
These sheikhs, they want at least 50 percent.

"We can buy your shares with money. We'll buy as much as you ask for!" Many chief excited shout, almost didn't wave money to tell Lin Feng, they have money.

But Lin Feng shook his head.

"Dear chiefs, there is an old saying in China that we should not be shameful if we give face!" Lin Feng glanced at the eight chieftains and sighed, "I didn't know much about it before. Today, I've seen it thoroughly. I know what it means to be shameless."

It's a little difficult for foreigners to understand some common sayings, proverbs and idioms in Chinese. Even though Lin Feng has tried to explain it in as easy as he can understand, there are cultural differences between the two sides. Besides, Lin Feng translated it in English, while the chief's mother tongue is Arabic. Although they all learned English, there are some differences between them. The differences add up to the differences, It took a few minutes for these chiefs to understand what it means to be shameless.

What do Arabs care most about? Face!

Arab, you need to buy the best of everything. If you don't see Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the streets are full of luxury cars, and you don't drive a Porsche 911, you are embarrassed to say hello. If you don't use your gold in kilogram, you can't wear it. When you go abroad, if you don't have a few servants to follow you, and you don't have a private plane, you are embarrassed to appear in Europe in Arabic robes.

Arabs need face most! Lin Feng said they were shameless. How not angry!

"Lin Feng, you don't want to go out if you don't make it clear today!" Chief alsani roared.

"Yes, Lin Feng, if you don't make it clear, you can't leave here today!" Chief Zeid roared.

"Yes, Lin Feng, you must be clear!" Saudi King Salman bin Abdel Aziz also roared.


A chief, roaring, Lin Feng actually said they are shameless, this is the biggest shame to them. This is far more irritating than Lin Feng's saying that women should be topless. How dare you say they are shameless.

In the face of many chief's anger, Lin Feng is sarcastic. What's this called? It's anger and anger. The more people care about things, if they are criticized, they will jump three feet as if a dog had been trampled on its tail. Most of these chiefs are like this.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet!" Lin Feng said faintly. They are in a hurry, but Lin Feng is not.

"Lin Feng, explain clearly to us. What do you mean by that! Otherwise, we're not finished with you! " The crowd roared.

Lin Feng's hands pressed vainly to signal many chiefs to be quiet.

Hum! Many chiefs are not happy with Lin Feng's action. It felt like Lin Feng was a leader, they were subordinates, and they were listening to Lin Feng's lecture. But if it's not quiet, you can't hear what Lin Feng said. Many chieftains with an unhappy face stare at Lin Feng coldly.

What does it mean to be shameless? That is to say, I give you face, but you don't want to, you have to slap yourself. You said that I developed this solar energy technology. I have the technology, capital, and market. I have everything. If it wasn't for the face of my hamandan brothers, let alone 10%, or the 0.001% share, I would not give it to you. Because this is a business that will definitely make money, and it will also change the future of mankind. This is a real good thing of both fame and wealth! " Lin fenglang said in a loud voice, "since it's doomed to both fame and fortune, why should I give this fame and fortune to others?"

Many of the chiefs were angry. Lin Feng said this very thoroughly, they all listened very clearly, very clear. But it also made them more furious.

"There is another saying in China, which is that the snake swallows the elephant when the human heart is insufficient. What does that mean? That is to say, if a person is too greedy, he will become a snake swallowing an elephant. This snake swallows elephant, everybody can understand. It's a snake that swallows an elephant. But can the snake swallow an elephant? The elephant is so big. Although the snake's mouth is so big that it can often swallow prey several times larger than itself, the individual of the elephant is obviously far beyond the limit that the snake can swallow. And what is the result? Break your belly, and you'll end up dead! " Lin Feng explained in detail, "everyone, that's it."

The eight chief's face suddenly became like the color of pig liver.

“Kor-khara!” Chief Zeid couldn't help swearing.

