Li Yuan nodded. Integration of software is not a problem at all, there is no technical content. At present, the market has been flooded with single function software. He only needs to select the best software and integrate it.

Soon, just in the past week, Li Yuan came up with a new "net shield". This new network shield can not only check and kill viruses and protect the network from hackers, but also detect computer hardware information and provide detailed information of major computer hardware. At the same time, it can also optimize the computer, update computer software automatically, and repair computer faults, just like the "optimization master". Of course, these functions need to be paid.

If you don't pay, you can only use it for one week free! Over a week, if players do not pay, they will only use the most basic functions - antivirus and protection.

Then, Chen Xiaowei carried out all-round publicity on this new "wangdun". At the same time, in order to distinguish it from the previous "wangdun", and also to echo with this new "wangdun" public promotion, after discussion, people gave it a name - 360 computer guard!

When he heard the name, Lin Feng was startled.

360? Isn't this the same as the 360 of later generations? I didn't expect that it was my own employees who made it. What a wonderful world! But anyway, as long as you can make money.

Free, completely free antivirus software, all users are free to use—— When all the netizens saw the news, they were dumbfounded.

Free antivirus software? Is that possible! Is that possible—— All netizens can't believe looking at their own eyes, this is too outrageous, how can it be completely free! Will there be a free lunch at this time! People can't believe it. But the official website of "second world" is clearly written in black and white - completely free!

In terms of the past reputation and public praise of "second world", consumers will not be deceived. However, some media still question it. After all, an anti-virus software is completely free. How can it make a profit?

Not only the media questioned, but most domestic anti-virus software companies, such as rising, Jinshan and so on, also questioned them quite a lot, and put forward an argument that "the second world" wants to capture the market, drive them out of the market and then charge them. At that time, once the "360 computer guard" formed a monopoly, it would not be good news for all users.

There is no free lunch—— This is the slogan of all anti-virus software companies facing "360 computer guard".

Rising and other companies in response to the launch of "360 computer protection guard", the slogan is obviously very offensive, even with a little innuendo, which can easily lead to a lawsuit between the two sides. But for rising and other companies, it is also helpless. After all, for rising and other companies, "second world" launched this completely free anti-virus software, it is murder. It's cutting the way for these anti-virus software companies. They have to get up and fight. Otherwise, in the temptation of free, the choice of users is undoubtedly obvious, when the whole market where there is room for them. At that time, "second world" will start charging after the collapse of these old anti-virus software companies and the unified market of "360 computer guard". I'm afraid these companies will really cry to death. So they have to fight!

For the declaration of war of rising and other companies, Lin Feng smiles and waves his hand: "360 computer guard" will be free forever!

Boom! A loud noise!

Free forever! Free forever! Free forever!

Everyone was shocked at the news. Is there something in the world that is free forever? Everyone, everyone who saw this news, closed their eyes and looked back. Finally, they shook their heads. There is absolutely no permanent free thing in this world. But "second world" has announced that "360 computer guard is free forever", which is too sensational and sensational.

But "the second world" does not seem to be joking. After all, no listed company will use this kind of thing to make fun of or amuse users. You know, for a listed company, the most important thing is word of mouth. If the word of mouth is not good, then the listed company may not be far away from bankruptcy! Obviously, "second world" can't amuse netizens with such things“ "The second world" will do what it says, free forever.

Hiss! Rising and other companies take a cool breath. They didn't expect that "the second world" would really be free forever. It's incredible and incredible. It's just like a fantasy! When did Lin Feng become a great good man and decide to do good deeds!

Rising, Jinshan and other companies shake their heads. Lin Feng would never be such a living man, otherwise he would not be the richest man in the world. But why did the second world declare it free forever?

Think about it, rising and other company executives think of a possibility, and only this possibility, "360 computer guard" can be free forever! That's advertising!

"Second world" may indeed be free of charge for this anti-virus software called "360 computer guard", but an anti-virus software cannot be free, otherwise there will be no follow-up funds for research and development. There is no doubt that the two are quite conflicting, and the only way to solve this conflict is to implant a large number of advertisements.

