That's how Berlusconi's first problem was solved. Afterwards, Lin Feng secretly contacted Bernardo and asked why. The answer given by Bernardo makes Lin Feng a little speechless. After Bernardo met Ruby directly, he made clear his identity, and then warned her. Ruby even went to the police station to turn himself in before 1 million euros arrived.

Among them, Bernardo didn't even take out his gun, but accomplished what Lin Zhiling and Li Rui wanted to do but couldn't do. This makes Lin Feng speechless. He can only say that the Mafia is really famous and can do what others want but can't do.

"Lin, it's good. It's good. That one million, I'll have someone call you later, and the money will go from AC Milan's account! " Berlusconi called excitedly. Originally, he just wanted to bite to death, as long as Ruby did not admit it, then the outside world could not help him. However, in that case, although there is no evidence to prove that he whores young prostitutes, but his behavior can not stop the public, and his public opinion support will plummet. This is not good for his ruling party.

Now, it's wonderful for ruby to admit that she's trying to blackmail Berlusconi. That's nothing to do with him, and it doesn't hurt his popularity. In particular, there are such heavyweights as Ronaldo, Monica BELLUCCI and George Clooney to testify for him, and he is even more innocent.

Therefore, he would like to thank Lin Feng. Thanks to Lin Feng.

"Prime Minister Berlusconi, thank you. Let Italy and Libya establish diplomatic relations after three things are done." Lin Feng shakes his head. This is just the first problem. It's more and more difficult. It's not easy to solve.

Berlusconi's wife, Veronica Lario, has three children with him. I used to be an erotic dancer, and they met in a theater. At that time, Veronica Lario was young and beautiful, sexy and charming. She danced on the stage and fascinated the then married Berlusconi. Then they developed an underground love affair for 10 years, and finally became a regular and Berlusconi's second wife. However, Berlusconi's flirtatious style has never changed.

Repeatedly tease their favorite beauty, regardless of Veronica - Lario around. This time, Veronica was completely annoyed by flirting with a model in person, and finally decided to divorce Berlusconi.

For this marriage, Berlusconi does not want to be separated from Veronica. Veronica is a very competent "first lady" and has never given Berlusconi any trouble. And it's a role model for women. If the divorce, especially because Berlusconi is out flirting divorce, Berlusconi will feel very embarrassed. It was a blow to his political career. Of course, even if he really wants to leave, Berlusconi is not unacceptable. But it's not winonica's $65 million annual breakup fee.

In Berlusconi's view, the maximum amount of alimony is $300000 a month, which is only $3 million a year. Instead of the $65 million a year that winonica wants, that's too much. In the past 10 years, it will be 650 million. According to the amount of the claim, if Berlusconi lives another 20 years, winonica will take nearly half of Berlusconi's property. This is clearly unacceptable to Berlusconi.

"What about this, boss?" Lin Zhiling thinks that the second problem is relatively simple, that is, money. Just drop the money. Lin Feng can pay in advance, and then let Berlusconi and Gaddafi share the burden. After all, it is not good for both sides if this problem is not solved.

"Go and see Veronica first." Lin Feng decided to see winonica first, to find out what she said. It's better not to divorce. Berlusconi's family harmony is the greatest guarantee for his political career. Otherwise, his approval rating cannot be too high.

But if you want to see Veronica, you can't go like this. That's too abrupt, and it's going to make winonica resent it. Therefore, Lin Feng asked alegra to set up a banquet and invited winonica. Then Lin Feng met winonica in alegra's manor.

"Hi, Mrs. Berlusconi, it's a little gift for the first time. It's a little token of my heart. I hope you'll accept it!" Lin Feng ordered Lin Zhiling to give her a small gift, a Joni Mitchell record. Joni Mitchell is a famous poet, painter and singer in Europe in the 1960s. Her songs are very artistic, but it is difficult to get her records because there are not many records in the world. Winonica is her fan.

"Oh, my God, Joni's early records. Oh, my God, Mr. Lin, this record will never exist in Europe more than 100, or even less. How did you get it! I've been searching for it, but I've never found it. It's so precious to me! " Winonica is a treasure, and the whole person is very excited.

Lin Feng smiles.

After some greetings, Lin Feng and winonica get to know each other under the precious gift. After a chat, the topic gradually shifted to Berlusconi.

"Mr. Lin, I know your intention. You should have come to persuade me to change my mind. But I've had enough of that guy. That guy is so hateful. He and I have been married for so many years. We have been having sex outside, holding various parties, and having sex with all kinds of beautiful women, which I can tolerate. After all, he is so rich, and he has a special love for this aspect, which I can accept. But he openly flirts outside, which I can't accept. If he doesn't save face for me, I don't have to save face for him. " Winonica complained.

Lin Feng was surprised. The relationship between myself and Berlusconi, in the eyes of the outside world, should be ordinary. Although the two sides have had several exchanges, more often, it is because of football and Allegra. Why, as soon as she opened her mouth, winonica knew.

