"Lin, I want a divorce. Divorce this woman. Six million euros a year. Tell her I can pay her alimony in advance for the next 10 years! 60 million euros. I can pay her 60 million euros in alimony in a lump sum. " Berlusconi said with red eyes.

Lin Feng is speechless. This is another man who is completely fascinated by women. But Lin Feng is strange. Berlusconi should be a veteran in love. How could he be captured by Francesca so easily. It's strange. As far as Lin Feng is concerned, Berlusconi should, as Xu Zhimo said, wave his sleeve and not take away a cloud.

As a result, the last woman was captured by a woman. This is incredible. This Berlusconi, sooner or later, will fall into the hands of women.

"Lin, help me! If you help me, I will certainly appreciate you and repay you. " Berlusconi's eyes are bloodshot. Obviously, the emotion is overdone. If this is to be seen by outsiders, I'm afraid no one will think that he is the Prime Minister of Italy. If you are in China, those old scholars will surely think that this person is not worthy of being the head of a country. It's too unfounded. How can you be so impolite for a daughter.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Prime Minister Berlusconi, the problem now is that the initiative is in the hands of your wife, Veronica." Lin Feng said.

"What! The initiative is in her hands! Why! Now I'd rather she went out and said that I was unfaithful to her, and I want a divorce. I don't care about reputation. What I ask for is less alimony. It can't be 65 million euros a year. That's the lion's big mouth! " Berlusco, gnashing his teeth.

Lin Feng is speechless. This guy is really desperate for love. It's going to be at home. It's definitely impossible. How can a head of state make such a scandal.

But it's in Italy, and Italy is full of promiscuity and debauchery. When the prime minister makes such a scandal, the people will not care too much about it. This is not the same as in the United States. In the United States, it doesn't matter if there is any relationship between men and women before marriage, and the public can accept it. But after marriage, if either side of the couple is unfaithful, they will be accused. That's why Clinton almost fell.

Of course, even if Italy opens up again, it will be hard to say if Veronica makes all the evidence in his hands public. I'm afraid Berlusconi's public opinion support will fall to the freezing point in an instant, and he may even be asked to resign.

"Berlusconi, you love to talk in your sleep, you know!" Asked Lin Feng.

Berlusconi nodded. This is a habit he developed after he came to power. He likes to sleep with the phone every day. He can't sleep without holding the phone. Holding the phone, he often talks in his sleep. He once went to see a psychiatrist, but he didn't think it was a bad thing for his eccentricity.

As the prime minister, Berlusconi has a lot of opportunities and pressure. It is a way to vent his pressure by talking in his sleep. So Berlusconi didn't care. But later, no matter what, he will go home to sleep. After all, it's not a good thing to be heard in a dream.

"Lin, even if Veronica hears a secret, it's a state secret. She can't threaten me with it. On the contrary, if she wants to use it to threaten me, it's against the law. I can punish her by law. " Berlusconi said in a cold voice.

When Lin Zhiling listened in, she felt cold and angry. This Berlusconi is also too cold-blooded and heartless. No matter how to say, winonica and his wife have been married for more than ten years, and there are still three children left. How can we say that we can turn our faces around, and we are still so heartless. It's a politician, cold-blooded and merciless.

Fortunately, Lin Feng is not a politician, just a businessman. And he is a very enthusiastic and nationalist businessman. It's good for the family.

"Berlusconi, if Veronica has Italian state secrets in his hands, I will not come to persuade you. The reason why I advise you is that winonica has a list of all the women you've been searching outside for over a decade, as well as the price. What do you think would happen if she made it public? " Asked Lin Feng.

Berlusconi was stunned. what! Winonica actually recorded the list of his search for flowers and willows in the past ten years, as well as the price, fuck! If this is announced, he will become Italy's most notorious prime minister in the world. And in this court case, he will be at an absolute disadvantage. The judge will definitely favor winonica. And his original excuse for divorce for love will be gone.

For love? In the past ten years, you have been searching for so many women. Do you still deserve to talk about love? Berlusconi thinks he deserves it, but the judge certainly doesn't think so.

"Lin, does she really have this list in her hands?" Berlusconi's bewilderment after his astonishment.