Rising, Jinshan and other companies listed the examples of "second world" implanted advertising in major games before, in order to prove that "second world" will achieve profits by implanting a large number of advertising in "360 computer guard", and ensure that it can make profits while providing free anti-virus services.

——Do you want to turn on the computer and watch full screen ads just like TV, or do you want to spend only a little money, less than a cup of soybean milk per day to receive permanent computer protection, and there will be no useless and redundant things in the computer?

This is a big headline made by rising company and others on their official website, and they spent a lot of money to publish this advertisement on the major media on the Internet, in order to fight against Lin Feng's "360 computer guard".

However, the effect is not good. For many netizens, free is always attractive. What's more, no matter whether advertisements are flying all over the world, it's always right to come down and have a look. Anyway, it's free. With this curiosity and trust in Lin Feng, many players chose to download and replace the anti-virus software in their computers at the first time after "360 computer guard" was launched by "second world". And in the process of installing "360 computer guard", Li Yuan also designed an option very insidiously, that is to delete other computer anti-virus software.

In the installation process, in order to ensure that users only use "360 computer guard", Li Yuan made a particularly alarmist remark, telling all players that using two anti-virus software is very likely to cause system crash. Using two anti-virus software to cause system crash is not without precedent, but it is rare. Generally speaking, the possibility is less than 0.1%. But Li Yuan showed it in the most striking place of the installation interface.

In witnessing such a big warning, most players chose to delete the original antivirus software and install "360 computer guard". Anyway, other software is free, if "360 computer guard" is not good, then change it! With this attitude, the installed number of "360 computer guard" exceeded 10 million in three days, accounting for 90% of the personal anti-virus software market. As for enterprises, they are considering. To see whether "360 computer guard" is really free, whether it will be full of advertisements.

Under the expectation of millions of people, we finally have "360 computer guard" after downloading!

Gee! After installing "360 computer guard" for the first time, consumers were surprised to find that "360 computer guard" didn't have the kind of advertisement flying all over the sky as imagined. On the contrary, the screen was quite neat, which was in line with the current simple fashion, which surprised many players. After all, rising and other anti-virus software companies have vowed that if the "360 computer guard" is free forever, it will surely be full of advertisements. Therefore, it gives all consumers a preconceived idea. As a result, when you open it now, the interface is more concise than other antivirus software, which is undoubtedly a great irony and gives consumers a good first impression of "360 computer guard".

In fact, the interface of "360 computer guard" is similar to other anti-virus software. Just because of the preconceived idea, many consumers think that "360 computer guard" will be the kind of picture full of advertisements, but now it is not. Naturally, they think it is quite simple. This is to say, rising and other companies help "360 computer guard" to make an advertisement for free—— To this, Lin Feng smiles not language.

Then, when consumers use "360 computer guard", they are surprised to find that "360 computer guard" has many convenient services. For example, it can automatically remind players to update the software installed on the computer, and it can also automatically optimize the system with one click, so that they can clearly and intuitively understand the details of the computer and other functions, which makes many players quite satisfied.

Yes, this is the most concise interface, the most complete function, the fastest antivirus software I have ever used—— Some consumers posted their feelings on the Internet for the first time.

Later, more and more consumers issued a manifesto on the Internet, and fiercely attacked the previous Manifesto of rising and other companies that "360 computer guard" will be full of advertisements, claiming that these companies can't eat grapes, saying that grape acid is jealousy of "second world" and "360 computer guard". This makes rising and other companies extremely embarrassed. Due to the influence of this "questioning door" incident and the comprehensiveness and convenience of "360 computer guard", the market share of rising and other companies drops rapidly.

How could that be—— Ruixing and other anti-virus software companies are looking at the anti-virus software market, and the situation that "360 computer guard" will gradually unify the market is a little at a loss. For a moment, they don't know how to deal with it.