"Mr. Lin, he never said anything about the relationship with you. But he has a bad habit. At night, he likes to sleep on the phone and talk in his sleep. A lot of things I know through his dreamtalk. And those women, I have a roster here. They are all women who have had sex with him, and they also have a price tag. " "Since we got married, I've written down every time he talks in his sleep," said winonica. So far, he has had sex with 1247 women. I can accept all these. After all, it's just a deal. But he openly flirts with those women, and I can't accept it. "

Lin Feng is tongue tied. Talk in your sleep! It's funny that Berlusconi talks in his sleep. As the head of a country, he actually talks in his sleep. This shortcoming is too big. It seems that winonica loves Berlusconi very much. Otherwise, if she divulges a little information, Berlusconi will be embarrassed. I'm afraid that winonica's divorce conditions will be agreed immediately. Only in this way, it is difficult for us to do it on our own side.

"Ms. LaNiO, I'm here to help Berlusconi lobby. But I don't think you've made up your mind to say any more. " Lin Feng said, "since he is so bad, I think he should be punished. $65 million a year in alimony, it should be! "

Lin Zhiling was stunned. This is not to persuade you, how can you stand on the side of winonica instead!

Winonica was stunned. She is really angry, and has moved out, and has proposed 65 million euros a year in alimony, but she is also very contradictory, not sure whether she really must divorce Berlusconi. After all, she really loves Berlusconi, otherwise she would not have been an underground lover for him for ten years. After her marriage, she has been at home, giving up her stage and becoming a standard housewife.

This divorce is anger and a warning. I hope Berlusconi can appease her. Who can expect, Lin Feng came, but threatened to support her divorce, which made her hesitant. She left in this way. What if she got alimony? She still lost the man. But let her take the initiative to go back, she won't do it. If so, this man will be more and more presumptuous in the future.

All of a sudden, winonica became entangled and didn't know what to do. He looked at Lin Feng several times, but he didn't know how to speak.

Lin Feng, sitting there leisurely, drinking wine, chatting with Allegra. It seems that the purpose of his trip today is to chat, not to be a lobbyist.

"I..." winonica wanted to talk several times, but every time she spoke, Lin Feng just turned away from the topic.

"Ha ha, Allegra, let me tell you another interesting thing that happened in China. I remember it was winter that year. As a result, there was a little girl who was very beautiful and lovely. She went to KFC with her parents. As a result, there was a mother next door who was talking to her daughter about the test results. The child did very well in the test and went to a key school. As a result, the mother here was upset. I'm very angry when I think that my girl's grades are just hovering on the pass line every time, and every parents' meeting is criticized and educated. Just scold her daughter, say she is so old, this also won't, that also won't, anything is inferior to others, a bit promising all have no, ask her to have what use Lin Feng laughed. "Guess what the lovely girl said. She said she could have a KFC bucket!"

Allegra heard that she was happy, but then she glared at Lin Feng. This guy is too bad. Knowing that winonica is suffering at the moment, he just doesn't take up the subject. It's too bad.

"Mr. Lin, I think..." winonica summoned up her courage and tried to speak while the topic of Lin Feng failed. As a result, she was interrupted by Lin Feng.

"By the way, I saw some interesting things in Italy this time. In Milan square, I... "Lin Feng said with a smile. As a result, alegra couldn't watch this time and interrupted Lin Feng's topic directly.

"Lin, you are the one who likes to bully people. What do you want to say, winonica? " Allegra stares at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shrugged and no longer spoke, but looked at winonica.

"I... Mr. Lin, actually I don't really intend to divorce him. I still love him. But his repeated disrespect made it difficult for me to step down. If he is willing to apologize and promise not to flirt in public, I can take back the divorce petition and not ask for a divorce. " Said winonica, biting her lips.

Lin Feng smiles. That's the best.

"OK, I'll talk to him and ask him to come and apologize to you in person." Lin Feng sighed, "if a couple doesn't divorce, it's better not to divorce. After all, divorce is bad for everyone. Especially, if there is still love between you, divorce is a kind of harm to both of you. "

Winonica nodded.

After the banquet, Lin Feng went to AC Milan all night. After a night at Milan under Galliani, Berlusconi arrived early the next morning. When we meet here, we don't have to worry about what the outside world says. After all, Tottenham and AC Milan are friendly clubs. It's good for everyone to meet more and exchange players.

"How's it going? How much does she ask? " Berlusconi asked in a rush.

Lin Feng turned a white eye.

"Her price is 65 million euros in alimony in that year if you divorce. If you don't leave, you have to apologize and promise not to flirt in public. In particular, winonica called for you not to contact Francesca Pascal in private in the future. " Lin Feng said.

Francesca Pascal, from Naples, a former provincial Councillor, has created an organization called "Silvio, we miss you.". This Francesca Pascal once said publicly that there are three things in her life: family, politics and Mr. Berlusconi. It was also because of Francesca Pascal that winonica left home and filed for divorce.

Berlusconi frowned. To be honest, since Veronica moved out of the house, he spent the night at Francesca's, and his heart has been captured by this 49 year old beauty. Especially this Francesca, is so worship oneself, so admire oneself, this let his man's vanity get great satisfaction.

So, he didn't want a divorce before, he wants a divorce now, and then he married Francesca.

"Lin, tell her I want a divorce. But alimony, I can give her 500000 euro a month at most! I give her 6 million euro a year! She used to be just a dancer, 6 million euros, already very high! " Berlusconi gritted his teeth.

Six million euros a year, which is enough to let winonica live a rich and luxurious life!