The tea party ended in the most lively discussion, and no one expected the success of the tea party. And the most popular is not the entrepreneurial advice given by Lin Feng, but the stock market.

The morning of new year's Day is a traditional Chinese New Year's day. On this day, the whole family put on new clothes and went to pay New Year's greetings to their elders to get a good start. Say "congratulations on getting rich" and bring the red envelope. But today, it is an exception. After all the adults said happy new year, they put aside the small generation and began to discuss the stock market. After the end of the new year and the opening of the stock market, we discussed what stocks we should buy to make money.

Of course, more is planning where to get more money into the stock market. As Fengshen has said, the stock market will never collapse before the fourth quarter. Under such a general trend, it is natural to invest as much capital as possible to make a profit in the stock market. It's a good thing to miss this village and not have this shop.

The wave of stock speculation continues. In this wave, the whole country seems crazy. I think it's the best time to make money and it's a golden age. It's an era when sweepers have to enter the stock market to make money.

"Brother Feng, as far as my little experience is concerned, you are too risky!" After seeing Lin Feng's comments on the stock market on the eve of new year's Eve, Tang Jiacheng immediately flew over from Hong Kong. Originally, he was still having dinner with his family, but after hearing Lin Feng's words, he couldn't sit still. He was worried that Lin Feng's remarks would bring harm to Lin Feng, and arrived in Shanghai at 3 a.m. After arriving in Shanghai, I drove to Linfeng villa.

At this time, Lin Feng has just returned to the villa. Of course, it was not Lin Feng who came back together, but also Yang Guoqiang and Chen Guangbiao. The two of them still have something to talk about with Lin Feng. Yang Guoqiang and Lin Feng want to discuss the issue of "building houses for all.". Lin Feng's proposal is too extreme. If it is true, the real estate enterprises across the country will be desperate. So, he wants to make sure what Lin Feng is going to do. See if country garden can participate in it.

As for Chen Guangbiao, he wants to discuss the charity fund with Lin Feng. Although he has a high profile, doing charity has always been a high profile, and people who will publicize it are well known. Although he has been repeatedly criticized as a showman, he is really keen on doing charity. He is the most charitable person in the country. Of course, Lin Feng is not responsible for all this. If you count Lin Feng, don't say the first. As long as Lin Feng is involved in the field, it must be Lin Feng. Therefore, he wants to cooperate with Lin Feng.

They follow Lin Feng back to Lin Feng's mansion. As soon as they enter, they are shocked. Two tables of mahjong, eight beauties, killing the dark, this is a room full of spring. They are all super beauties, but it's totally different to see them on TV or with your own eyes. Although two people have already passed the age of vigorous, but at the moment there is also a little impulse. Fortunately, they soon snuffed it out in reason.

"Brother Lin, will you go up?" Hearing Lin Feng's voice, the women asked directly without looking at the gate. This time can also come in, in addition to Lin Feng no one else. Even Li Rui and them, in order to avoid suspicion, will never enter Lin Feng's living room at night. Of course, if there is a sudden situation, it will be flexible.

"Ha ha, no, you play. I'll discuss something with two distinguished guests." Lin fengxiao said.

At this time, the women just looked up at Chen Guangbiao and Yang Guoqiang, but they didn't know each other, so they ignored them and continued to play mahjong. It's hard for all the girls to get together this year. On the eve of new year's Eve, it's natural to have a good fight. Of course, it's still Huang Shuqi's relationship with his parents in Chu City, otherwise Huang Shuqi would have more people. But this is not afraid. There are many kinds of mahjong in China. There's a kind of "hang Huang", which can be played by many people.

High profile philanthropist Chen Guangbiao, founder of country garden Yang Guoqiang! Lin Zhiling read out the information of these two people in her mind. It seems that this is the guest tonight. As for the choice of guests for this meeting, it was huilisa Fengjian who chose the whole process, and she didn't know. But why did Lin Feng bring them back this new year's Eve? Lin Zhiling got up and wanted to serve tea, but she was stopped by Lin Feng.

"Well, you all enjoy yourself tonight. I have guests here. I'll take care of them." Lin Feng waved his hand, led Chen Guangbiao and Yang Guoqiang into the study, made a cup of tea and began to chat.

