"Ha ha, Francis, we share weal and woe, and I don't like the church, but I think today's church, on the whole, contributes a lot to mankind. So, I'm happy to work with you. " Lin fengxiao said.

Francis nodded slowly. In his contact with Lin Feng, he found that Lin Feng was hostile to the church, which made him a little worried about whether the cooperation with Lin Feng would last long and whether it would be pleasant. But now the answer from Lin tuyere is reassuring. Although Lin Feng admitted that he didn't like the church, he didn't deny what the church is doing now. This is the basis for the comprehensive cooperation between the two provinces.

"I can give you a few blessings. The first one is that I will announce that the Vatican will temporarily break diplomatic relations with Japan and South Korea. Until they can explain the conspiracy with Benedict XVI, the Vatican will break diplomatic relations with Japan and South Korea forever!" Francis said.

Lin Feng's eyes brightened. This is a good way. But behind Japan and South Korea is the United States, which is the world's hegemon. Its influence is beyond the influence of the church. So it's OK to censure, but it's hard to rely on the church to punish Japan and South Korea. So, Lin Feng has an idea.

"I don't think so. Pope Francis asked the heads of Japan and South Korea to apologize in person, and then beat them hard. Anyway, both countries have money, so instead of settling the matter in the end, we should seize the opportunity to embezzle a little money from the two countries. " Lin Feng suggested.

Pope Francis thought and nodded.

"But don't you mind letting them go?" Asked Francis.

"Ha ha, what if we don't let them go? As long as the United States is still one day, their status will be here. I'm afraid I won't be able to get any benefits from the strong touch, so it's better to get some benefits than to get nothing in the end. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "there is a saying in China that the dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by the ant nest. I'll knock a little bit today and a little bit tomorrow. After a long time, it's accumulated a lot. So, don't be in a hurry for a while! "

Francis nodded.

"Another point is that on behalf of the church, I will announce that I will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and decide to go to China next." Francis offered another very good chip.

Although this was agreed before, it only means breaking diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but it does not mean that Francis was sent to China in the second stop. Of course, although this is nominally the second stop, it is actually the first stop. Because the Vatican is in Italy, the first stop of any generation of pope must be Italy. This is respect for Italy and the history of the church.

Catholicism is one of the three major sects of Christianity. Its official name is "Roman Catholic Church" or "Roman Catholic Church", that is, the church led by the Roman Pope. The term Catholicism is used to refer to Christian believers who believe in the theoretical system of Roman Catholicism, including morality, sacrament and dogma, and are fully subject to the Holy See. It was first founded by Jesus in Palestine. The early Christian religion was persecuted and suppressed by the Roman emperor. In 313 ad, Constantine I, the Western emperor of the Roman Empire, issued the "Royal Decree of Milan" in Milan, declaring that Christianity could share freedom with all other religions without discrimination. Since then, Christianity has become an official legal religion.

In 1054, as the Roman Empire split into the eastern and Western Roman Empire, the Church of the Eastern Roman Empire split from Catholicism to establish the Eastern Orthodox Church. As a unique single church and system, the Catholic Church and its holy rule were formally established. Today, the number of Catholics in the world is about 1.21 billion (2011), accounting for 17.5% of the world's total population. In the world, there are 130 Catholic dioceses, 628 dioceses and 129 pastoral areas.

However, since the development of Catholicism, its headquarters have been in Vatican and Rome. As the first stop for the new pope to visit Rome's supreme leader (later Italy's supreme leader) has become a custom. Therefore, the first stop often does not show the personal preferences of the new pope, but the second stop can show the personal preferences of the new pope from the countries he visited. Benedict XVI, for example, visited Germany. It is obvious that he is very fond of Germany. It can be inferred that he will be rigid and conservative. Usually, the second country he visited will be influenced by some positive aspects of the new pope.

