This time, Lin Feng may drag down Harman Dan!

"Lin, that's not a friend enough. Between us, who is the drag? " Harman Dan said displeasantly, "there is no drag on each other between brothers. Between brothers, there is only mutual respect!"

Lin Feng and hamandan looked at each other and laughed. What is a brother? This is a brother.

"But when they leave, I'm afraid they will attack you. After all, it really concerns their vital interests! " Lin Feng frowned slightly, "I'm not afraid that they're going to trouble me. I'm not afraid whether it's bright or dark. Solar energy is the trend of the times, I'm not afraid of it! I'm afraid they'll attack you! "

If these sheikhs enact a law forbidding citizens to go to Dubai, Dubai will be in trouble.

"Lin, I've thought about it before. If they really deal with me in this way, they will be too small. As long as Dubai survives the initial time, it can really become an international metropolis. And if you are not developing solar energy, then I think Dubai will have another title of "No.1 in the world!" Hamandan has a smile.

Lin Feng was stunned.

"Ha ha, the world's first pollution-free city that doesn't use petroleum fuel and is completely driven by solar energy!" Hamandan burst out laughing, "I believe the title of" world number one "is much louder than any other" world number one ". Isn't it ironic that an oil country has become the first country not to use oil! And this is bound to help promote solar energy! "

Lin Feng nodded. This "world number one" is really wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

"Besides, I'm ready to strike first!" Hamandan said haughtily, "these chiefs rely on their elders to sell their elders. They make a lot of noise in my palace. Hum, they threaten me. If I don't fight back, they think I'm easy to bully."

strike first to gain the initiative! Lin Feng's eyes brightened.

"Hamandan, it's true to preempt. But they also have more reasons to unite against you. Do you have a clear idea? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Lin, if it was before, before I knew you, I would certainly compromise. However, after knowing you, I realized what courage is and what fearlessness is. It's better to strike first than to be controlled by others! Let them come on! " Hamandan said boldly, "I believe that this will be the most difficult time for Dubai, but it must also be a time of transformation! Dubai will become a truly international metropolis

"Good! There is a saying in China, it is called "brothers are of the same mind, and their benefits are equal to gold."! Let's join hands to cut off the golden blockade of these Arab chiefs! " Lin Feng held out his hand.

"Ha ha, brothers are of the same mind, and their profits will break gold!" Hamandan's hand and Lin Feng's hand were held together again.

"It seems that I really need to study Chinese seriously in the future. I feel that your Chinese is too broad and profound! " Hamandan said with emotion.

"Ha ha, five thousand years of history and China's splendid culture are really worth learning!" Lin Feng laughed.

Then, Lin Feng and hamandan jointly held a press conference.

Hamandan announced at a news conference that Dubai will fully implement a smoke-free city in the next two to three years. The whole city will no longer use oil as fuel, but use pure energy solar energy as fuel to drive the whole city. For the increasingly polluted earth, to make Arab contributions.

"We Arabs are rich in oil, but oil is also the source of world pollution. The world needs new energy, cleaner and purer energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and purest energy we can find. And we in Dubai are willing to make our contribution to the promotion of solar energy. Two years, at most three years later, you will never see any oil driven cars, yachts, urban express trains in Dubai. We strive to achieve solar powered aviation in the next decade! Dubai will be the first city in the world to use solar energy completely Hamandan announced aloud.

This news undoubtedly shocked all reporters. For solar energy, people all over the world know that many countries are vigorously developing solar energy. Solar water heater is the most commonly used solar energy. But solar car, is this possible? And solar yachts? Is this possible? Also, solar aircraft, this, this, are you sure it's not a fantasy?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a fable! Nowadays, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and Fengshen Xinneng Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of mine, has just broken through several difficulties. At present, solar energy technology has made a new breakthrough. This year, we will launch a "solar car" to the world, a car that really depends on solar energy and can be driven wirelessly (of course, there is a certain time limit). And solar yachts, this is not difficult. Next year, my Tenglong will transform it into a solar powered yacht. As for aircraft, my company will work with Airbus to test the world's first solar powered airliner in five years and popularize it in ten years. And my ultimate dream is that in the future, space shuttles and spaceships can use solar energy to travel between the earth and the moon, Mars and other planets. Solar energy will really change our world Lin Feng spoke immediately.

This time, the enthusiasm of all journalists was ignited. This time, they came to Dubai after Lin Feng. Because they expected that there might be an auction of "Huangdi wine" here. In Hong Kong, they sold a bottle of "Huangdi wine" for hundreds of millions of yuan. What's the sky high price of this auction in Arab countries? What kind of high price will these Arab oil tycoons bid?

100 million dollars? A billion dollars? Even more outrageous? All the reporters are looking forward to it. However, it never occurred to me that this news didn't come out, but I waited for another amazing news.

Urban solar energy! It's amazing. It's incredible. Although Dubai has long been the number one city in the world, it is constantly pursuing various firsts. But I didn't expect that they would pursue this first completely solar city! Can this be done? Before, they did not believe that a city could be driven by solar energy.

