Francis wanted to live a long life. In fact, this is not unusual. Throughout the ages, both the ancient emperors and kings, or the modern merchants, without exception, are eager to live longer and live longer. Longevity is just the most basic. Some people even hope to live forever. For example, freezing genes, waiting for the future technology to be developed enough, then resurrecting, and so on.

In the field of theology, the discussion of immortality is far beyond other fields. It's no surprise that Francis wants to live forever. On the contrary, this is a very normal demand. Especially when you know that you have a miracle doctor like huashiqi and a functional drink like Qili, it's not surprising that you have such an idea. What's more, Francis's demand is not high, just to live over a hundred years old. This is not too difficult to achieve.

"Pope Francis, I see what you mean. In a few days, I will ask Mr. Hua Shiqi to come here to help you with your diagnosis and treatment, and then pass on your health preserving skills." Lin Feng said.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lin." Said Francis with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. It's just mutual benefit." Lin Feng said frankly. Let's not talk about the previous deal. Just as far as Francis is concerned, the longer he lives, the greater the benefits he gets. Therefore, Lin Feng is eager to let Francis live longer. After all, it's not easy to have a good relationship with a pope. If the Pope dies easily, just like Benedict XVI, after less than two years in office, all his previous resources will be wasted. On the contrary, the longer the Pope gets, the more cost-effective the investment, or the higher the rate of return.

After a long talk, the two ended the conversation happily. Subsequently, Pope Francis announced the sanctions against Japan and South Korea, and announced that the two countries would no longer be the normal diplomatic countries of the Vatican until the two countries explained clearly and Benedict XVI's plot. At the same time, Francis announced that he hoped that all Catholics would refuse to trade with pagans in Japan and South Korea.

This declaration undoubtedly panicked Japan and South Korea. Although Francis had expressed his anger against Japan and South Korea on behalf of Benedict XVI, he was the archbishop, not the Pope, at that time. Although he was speaking on behalf of the Pope, Pope Benedict XVI was still in a coma at that time. How much legal effect this remark had and whether it was what Benedict XVI said were still unclear. Therefore, Japan and South Korea do not care about this declaration at all. They are not too afraid of it. They just issued a white paper to explain it. It is a pure misunderstanding. That's it.

But now Francis is the Pope, and that's totally different. Francis's words represent the will of Catholicism and the will of 1.7 billion Catholics around the world. Now he announced that he would break off diplomatic relations with Japan and South Korea, which is an extremely bad diplomatic event. At the same time, it also called on all Catholics to refuse to trade with Japan and South Korea, which is appalling.

All Catholics are mainly in western developed countries, while businesses in Japan and South Korea are all over the world, but the main profit points are in western developed countries. If true Catholics no longer trade with Japanese and Korean businesses, the economies of both countries will suffer.

Immediately, the two governments issued a statement, claiming that the incident was a complete misunderstanding. It must be that the church misunderstood them. They did communicate with Benedict XVI before, but the discussion was about the potential destructive power of "Nu Wa Niang" to human beings. They were just worried about whether "Nu Wa" would become the Skynet in terminator and cause damage to human beings. After all, they have purchased the source code of Nu Wa. Now it will only take some time to cultivate Lin Feng's Nu Wa Niang. Therefore, they didn't need to borrow the power of the Pope to extort.

Originally, the two governments hoped that this statement could solve the problem, and then through the ambassador to Italy to fight with the church. What embarrasses the two countries is that their ambassadors to Italy are directly forbidden to enter the Vatican. Not only that, the Italian government has also announced that if Japan and South Korea can not make the Vatican calm down, they will, like the Vatican, expel the Japanese and South Korean ambassadors.

This, however, surprised Japan and South Korea. If it's expelled by Italy, it's a problem. Although the trade between Japan and Italy accounts for a very small proportion of Japan's foreign trade. But Japan and South Korea worry about a chain reaction. If it's the same in other countries, it's a real problem.

As a result, the words really worked. The good doesn't work, the bad does. Japan and South Korea are still worried. As a result, western countries have issued declarations one after another, claiming that if Japan and South Korea can not satisfy the Pope and give the Vatican a reasonable explanation, then all countries in Europe will expel the ambassadors of Japan and South Korea. This time, it's really a global shock.

