Three mountains! The three great mountains can be divided into the following two stages. The first stage refers to the three major enemies in the period of China's new democratic revolution, namely imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism. These three enemies, like three big mountains, weighed heavily on the old Chinese people. The second stage refers to the three major problems existing in today's socialism, namely, the difficulty of seeing a doctor, the difficulty of housing and the difficulty of going to school. These three problems are daunting to many people and are a focus of today's society.

"It's hard to see a doctor, Mr. Yang. How often do you go to the hospital?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, under normal circumstances, I will have a physical examination once a year. Usually also can measure blood pressure occasionally what of Yang Guoqiang said.

"I basically do physical examination twice a year, once a month for a fixed blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid examination." Chen added.

"Well, I will have a comprehensive physical examination through TCM every week!" Lin Feng waved his hand, "what about ordinary people? How often do they have a physical examination? Basically, if you don't get sick, you will never go to the hospital. Because, after entering the hospital, the money in the pocket flows away like running water, and the common people dare not go at all. "

Chen Guangbiao and Yang Guoqiang nodded. This is the truth, and so are many of their employees. As long as they don't get sick, they will never go to the hospital. Because I can't afford to go. Even sometimes, let alone not get sick, even if they are sick, they usually don't go to the hospital. They try their best to endure as long as they can, waiting for the body's resistance to kill the bacteria. This is indeed a great sorrow for the Chinese people.

"Housing is difficult, let's not say that. In a word, if it's not against the law to kill people, you real estate bosses will be killed. " Lin Feng shrugged.

To this curse, Yang Guoqiang wants to refute, but can't refute. Although some of the reasons do not lie in their real estate, they have an unshirkable responsibility. This is the key.

"As for the difficulty of education, let's not say that. If you have a child in this life and bring him up, the expenses will be enough for a family of three to support a student within 20 years by tightening their clothes and reducing all expenses. " Lin Feng sighed, "the three mountains make the people breathless. As the most representative banner figure in China today, I naturally think of moving these three mountains. However, as far as my current personal ability is concerned, it is no doubt like Yu Gong moving mountains to remove the three mountains on the head of the whole people. " Lin Feng shrugged and said.

the determination to win victory and the courage to surmount every difficulty! That's a good metaphor. It is true that Lin Feng is very rich, richer than any Chinese, and his wealth is comparable to that of the best financial provinces in China. But even with such amazing wealth, Lin Feng can't help everyone. There is no other reason. The number of Chinese is too large. With a population of 1.3 billion, eating and drinking Lasa every day is enough to make people collapse.

"At present, I am promoting traditional Chinese medicine, but it will take time for the society to produce more doctors with real qualifications of traditional Chinese medicine. In terms of education, to be honest, this is the case with China's national conditions, and it involves too much and too much. I can't solve it in a short time. So, I can only take real estate! It's the only thing I can solve Lin fengxiao said.

Yang Guoqiang turned his lips. If you intervene, the world will be in chaos.

"Mr. Yang, and you are the partner I found. I wonder if you are willing to cooperate?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Yang Guoqiang has a bitter smile on his face.

"Mr. Lin, you say cooperation. If I cooperate, how can I make money?" Yang Guoqiang said, "I'm not alone behind me, but the whole enterprise. Even if I don't make money, they have to make money to support their families!"

"Ha ha, well, it's natural to make money. However, I think Mr. Yang should consider how to make money after building and selling houses. Therefore, this involves a transformation problem. I think your enterprise can completely transform to do the follow-up supporting services, such as property, supermarket in the community and so on. Of course, I think this is a high-tech era, and real estate enterprises can also use high technology. For example, we can cooperate with our company to develop new high-tech smart home era. In advance, all kinds of cables will be laid at the time of construction. In the follow-up, we can provide this kind of service and make money from it. " Lin Feng said the package plan.

However, in Yang Guoqiang's view, these are not very profitable. At least relative to today's real estate profits, it's not really making money. Let him change the concept, it's really a bit unbearable.

"Mr. Lin, this is too novel, so I can't accept it for the time being. I need to go back to a good meeting with the shareholders and study it. Today, it's too late. I'm old and can't stand it any more. I'll leave first. " Yang Guoqiang decided to leave first and go back to have a good discussion. He must be cautious about this proposal. Because since Lin Feng's words have been exported, it is bound to promote this proposal, and as long as it is promoted, it will have a tremendous impact on the whole real estate industry. Therefore, Yang Guoqiang must be cautious.

As a result, when Yang Guoqiang went out, he happened to meet Tang Jiacheng, who was in a hurry. After a face-to-face interview, Tang Jiacheng goes directly to Lin Feng's study.