Not to mention the car, even if it's electricity, can you completely drive it with solar energy? Can we maintain Dubai's crazy power output without nuclear power? Is this possible? But Lin Feng said, maybe it's really possible. And Lin Feng also said that within five years, the solar aircraft will be on the market, this is too crazy! What's more crazy is that Lin Feng actually called out a solar powered Spaceship!

God, are you sure they're not at a sci-fi press conference? All reporters rubbed their eyes and ears to make sure they didn't have hallucinations or hallucinations.

This is incredible! Of course, if it can be realized, then the level of human society can indeed be improved by a big step. After all, what human beings are most worried about now is what to do once there are no oil resources? Without oil resources, where will mankind go? Back to slash and burn? In addition, oil is buried in the upper crust, hundreds or thousands of meters underground. These places contain a lot of oil. Now all this oil has been extracted by human beings, and then used to volatilize it. In this case, many geologists have made a hypothesis, that is, the subsidence hypothesis.

If all the oil on the earth is mined out in 40 or 50 years' time, will the crust sink without oil? Will it collapse? What will happen to the earth? It's just like an iron ball, which was originally solid, was hollowed out in the end. Would it collapse?

All these need to be worried and assumed. After all, according to the law of conservation of mass, the earth is the planet on which we live. If all the non renewable resources on the earth are consumed by us, then we will be like rats in a rice bowl, and eventually die on the earth because we eat up all the rice and can't get out of the rice bowl. Of course, at that time, the earth would have died.

Now, if we can make full use of solar energy, then at least in the next billions of years, human beings in the solar system will not have to worry about no energy. For human beings, this will be a kind of liberation, even a kind of detachment. And the earth environment of mankind will become more beautiful.

Of course, at present, Lin Feng and hamandan are saying that whether it can come true or not depends on whether Lin Feng can do it or not! But all the reporters are looking forward to it. They are looking forward to this day!

On the other hand, at the moment, the Arab chiefs are furious. They are still thinking about how to deal with solar energy technology. As a result, Lin Feng's side is pretty good and announced ahead of time. What's more, Dubai even said that it would make the whole city solar. This is a slap in the face. Smoke of their eyes, mouth foaming.

Now the whole people are boiling, and all mankind are discussing the bright future of solar energy popularization. If they want to boycott the solar energy plan at this time, will they not be reviled by all mankind. Although they are fearless, they can't bear the pressure of being scolded by all mankind. Well, even if they don't hear the things outside the window, no matter these curses, the problem is that they will do so, and those western developed countries will not allow them to mess around.

If they plan ahead, the situation will be totally different.

"We should have acted as soon as we left Dubai!" Chief Zaid of Abu Dhabi said bitterly.

Now they are a step late, but they are preempted by hamandan and Lin Feng. Now they're a little bit passive. Of course, this passivity is actually their own fault.

"It doesn't matter. This time, they will touch the interests of too many people. Let's hold a meeting of all oil countries first! " Qatar's al Thani chief is the old God, although this time, their chess difference, was Lin Feng and hamandan to seize the opportunity, but this does not mean that they do not have the chance to pull back the situation.

It's right for Lin Feng to develop solar energy. This is a good thing, and all mankind will support it. But there will always be opposition. Anyone who opposes it will be opposed by the existing vested interests. That is to say, all oil companies and oil dependent countries will oppose it.

Apart from oil companies and countries, who else will object? Very simply, it's those who don't get the benefits. What is the undertaker? It is those forces and countries that have not gained benefits in the era of oil resources and solar energy resources. Will they give up such a big piece of fat and be swallowed by Lin Feng alone? Obviously, it's impossible. If the future solar energy technology of mankind is swallowed by Lin Feng alone, Lin Feng will be in charge of the destiny of mankind in the future. This is not allowed by the existing forces.

Especially, Lin Feng is Chinese! And the Chinese, in the world, are the most unpopular. No matter what Lin Feng is doing now, how much face he has saved for the Chinese people, and how many foreigners dare not look down upon the Chinese people, there is a cruel fact that people all over the world do not like the Chinese people.

Arabs feel this most. If we hate the rich, then no one likes to show off their wealth more than the Arabs. But does the world hate Arabs? No, you haven't heard of any country that would prohibit Arabs from going in and consuming. But on the contrary, the Chinese are different. Many countries and regions hate the Chinese in the past.

Why? In addition to the various manifestations of poor quality brought by the Chinese people themselves (such as loud noise in public, urinating everywhere, crossing the road and so on), the more important thing is that there are too many people in China. If China rises again, it will affect the interests of other countries in the world.

The world is cruel and realistic. In this world, there are so many resources. If you have more, others have less. If you consume more, others consume less. With such a large population, if China really wants to rise in an all-round way, where will the consumption of 1.3 billion people come from? You can't fall from the sky. Even if it grows from the ground, but the land is limited, land can not grow unlimited resources.

People will die, animals will die, plants will die, and so will the land. Therefore, many forces boycott China and clamp down on China. It's all from the human instinct's own needs. In this case, Lin Feng has mastered the solar energy technology again, and it is an exclusive technology, and he is so patriotic, which worries many forces.

"So, look, we just need to stir up the flames. This time, he will be in big, big trouble!" Chief al Thani of Qatar sneers.