"Fengshen, the whole people are building houses. Do you really plan to do so?" Yang Guoqiang has been holding on all night. This topic is too sensitive for him, the real estate giant. The whole people build houses. Don't they let the owners of real estate enterprises die.

"Ha ha, of course. As far as I'm concerned, it's beyond my power to build cheap commercial housing for the general public. So, I'm going to unite the funds of all people to build and give every Chinese a housing dream Lin Feng said with a smile, "I know that this will directly touch the core interests of your real estate business owners. You will definitely unite against it, but I will push forward the plan from the perspective of law. Unless you use compulsory administrative means to stop it, but I don't think you can! On the contrary, if you unite with local governments, it will be your real estate enterprises that suffer in the end! "

The reason is very simple. If the real estate enterprises unite with the local government to stop the plan, the final result is that the local government will continue to push up the land price, and the real estate enterprises will suffer in the end. Because the land price is high, it will be very expensive for real estate enterprises to get land. Lin Feng's plan for building houses for all people, regardless of the profits of real estate developers, will make it much cheaper for ordinary people to buy houses than to buy houses from real estate developers.

Of course, there must be a lot of intrigue. For example, the real estate enterprises will deliberately make high price valuations in the land price auction, so that the whole people can pay a painful price to buy houses at a low price. In addition, local governments can also be lobbied to change the direction of urban development and construction, or directly let the whole people buy land for building houses in remote areas, or in areas with poor transportation or few surrounding facilities. That way, even if the whole people build houses, what they buy is just chicken ribs.

However, these methods are only applicable to ordinary people without any backstage, but now Lin Feng is standing behind, and Lin Feng is not so easy to fool. At least in Yang Guoqiang's opinion, it's really difficult to fight against Lin Feng. But, Lin Feng, this is the way out for all their real estate enterprises.

"Mr. Lin, what about your profit? If you return all the profits to the people, what do you earn? " Yang Guoqiang does not understand to ask.

"Ha ha, it's very simple. All the residents in the community will become loyal users of our company. Isn't that a profit. Long term profits Lin Feng said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, do you know that the advent of the Internet age has fundamentally changed the profit chain of many industries. For example, the game industry used to make money by selling games, but now games can be downloaded and installed without any money, and you will not be charged for this process. But after the game process, it will make you spend money. As I said, my most successful point comes from service. We make money through service! This is true of the game industry, and so will other industries. In this era of universal network, service is the most important point! "

Service! Yang Guoqiang frowned.

"Yes, at present, real estate mainly relies on buying land and building houses at high prices to make huge profits. In the future, this profit model will change. Consumers can reduce the intermediate link of house purchase through joint venture building, and reduce the house price. Although this step, under normal circumstances, may take a long time to achieve under the leadership of an Internet giant. But now, I can push it out and let the house buyers get the maximum benefits. And what should you real estate enterprises do? In this new model, how do you keep your profit? That's the key point. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "since ancient times, nothing has remained unchanged. Just like this earth, long ago, we thought that the earth was square, then we realized that the earth was round. Later, it was thought that everything in the universe revolved around the earth. Later, it was thought that everything revolved around the sun. After that, I learned that everything is a regular autobiography and revolution. Nothing in the world is unchangeable! "

Yang Guoqiang was lost in thought. After a long time, he was still puzzled. "But as you said, this new mode of house purchase may take a long time to launch. Why do you launch it now? You can make more money in the meantime. "

Isn't it! Lin Feng can build high-quality commercial housing to sell, and the intermediate profit is very large. Why does Lin Feng have to cut off such a rich chain of interests? Isn't this a way to cut off wealth! Yang Guoqiang can't understand.

"Don't understand why I did it?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Yang Guoqiang nodded. He really doesn't understand this. He doesn't understand it at all. Why did Lin Feng do this? It's unreasonable. A businessman's vocation is to make money. But Lin Feng doesn't make money. No one can understand this change.

"The reason is very simple. Chinese people's lives are too hard. After 70 years of living, everything belongs to the country. And then the next generation, again. It's too hard for generations to cycle like this! I can't bear to. I hope that the Chinese people can get rid of the plight of survival and begin to enjoy life and enjoy the beautiful times. " Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "today's people are carrying three mountains. Ha ha, ridiculous, new China, the people still have three mountains in the head. What a great irony