"Tang Jiacheng! The second son of Tomson, what is he doing here? Is it also for this plan of "building houses for all" Yang Guoqiang looks surprised. In the heart actually secretly vigilant many. Lin Feng has a lot of friends. If he really wants to promote this plan, he will certainly be able to promote it soon. It seems that he does not have much time to think about it.

I don't know that Tang Jiacheng's visit is not for the purpose of "building houses for all", but for the purpose of Lin Feng's comments on stock speculation.

"Brother Feng, your remarks are too risky. The stock market is ever-changing. You may bring you endless future troubles!" Tang Jiacheng worried.

"Jiacheng, why are you here? Come here in the middle of the night. Come, come, sit down and have a cup of tea!" Lin Feng was surprised, but more grateful. Looking at Tang Jiacheng's coming all night on New Year's Eve, he really regarded himself as a brother. This kind of brother, I don't have to say.

"Gudong, Gudong!" Tang Jiacheng drank Lin Feng's tea. Lin Feng shook his head. This is a few kilos of Dahongpao produced every year. You can drink the real Dahongpao, which reminds Lin Feng of the way Guo Jing ate the dishes made by Huang Rong. Hong Qigong was on the side, which means that Guo Jing chewed peony.

"Jiacheng, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen Guangbiao, a well-known philanthropist in China." Lin Feng said, "brother Biao, this is Tang Jiacheng, the second son of Tang Chen!"

"Er, brother Biao, Hello!" Tang Jiacheng nodded to say hello and looked at Lin Feng again.

"Brother Feng, it's really a big trouble this time. I have been studying the Chinese stock market recently, and I have made a lot of money in this bull market. For this bull market, I personally understand that it is a stock market phenomenon jointly launched by some institutions behind in order to make money. In the end, the stock market is bound to collapse. And once it collapses, due to the relatively large rise this time and the idea of the whole people speculating in stocks, the capital invested is far more than any previous bull market. Once it collapses, I'm afraid the whole country will be devastated. At that time, I'm afraid the national shareholders will count everything on you. Especially before the fourth quarter of this year, your statement that you will never collapse is too assertive. I'm afraid I'll be used by those institutions. " Tang Jiacheng said in one breath.

Lin Feng nodded.

"I know, but I'm more convinced that if they want to make money, they will certainly take in the national shareholders and then retreat." Lin Feng said, "although I said that the fourth quarter will not collapse, I believe that shareholders will not really wait until the last day of the third quarter to clear all the stocks. Before that, they will certainly start to clear their positions slowly. And those institutions, will not be in this time full warehouse shipment, this time shipment, most of the shareholders even cut the meat out of the market, early earnings are enough to make up for their losses. So if these institutions want to make enough money, it will be after the fourth quarter. "

Fourth quarter! Tang Jiacheng understood what Lin Feng said. However, after the fourth quarter, if large institutions want to ship goods, they have to calculate the mentality of shareholders, and they have to use all kinds of temptation means to seduce shareholders, so as to attract them to take delivery at the peak. Among them, the difficulty is not small. As far as Tang Jiacheng is concerned, it's better to sell in the first three quarters. If there is Lin Feng, it's enough to absorb enough money. Of course, compared to the fourth quarter after the sale, certainly earn much less. However, there is a risk cost.

"Ha ha, Jiacheng, I'm not as professional as you when it comes to stocks. But I'm better than you in grasping the mentality of these big institutions. These big institutions will use my remarks to continuously push up the stock price, so that the investors all over the country will rush in crazily and strive to maximize their interests. As for after the fourth quarter, as long as the stock market does not collapse and the time is a little longer, the shareholders will eventually lose their senses. Put all the money you made or borrowed from outside into the stock market. At this time, when the stock market collapses, these institutions can make the most wealth! " Lin Feng said slowly, "don't forget that people are always greedy."

Tang Jiacheng was silent. If so, the loss of the shareholders will be great, and it will be very painful. Although Tang Jiacheng is known as a small stock god and has made a lot of money in the stock market, he has never been a trader. He only makes money by his keen grasp of information. It's the same as ordinary retail investors, only with more funds. He hated the behavior of those big institutions deliberately spreading false information to deceive shareholders in order to make money. This kind of behavior is extremely shameful.

"Another point is that these big institutions dare not bring down the stock market in the first four quarters, because I, Lin Feng, have said that the stock market will not collapse in the first four quarters. If anyone does, it will offend me. They will take my anger! Therefore, the stock market will not collapse in the first four quarters! " Lin Feng said with pride.