Launch corresponding free programs—— Rising and other company executives shake their heads. If they choose to be free, there will be only one end, and the company will go bankrupt. You know, "360 computer guard" is free, and it can make up for its deficit through other departments of "second world", but for rising and other companies whose main project is anti-virus software, it is undoubtedly a disaster. Even if you win the market, but you can't get the profit, it's no doubt in vain.

If it's not free, it's just technology. However, it is a pity that the technology of "360 computer guard" is at the leading level in the current anti-virus industry, and other companies do not have more advanced technology, which is flat at most. In this case, how to spell technology. Even if they also launch the corresponding integration software, such as increasing the system optimization function, increasing the system scanning function and so on, but at most it is equal to "360 computer guard", which can not solve the problem that "360 computer guard" is free forever.

Free forever! Free forever| The word "360 computer guard" is forever free, just like a magic spell, enveloping all anti-virus software companies in China.

Helpless—— Many antivirus software companies don't know what to do. It felt as if they had fallen into a mire, and the mire had covered their chest, and was about to cover their nose and mouth.

By the way, these extra services need to be charged and can only be enjoyed by members—— Many anti-virus software companies are barely catching a straw. Although this life-saving straw seems unable to bear the weight of people. After all, no matter whether these extra services are charged or not, the most important function of "360 computer guard", that is, antivirus and protection, is completely free, which is the biggest and most fatal blow to them.

But people are so blind, especially in the desperate situation, is more blind. Even if there is a little bit of possibility, they will hold on. Unfortunately, Lin Feng will not give them any chance.

First of all, Lin Feng announced that the membership fee of "360 computer guard" is 5 yuan per month. All users can enjoy all the services of "360 computer guard" for only 5 yuan.

Five yuan! It only costs 5 yuan a month to enjoy the use of anti-virus software in January. Seeing this news, rising and other companies are crying, so they almost cut down Lin Feng with a knife. You know, the usage fee of 5 yuan per month is selling cabbage. Are you selling cabbage? Even if you eat cabbage, it's more than 5 yuan a month! Don't you know that the price of cabbage has gone up in Korea—— Many anti-virus software company managers really want to question Lin Feng in front of him.

That's disgusting. That's disgusting—— Many anti-virus software company managers are very indignant. Lin Feng is just breaking the rules of the game. How can it be so cheap. What do the technicians who work hard to develop antivirus software think?

The executives of rising and other companies even launched a campaign to protect intellectual property rights in order to protest against Lin Feng's selling software so cheaply, and even attack Lin Feng for unfair competition. For the outside world's query, Lin Feng ignored, but again a heavy fist!

——All "second world" players can buy the right to use "360 computer guard" through "Second World Coin"!

Boom! This news, no doubt hit Ruixing and other anti-virus software company boss want to leave the anti-virus software industry, never set foot in this industry. It's too bullying. It's too bullying. I've seen bullying people before. I've never seen Lin Feng bullying people like that.

Their anti-virus software costs at least tens of yuan, and it's RMB. As a result, Lin Feng is so good that he can buy it with virtual currency even though it's only 5 yuan per month. This is a naked bully, and there are no more bullies.

In the face of Lin Feng's abominable practice, many anti-virus software companies decided to take up the weapon of law to protect their legitimate rights and interests. They filed a lawsuit against the "second world" in the Beijing Supreme People's court, accusing the "second world" of unfair competition!

In an uproar—— There was an uproar in China, and no one thought that a "antivirus software" would cause the first unfair competition lawsuit in the domestic IT industry.

The outside world holds two attitudes towards rising and other companies jointly accusing the "second world" of unfair competition.

Some experts who are "concerned about the country and the people" unanimously agree that Ruixing and other companies are saving the anti-virus industry and avoiding the monopoly of a "second world" company, which eventually leads to the situation that the whole anti-virus industry in China has changed from a hundred flowers contention to a solo company. You know, competition brings progress. These experts believe that if the "second world" solo, then China's anti-virus industry will only decline in the future, and will not be at the leading level in the international anti-virus industry as it is now.