Germany originally ranked fifth in the world in terms of economy. However, after Benedict XVI became the new pope the year before last, Germany's economy once again ushered in a blowout period, making it the fourth largest economy in the world. You know, Germany has only a population of more than 80 million and a land area of 370000 square kilometers. Among the top ten economies in the world, Germany has the least land, 20000 square kilometers less than Japan, and the least population, more than 40 million less than Japan. But Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world, which is a miracle.

Although Germany's heavy industry has always been the strongest in the world, although it ushered in another rapid economic development after Benedict XVI came to power, which is related to its own quality and national potential, Benedict XVI has indeed played a significant role in this.

Now that Francis has become the new queen of the church, he does not choose to go to his motherland Argentina in the second stop, but to go to China, a country that has no international relations with the church before, which has to be said to be a heavy favor. At least after establishing diplomatic relations with the church, China's recognition in western countries will be much higher, which is conducive to the investment of Chinese enterprises in western countries. Don't forget that what western countries have been criticizing China is that it is a country with a lack of faith. A country without faith is extremely terrible, at least in Western cognition, such a country is extremely terrible.

But if China and the church formally establish diplomatic relations, then in the western people's cognition, it is obvious that China is not the kind of extremely terrible country, the kind of dictator country that can be desperate, inhuman and do anything. This cognitive change will bring about great changes in the establishment of diplomatic relations and trade between China and the West.

"Thank you very much, Pope Francis." Lin Feng was surprised, "what about your conditions? There is no free lunch in the sky

Pope Francis smiles. He is very satisfied with Lin Feng's attitude. He has studied oriental culture, in which Chinese culture plays an important role. Therefore, he has studied China. In this country, there are a lot of red tape, a lot of unnecessary politeness, and even to some extent, the etiquette of this country is more than that of their church. However, the church is at least more direct in doing things. In this country, everything needs to be done around. People in this country like to say seven or eight words when it is clear that they can say it in one word, To get around this. It's hard for Francis to understand.

He was afraid that Lin Feng was the same. If Lin Feng talks like this, he will faint. Fortunately, Lin Feng is very straightforward. It's easy to talk to people who are straightforward.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that not long ago, you just attended the centenary of Mr. Run Run Shaw, the leader of Hong Kong's film and television industry, right?" Asked Pope Francis.

Lin Feng nodded. But I wonder why Francis asked. It seems that Run Run Run Shaw doesn't believe in Catholicism. He believes in Buddhism.

"Mr. Lin, how many people in the world do you think will live beyond the age of 100?" Asked Francis.

Lin Feng shrugged. I really can't answer this question myself. How many people have lived over a hundred years old has not been counted, but certainly not many. Isn't there an old saying in China that seventy years ago is rare. There are not many people who can live to 70 years old. In modern times, most people go to see the Buddha before they are 70 years old. Of course, there are many people who live to 80, 90, or even 100 years old, but that accounts for the base of the whole earth's population is extremely rare. Most of them are over fifty. Especially in China, most of them die of various diseases. But what did Francis ask? What does he want?

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you have a miracle doctor named Hua Shiqi, right? Of course, I don't know if I spell it right. I just know a little bit about Chinese. " Said Pope Francis.

Hua Shiqi! When it comes to Hua 17, Lin Feng can basically understand what Francis wants. Obviously, you either want to see a doctor or you want to live a long life.

"Yes, exactly. It's Hua Shiqi!" Lin Feng said with appreciation.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you have also developed an energy drink called" Qili ", which can enhance the vitality of the human body and keep it energetic. It is only distributed in China, right?" Francis asked again.

At this time, Lin Feng can be sure that the conditions of Francis must be related to longevity.

"Pope Francis, your information is very accurate indeed. What do you want? Just say it Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Lin, in the history of the church, none of the previous popes has lived beyond the age of 100, and I want to create this miracle. I hope to live over 100 years old. Now that I am just 71 years old, I hope I can live at least another 29 years to create a history of the church, which will remain famous throughout the papal years of the church. " Pope Francis showed his ambition and said, "I hope I can become the first Pope in the history of the church to live over 100 years old. I also hope I can become the longest serving Pope in the history of the church and the most promising pope! And all this, I need Mr. Lin's support! That's my condition