For a long time, a long time, since the end of the cold war, there has been no more expulsion of an ambassador by many countries at the same time. Only during the cold war, when the Soviet Union and the United States were antagonistic, could this happen. But even in that case, this kind of mutual expulsion of ambassadors is rare. At most, it's just a relative confrontation and resistance. The expulsion of ambassadors is a serious matter, which belongs to the two countries' nearly broken diplomatic relations.

Now, in the 21st century, that's what happened. All western countries, except the United States, almost all European countries have issued an ultimatum to Japan and South Korea, informing their governments that if they can not get the understanding of the Vatican, they will expel their ambassadors. Of course, this is only the first step. If the understanding of the Vatican is still unavailable, then economic sanctions will be imposed on the two countries.

This time, the leaders of the two countries were scared out. They never thought that the Vatican Pope's words could bring such a big effect. Isn't Francis the only Pope? How can he have such great influence. Besides, Francis is the first Argentinean Pope in Catholic history. Well, what's the matter with the western countries? Why did they do so much for Franciscans. This is incredible. It's crazy.

"What's the matter, boss? Why do countries follow Francis's words? " Lin Zhiling also looks puzzled, which is really puzzling.

"Ha ha, this is not simple. In fact, this problem is really simple, because the enterprises of Japan and South Korea are becoming bigger and stronger in the world, which has affected the interests of many western countries. But under the WTO agreement, all countries can only compete fairly. But they can't compete with the companies in Japan and South Korea? The Vatican is the holy land of Catholicism and the spiritual home of all western countries. Now the Vatican may be lured by Japan and South Korea, which is the best excuse to deal with the two countries. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "well said Churchill, there are no eternal rivals in the world, only eternal interests!"

"What will happen in the end? Will Japan and South Korea never recover? " Liu Yifei asked excitedly.

Lin Feng shrugged.

"I'm afraid it's hard to follow our wishes. You know, the economic strength of Japan and South Korea is here, and they are closely following their leader, the United States. At most, the western countries can suppress the arrogance of the two countries. It is too difficult to completely destroy the two countries through this kind of thing. The U.S. government will not sit by and ignore it. Therefore, the final result is that Japan and South Korea pay a certain price and get the understanding of the Vatican, and then the matter is settled. " Lin Feng said.

"Ah, it's no end. This involves the former Pope's majesty!" The girls looked surprised.

"Ha ha, this kind of thing will only end up in the end, otherwise what can we do in the end? The so-called weak countries have no diplomacy. Japan and South Korea are not small and weak. In addition, they have a huge backer, so they have the right to choose at any time. " Lin Feng explained with a smile.

Not so, Lin Feng would not propose to let Fang Jige knock a pen and then stop. There's no way. It's really a big deal. The United States will come forward, and eventually European countries will compromise, and then the church will have to compromise again. Otherwise, the whole world will unite to put pressure on your church, and the church will not be able to bear it.

So, when the heads of Japan and South Korea went to the Vatican and waited outside for 12 hours, they were finally received by Pope Francis. After a long period of negotiations, * * * and Lee Myung Bak took a long breath. Then Francis announced that the church had thoroughly investigated the matter. The result is a misunderstanding, which is caused by the language exchange between the two sides. It is not a misunderstanding that Japan and South Korea planned to plot against the former Pope Benedict XVI, but a misunderstanding that Japan and South Korea speak too poor English and have too strong local accent.

Later, Francis announced that the Vatican would reestablish diplomatic relations with Japan and South Korea, and would send priests to preach between the two countries. In this regard, the western countries naturally overturned the previous expulsion speech and did not mention any word of expulsion. Everything, so calm in the past. As for the agreement between the Vatican, Japan and South Korea, only the Vatican, Japan and South Korea know. Among them, the United States is eager to understand. But this time, no matter how much pressure the United States put on them, the heads of Japan and South Korea only admitted that they made an apology in person and promised to provide church preaching to the Vatican in their own countries. They would not say more about the rest.

Of course, no one in the world knows this, but Lin Feng does. After learning about Francis's conditions, Lin Feng could only reluctantly admire the fact that the church would blackmail.