Compared with the views of these experts, many netizens unanimously attacked "rising" and other companies. After all, "360 computer guard" at present, many netizens use quite comfortable. Other anti-virus software have to charge, only "360 computer guard" is completely free, do not charge a cent, and is forever free, and provide online free update virus library service. As for those paid services, the price of "360 computer guard" is also extremely cheap. It's only 5 yuan a month. What's more, consumers can buy service fees through virtual currency. This is undoubtedly quite good news for those players who are often immersed in the "second world" game.

For them, computer security is quite important. They put a lot of time and money into the game. To a certain extent, these virtual characters are their second life. But for some reasons, they are all using pirated anti-virus software, or simply "streaking", which has great potential for their account security. They urgently need a free software that can protect the computer.

Now "360 computer guard" plays this role. It can not only automatically check and kill viruses and search for Trojan horse programs, but also, more importantly, for "second world" players, Lin Feng requires Li Yuan to develop a small plug-in to automatically provide an electronic password card, which will appear when he starts the "second world" game, Each player has a unique "electronic password card", and if there is a Trojan horse or some unknown program in the memory, "360 computer guard" will refuse to open the game program and issue a warning.

Of course, some Trojans can bypass the anti-virus software, or close the anti-virus software directly. Because many players are not familiar with computers, they may not know that their anti-virus software has been closed by viruses or trojans. Therefore, in the "second world" game client, Lin Feng also ordered Li Yuan to add a small patch“ Second world's games, when open and run, if "360 computer guard" is not detected, an error message will appear. Of course, in order to stop being accused of illegal monopoly by those companies with ulterior motives, Lin Feng just asked Li Yuan to issue a warning when his game was opened, reminding players that if he did not install the designated anti-virus software "360 computer guard" of the "second world" game, he would not be able to provide the most perfect protection for the game account. Second world will not compensate for any number theft or account loss.

It can be said that the mutual detection of the two software forms a three-dimensional defense, which basically eliminates the possibility of any virus or Trojan horse peeping on the player's account. And more importantly, it is a disguised requirement that all "second world" players must install "360 computer guard". Using the influence of the game to expand the market of "360 computer guard" is a clever strategy.

Therefore, the loyal players of "the second world" become the defenders of "the second world". For the accusations of rising and other companies, and the arguments of those so-called experts, they issued the most violent and inhuman attack. You know, they are not easy to play games and enjoy free lunch. As a result, someone destroys it, which undoubtedly moves their "cheese". For those who dare to touch their own cheese, they must resolutely condemn, crack down on and eliminate it!

While rising and other companies are waiting for the court session, there is a surge of anti rising and anti Jinshan on the Internet. Millions of netizens appeal to stop using the anti-virus software of rising, Jinshan and other companies, and call on all people to use "360 computer guard", the only free anti-virus software on the market. As for the charging service of "360 computer guard", many senior players also provide everyone with a way to earn a monthly service fee of 5 yuan, that is, through the game.

Through repeated calculation and verification by these senior players, in order to get the right to use the "360 computer guard" of 5 yuan per month, players only need to spend about 3.2 yuan in the game, which is 40% cheaper than the usage fee of 5 yuan.

2 yuan, you can enjoy the fun of the game at the same time, to the computer with the safest protection lock, at the same time enjoy the convenience of various applications of computer services. There is nothing more cost-effective in the world“ "The second world" senior player "little fish floating away" said.

As for the argument of "little fish floating away", many players confirm that it is feasible after trying. Of course, according to the player's character level, equipment and operation level, the 3.2 yuan will fluctuate to a certain extent. However, it can definitely be cheaper than 5 yuan. And more importantly, you are enjoying the game and making money at the same time, which is quite wonderful.

For the demonstration of these senior players, Lin Feng is also deeply surprised. Originally, the company's technical personnel have been tested. Players use virtual currency to exchange monthly membership service fees in the game, and the consumption point card is about 3.5 yuan. Unexpectedly, players can easily reach 3.2 yuan. They have to admire the infinite wisdom of the players!