What does this sentence mean? Naturally, it's not like "fuck" in the West or "fuck" in China. In fact, the Arab is an Islamic people, they believe in Islam, and the Islamic doctrine does not allow believers to curse, especially do not allow believers to use each other's physical characteristics to abuse each other, otherwise it is a sinner, is going to hell. Islam, on the other hand, does not humiliate or make fun of each other through their physical characteristics, and even never calls each other by their physical characteristics. For example, the fat man, the Islamic people will not call "the fat man" or "the skinny man" or "the short man" without knowing the other person's name.

Arabs will try to write down each other's names. After all, compared with their own names, most human names on earth are much shorter and easier to remember. If you can't remember someone's name, they will try to use some external conditions to describe it, such as "a gentleman who came with you that day, what color bag he was carrying, what clothes he was wearing, etc." to help you remember the other person. About the appearance of people, Arabs will not describe, which involves an insult of human defects.

Of course, today's Arabs and the world intersect too much, there will always be degenerate people. Just like before the reform and opening up, most Chinese people were very simple. But after that, many people became more corrupt in thought, which is a truth. However, most Arabs still follow the most basic etiquette.

As for the sentence "Kor Khara", it means to eat stool. This is the most vicious abuse. Of course, there are other vicious languages learned from the West or the East.

"Chief, I, Lin Feng, don't want to be enemies with you. After all, we had a happy past. I don't want us to be enemies. But if you're too greedy, I can't help it. " Lin Feng looked at the eight chiefs with a sincere face.

This is Lin Feng's last chance to give them. If they have to fight against each other, then we can't help it.

"Yes, chief, I think 10% is a good price. Science is developing and civilization is progressing. We can't be complacent and be the sinners who block the progress of science. " Hamandan is also on the side of the appeal. He didn't want to fall out with the chiefs. He is an Arab, and he knows very well how much trouble these people will have if they go to the opposite side.

What happened? Hamandan also understood that under the circumstance of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, which can last for at least 40 to 50 years, if these chiefs are willing to give in, it would be too good to think of human nature.

Greed has always been the first sin of mankind. Even if these chiefs are so rich, the US dollars in their own coffers may have exceeded everyone's expectation. Their gold will not be less than that in the Federal Reserve's coffers, and their collection of famous paintings and treasures will not be inferior to that in places like the Louvre. But even so rich, they are still greedy.

"No way! At least 40%, that's our bottom line! Not even one percentage point less! " Chief Zeid yelled.

"Yes, it's about our future. At least 40%, not a little less! " Chief alsani is also resentful.

40% of the shares, in their view, is not much. Because it's getting them to give up their oil wealth completely. If you don't say 50 years, you can only count 40 years. According to the current annual output value of 400 billion US dollars, the oil in the Arab region can be exploited for at least 40 years. How much is that? 16 trillion dollars! Easy, lying at home doing nothing, just eating and drinking, can easily earn 16 trillion dollars. Why should they give up such a great fortune!

No reason!

Even if you Lin Feng has 1 trillion production capacity a year, but only 100 billion production capacity a year, how many years will it take them to earn 16 trillion? 160 years. That's a big time gap. It's quadrupled. They can still guess what they will look like in 40 years. They can't guess what it will look like 160 years later. In particular, if they control oil, they can enjoy some privileges and have some say in the world. On the contrary, what's the use of them taking only 10% of the shares? As a small shareholder, can their status at that time compare with that at present?

They don't earn as much money as they do now, and their status is not as high as it is now. How can they promote this solar technology? What human development, progress, are bullshit! None of this has anything to do with them!

"Then we don't have to talk about it." Lin Feng said coldly.

Hamandan gritted his teeth.

"Come back, chief!" Hamandan no longer wanted to stay, no longer tried to recover. Since the Tao is different, we should not conspire with each other. There are so many differences between the two sides, let's rely on each other's means!

"Well, hamandan, you'll regret it! And Lin Feng, you will regret not accepting our kindness! " After chief Zeid left behind his cruel words, he and many other chiefs left one after another.

Soon, Lin Feng and hamandan were left in the palace.

"Hamandan, it seems that this time, I've caused you trouble!" Lin Fengning said again.

These chiefs are powerful and difficult to deal with!