make his Olympic career more complete.

"Director Zhang, if you call my secretary and say something like this, I'm sure I'll be there. It's too tiring for you to come here in person like this!" Lin Feng said politely.

"No hard work, no hard work, Mr. Lin, then I'll go first. You have to go over these two days. It's only an hour and a rehearsal or two! " Zhang Yimou doesn't dare to ask Lin Feng to go with him now. Although he wants Lin Feng to go now, he doesn't dare to propose without talking about the past. There's no way. Facing Lin Feng, Zhang Yimou has the feeling that he first set foot in the film and television industry and faced those elders.

"Well, don't worry. I'll arrange things tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Lin Feng said.

"Yes, yes, I'm looking forward to Mr. Lin's coming. Er, by the way, Mr. Lin has another friend. I hope I can introduce him. I wonder if I can see Mr. Lin, he is the leader of the Wushu team of the Olympic Games! " Zhang Yimou said.

The leader of the Wushu team? Lin Feng Leng Leng, why do you want to find yourself? Is Liu Yifei going to join the Wushu team? I'll see you soon.

Soon, Zhang Yimou led the leader of the martial arts team in.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Zhang Genxue, the leader and head coach of the Wushu team." According to the visitor, Lin Feng has a strong body and strong martial arts. He is obviously good at it.

"Hello, coach Zhang. What's the matter with you this time? You can say it Lin Feng said with a smile, "martial arts are straightforward, so we don't need to beat around the Bush!"

"Have a good time! It's said that Mr. Lin is a pleasant person. I see him today, and he deserves his reputation! " Zhang Genxue burst out laughing, "Mr. Lin, I'll be frank. This time, I want to talk with Mr. Lin about the future of Chinese Wushu. Chinese martial arts, originated and spread, is the Chinese kuibao. But these years, the development of Wushu is declining, and the Olympic Games at home, is an opportunity. We hope that through the Olympic Games, we can promote Wushu and carry it forward. Therefore, I would like to borrow one person from Mr. Lin, Miss Liu Yifei. I have seen her "world's first martial arts association" before. She has good skills. With her fame, participating in this competition will inevitably cause huge repercussions and greatly enhance the influence of martial arts! This has a positive effect on the development of Chinese martial arts and the entry of Chinese martial arts into the Olympic Games. So, I hope Mr. Lin can do it! "

Lin Feng is secretly surprised. It seems that Liu Yifei is not training with the martial arts team recently. What is she doing? But this idea flashed by, between lovers, there must be absolute trust, otherwise it is boring.

"Well, I'll tell her. It should not be a big problem. But what projects do you have here? " Asked Lin Feng.

At the beginning of the Olympic Games, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to martial arts, because to be honest, in Lin Feng's mind, martial arts is HuaQuan embroidered legs. Maybe the actual combat type of Chinese martial arts used to be very high, but just like today's Taijiquan, it has become the fitness boxing of the old man in the street. Besides, the Olympic martial arts is just a performance project, so Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to it.

"There are swordsmanship, cudgel, Changquan, Nanquan, Taijiquan, Taijijian and so on..." Zhang Genxue talks about it.

"Well, are they all routine performances?" Asked Lin Feng.

Zhang Genxue nodded. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't care, he shook his head helplessly.

"Chinese martial arts, at present, everyone is watching routines, and most of them are learning routines. The reason is that the essence of Chinese martial arts, the actual combat type is too strong, and it's not good-looking. The moves shown in the film are in the actual combat, but they will never be so wonderful. In fact, if you want to know what Chinese martial arts looks like, what Mr. Gulong describes in his novels is very correct. When a master moves, he usually solves the battle in one move and half. He will not fight back and forth. Only a junior player will fight back and forth. So, if you don't perform routine, no one will watch it! " Zhang Genxue said helplessly, "of course, the routine is by no means the so-called HuaQuan embroidered leg. In fact, every move is in the routine. It's just that a lot of people have just learned the skin, or learned the routine to death. That's why Sanda is more powerful than martial arts. In fact, the real Wushu is not comparable to Sanda. But ordinary people don't know! " Zhang Genxue explained.

At the moment, Lin Feng doesn't have a superficial understanding of Chinese martial arts as before. After all, Lin Feng is also a person who has really seen the essence of martial arts. Void monk and Qingfeng Taoist are all real masters. They have also served as bodyguards around Lin Feng. Maybe they don't know martial arts as much as Zhang Genxue, but they know more about martial arts than Zhang Genxue. In particular, now Lin Feng is still holding the title of president of the Chinese Martial Arts Association. Of course, this is not an official one, but an association within the Wulin. It is an organization established by real Wulin people.

"Director Zhang, since you come to me and want to promote martial arts, I have a way, a slightly more radical way. Do you have any interest?" Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with excitement.