Because of this, the number of members of "360 computer guard" has exceeded 200000 in a short time. Of course, most of them are "second world" gamers. In order to give back the enthusiasm of the players and stimulate more people to become "360 computer guard" members, Lin Feng once again announced a new membership service - "360 computer guard" will provide one click recovery function. As long as the player selects the automatic backup, he can press the "F11" key when he starts up to restore the computer to the system before the backup, which is equivalent to adding the "Restore Wizard" function.

Of course, Lin Feng is more than that. Anyway, those companies are angry with themselves and even accuse themselves of unfair competition. Let them be angry enough at once. Lin Feng also asked Li Yuan to announce that in the future, he will launch help such as online error diagnosis of similar systems, so as to build "360 computer guard" into a perfect software for using computers, so as to ensure that anyone can skillfully use computers through "360 computer guard".

In the face of Lin Feng's actions, rising and other companies have been speechless. They really want to point to Lin Feng's nose and ask: are you antivirus software, system maintenance software, or system auxiliary software?

Unfortunately, at the moment, the executives of rising and other companies can only be in their own companies, watching their own anti-virus software market share gradually decrease, watching "360 computer guard" gradually occupy the computer anti-virus software market, dejected, waiting for the court to hold a court session, expecting the court to return them justice and "heaven and earth".

Unfortunately, they are destined to be a cup. In this era, the era of Lin Feng's birth, Lin Feng's opponent is destined to be a cup.

Lin Feng did not attend the hearing of the case at the Beijing high court. But no wonder, such as this kind of small lawsuit, annoyed with Lin Feng to come forward, just send a lawyer to appear. Of course, in order to show respect for the court, Lin Feng sent Wu Zhaopu to the scene.

Naturally, there is no doubt about the result. The so-called unfair competition refers to the company using illegal means to interfere with competitors, to damage the interests of competitors. But in this case, Lin Feng's means are legal and reasonable. The court can't judge Lin Feng's unfair competition by force. If the court dares to make a judgment, Lin Feng dares to make it big. It's not so easy to pit yourself in your current status.

In the end, when they learned that the court ruled that the "second world" was not guilty of unfair competition, the CEOs of rising and other companies wanted to cry. They had used all possible means, but the result was tragic. What's more tragic is what Wu Zhaopu said when he walked out of the court.

——Our company originally wanted to seek benefits for all users, and wanted to provide all users with an era in which they can enjoy anti-virus software for free, but it was envied. We just want to do some good things for all Chinese netizens, but we are treated like this. The world is too unfair. Is it easy for us!

Wu Zhaopu's tearful cry made all the reporters on the spot sad and tearful. And just out of the court of rising, Jinshan company boss saw this scene, angry almost ran to strangle Wu Zhaopu.

It's too tricky. It's too tricky! You are driving us to a dead end—— Boss Ruixing looks at Wu Zhaopu who is crying in Liu Bei's style. His fists are clenched tightly. He really wants to go and strangle him. Isn't Wu Zhaopu satirizing that they are villains? They are trying to suck blood from netizens! How annoying!

"Calm down, calm down, you've fallen into his trap!" On one side, Jinshan and other company managers want to cry without tears.

They also hate it now. The "second world" is too bad. Even if they occupy the market or win the lawsuit, you don't have any reason to kill people. Damn it, Wu, you're not going to give us a living! You are so hateful—— Qi hen, the boss of many antivirus software companies. If their eyes can kill people, I believe Wu Zhaopu has been cut to pieces at the moment.

Wu Zhaopu was still proud in his heart, but he negotiated with Lin Feng about this drama. After winning the lawsuit, the performance of such a scene can undoubtedly gain the most people's support, and push these competitors into the abyss again. After all, in this lawsuit, "the second world" was deeply supported by netizens and "360 computer guard" users. After all, there is only one free antivirus software in the world. Now someone wants to charge for this free antivirus software instead. Isn't this against all netizens!

With the support of netizens themselves, Wu Zhaopu also staged a scene of "Dou E's injustice", which is to force Ruixing and other companies to a dead end. When many netizens see this scene, they will surely blame Ruixing and other companies for what they think. At that time, the only way for many netizens to vent their anger and sympathize with the "second world" is to stop using the software of rising, Jinshan and other companies.