"Well, she said that you had sex with 1247 women in the past ten years, with a total amount of 7.86 million euros!" Lin Feng said helplessly.

Berlusconi was immediately counselled. He didn't remember so many people and so much money, but winonica remembered all of them, which was enough to show that winonica had this evidence in her hand. Now, he's in big trouble. In case of divorce, the 65 million euro annual extraordinary alimony proposed by Veronica may be considered by the judge as a kind of compensation for his betrayal of Veronica for more than ten years.

He can't accept the amount of compensation. It's too big!

"What should I do?" Asked Berlusconi.

"It's easy. Go back and apologize. Berlusconi, you have to understand that if this evidence is thrown out, you are finished. You will have a bad reputation. I'm afraid you won't be the Prime Minister for long. Do you want to stick to it? " Asked Lin Feng.

Berlusconi has a tangled face. For winonica, he has no love, he is now full of only Francesca, the adoration to the death of the beautiful character girl. A woman who adores you, crazy for you, and extremely beautiful and sexy, no man can resist.

On the contrary, although winonica is still beautiful and sexy, no matter how delicious a dish is, it's been eating for more than ten years. Besides, Veronica and Berlusconi are not compatible in character. Winonica likes quiet, while Berlusconi likes lively, noisy and party.

"Lin, why don't you do it again and steal the evidence for me?" Berlusconi's dizzy proposal.

Lin Feng refused directly. When dealing with ruby, it's because she's insatiable. That's why Lin Feng asked Bernardo. But to deal with winonica, a woman who has been hurt in her marriage, she has to do what she wants to do, which is to help tyranny. They are not as good as animals. Lin Feng won't do it.

Seeing Lin Feng's firm refusal, Berlusconi also knows that his request is a bit excessive. It's just that he's full of Francesca. He doesn't want to make it up with Veronica.

"Interest! Berlusconi, for the good. If you want to divorce winonica now, your assets will be less than half or even more in the next 20 years. Don't forget that if you insist on divorce, winonica can ask the court to divide your property with this evidence. And the jury will be there, and I believe there is no doubt about it. " Lin Feng said, "especially so many women, as long as a small half are willing to testify and have sex with you, you are finished. It's no use asking any lawyer! "

Berlusconi droops his head. Indeed, he could have guessed the scene. At that time, I'm afraid he was really rebellious. It's just that he

"Well, anyway, in the evening, Allegra will have another party. You and I will go and apologize to winonica and promise you wrong. As for what to do between you and that Francesca, you can do it by yourself. In a word, I have done so much for you out of friendship and interest. Italy and Libya must establish diplomatic relations and conduct business activities. " Lin Feng warned coldly.

This Berlusconi is full of shit now. Shakespeare said well, love makes people blind, love makes people stupid. Berlusconi is as stupid as a pig at the moment. He must be decisive.

After all, Berlusconi is also a prime minister and an old fox in politics. Although he fell in love with the river, but in Lin Feng's warning, or even threat, immediately wake up. He knew what was his advantage in attracting so many beautiful women. It's not that he's handsome, not to mention how good his kung fu is in bed. For a 70 year old man, it's good to have sex with a beautiful woman. It's bullshit to say how good he is.

"I see. I'll be there in the evening." When Berlusconi woke up, he immediately returned to his usual wise and fox like Berlusconi, "Mr. Lin, thank you for your help. As long as these three problems are solved, I will definitely promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and Libya. "

Lin Feng nodded and watched Berlusconi leave.

"Boss, I hate this kind of man. Love the new and hate the old Lin Zhiling said.

Lin Feng shrugs helplessly. To be honest, Lin Feng doesn't like Berlusconi's temperament. Men can be happy with the new, but not tired of the old. After all, the old people used to be new people, and they have been with you for so long. If you get rid of the old people for the sake of the new people, it's a failure. It's filthy! Lin Feng never spoke of such a person.

However, Lin Feng and Berlusconi are more cooperative than friends. Therefore, Lin Feng is not likely to involve too much in Berlusconi's private affairs. This time, if it's not about Libya and his plans for 2008, Lin Feng will not take care of Berlusconi.