In this way, the final result is that the software of rising, Jinshan and other companies is no longer used.

Hate! bitter hate! I hate it very much—— The boss of Ruixing, Jinshan and other companies almost spewed fire in their eyes. Wu Zhaopu's eyes at the table were full of hatred, which even the reporters on one side could clearly feel.

As the focus of hate, Wu Zhaopu can feel the hate more clearly. Wu Zhaopu took a glance at the boss of Ruixing company from the corner of his eye. He was very sorry. Now when you think about it carefully, it seems that Lin Feng negotiated with him about this "Dou'e injustice". Now when you think about it carefully, it seems that Lin Feng deliberately misled himself and let himself take the initiative to make this "Dou'e injustice".

Of course, now the effect of "Dou E yuan" is very good! First-class! But now, although Lin Feng has not become a good man, he is not a bad man. Now the bad guys have become themselves. The bosses of rising and other companies don't hate Lin Feng or "the second world". Instead, they hate their poor vice-president, who is manipulated by others and becomes a vice-president. It's a bit unfair.

Of course, Wu Zhaopu can understand what Lin Feng means. Lin Feng's move is undoubtedly to transfer the hatred of these bosses, so that they will not rush to calculate "the second world". After all, these bosses are also dignified people with certain influence. They are so badly bullied this time that they really want to revenge. Although "the second world" is not afraid, it is always a trouble.

Therefore, Lin Fengcai came up with such a plan to move the evil water eastward, and let these bosses shift the target of hatred. Of course, this "Dou'e injustice" was not thought of by Lin Feng, but by secretary Lin Zhiling. Lin Zhiling knows very well that it is better for these managers to hate one person than to let them hate the "second world".

Human nature is like this. It's hard to hate a company. After all, the company is too big to hate. But hate a person, then there is a good reason to hate, and enough to divert their attention. Since we want to transfer, Lin Feng is definitely the best target. But Lin Zhiling didn't want Lin Feng to be so cruel, so she couldn't bear it. Therefore, it is necessary to find a replacement. This person can't be at a lower level. After careful calculation, Wu Zhaopu is the most suitable person.

Of course, Wu Zhaopu must be willing to do so, otherwise there will be no such effect. So, in the collusion of Lin Feng and Lin Zhiling, Wu Zhaopu was deceived, and finally willingly became the hateful target of the boss of Ruixing and other companies.

"Boss, it's so unkind of you to let me play such a bad role! You are so hateful After Wu Zhaopu came back, he rushed to Lin Feng's office immediately, looking angry. After all, he was so miscalculated by Lin Feng, and it was too unfair. Think about the itchy eyes of the boss of Ruixing and other companies before he left, Wu Zhaopu felt cool on his back.

Lin Feng smiles when he sees Wu Zhaopu so angry.

"Mr. Wu, don't be angry, don't be angry, come on, have a cup of coffee first, and be scared!" Lin fengxiao said.

Wu Zhaopu took a puff of coffee.

"Boss, if you don't give me an explanation, I can't finish with you today!" Wu Zhaopu said angrily.

Lin Feng smiles. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhaopu will make trouble with himself like a child.

"Mr. Wu, do you think it's better for them to hate the company or one person?" Lin Feng said slowly.

Wu Zhaopu thought about it and subconsciously replied, "of course, it's better to hate someone. These CEOs have a lot of energy. If they work together to make some bad moves, the company will suffer a lot. Hate a person, better defense

Lin Feng clapped his hands and yelled, "that's right! Heroes think alike. What you think is what I think! "

Wu Zhaopu was a little embarrassed by Lin fengkua, but on second thought, he was discontented, "but why do you pit me so much! Now it's good. You didn't look at the eyes of those managers at that time. I really doubt that if they were in the Warring States period, they would have killed me! "

Thinking of the eyes of the boss of Ruixing and other companies, Wu Zhaopu said with lingering fear.

Lin Feng was amused to see Wu Zhaopu's fear.

"Boss, you laugh. If you don't think about it, my "Dou'e injustice" is tantamount to pushing them to a dead end. They must hate me now. What's more, the most important thing is that they are powerful. How can I stay in this circle in the future? " Wu Zhaopu had a headache when he thought of this. Now that he plays such a "Dou E yuan", I'm afraid he can't work for any other company in the future. He can't go anywhere except "the second world".

Lin Feng smiles.

"You're so funny, boss. You're so unkind!" Seeing that Lin Feng was still laughing, Wu Zhaopu was too angry to speak.

"Mr. Wu, don't be angry, don't be angry. Let's look at it this way. You think, since you want to divert the other party's attention, then our company must find a scapegoat, right? " Asked Lin Feng.

Wu Zhaopu nodded.

"As the president of second world, I am naturally the best choice. However, my every move has a direct impact on the operation of the company. In case I am calculated by them, what accidents will happen to the company, and what accidents will be caused to the company, it is too unkind to the company! Do you think so? " Lin Feng said.

Wu Zhaopu thought about it and nodded.

Indeed, as the president of the "second world", every move of Lin Feng is related to the direction of the "second world". If anything happens to Lin Feng, the "second world" will definitely be subject to huge fluctuations. Therefore, if possible, no one in the "second world" can have an accident.

"Mr. Wu, since I can't take the place of the company to suffer, I have to pick out another person. Moreover, this person's position should not be too low, and he must be able to have something to do with this matter, right? " Lin Feng said.

Wu Zhaopu nodded.

"Now the company has four vice presidents. He Guoyuan is in charge of ATI department. He usually does not involve in the daily management of any other company. Is he suitable? " Asked Lin Feng.

Wu Zhaopu shook his head. Although he Guoyuan is the vice president of the company, he is mainly responsible for the hardware development department of ATI. Regardless of other things, he is naturally inappropriate. Push him out, the other side will feel puzzled.

"What about Lu Zhiyi? Is it appropriate? " Lin Feng asked again.

Wu Zhaopu shook his head. Like he Guoyuan, Lu Zhiyi has the same identity and status. If he Guoyuan is not suitable, Lu Zhiyi is even more unsuitable.

"What about gates( Is he suitable? " Asked Lin Feng.

Wu Zhaopu shook his head. Gates is responsible for the development of stand-alone games, but also responsible for dealing with the company's major game departments, is indeed a suitable person. But he is a foreigner, his personality is too straightforward, and he is not good at communicating with people. At the same time, he is not well-known in the outside world, so he certainly can not perfectly realize this plan of disaster eastward.

"That leaves us Wu Zhaopu, general manager Wu. Do you think you are suitable?" Asked Lin Feng.

Wu Zhaopu thought about it. As the vice president of the company, I have always been familiar with the outside world, and I am responsible for the daily management of the company and coordinating various departments of the company. I can be said to be the best candidate.

"I'm the best one!" Wu Zhaopu thought about it carefully and nodded subconsciously.

Lin Feng almost couldn't help laughing. However, Wu Zhaopu and himself are anxious. Lin Feng can only suppress his smile.

"Mr. Wu, do you think I'm the most suitable person for you to play" Dou E yuan "? The company has no other suitable person except you!" Lin Feng sighed.

Wu Zhaopu's face was strange. I came to find Lin Feng to settle accounts, but it turned out that Lin Feng gave me an opportunity to contribute to the company. How do you think about this? How do you make Wu Zhaopu depressed.

"Well, well, Mr. Wu, I know you have been wronged this time. Don't worry, I will remember your sacrifice. Let's go and have a drink at the viewing platform tonight! Let's get drunk at sunset Lin Feng patted Wu Zhaopu on the shoulder.

Wu Zhaopu thought about it and agreed helplessly. What can he do now! Is it really urgent to be with Lin Feng? It's not appropriate to make trouble with Lin Feng. And Lin Feng is right. He is the only one in the company.

"Hum, if you don't get drunk tonight, you can't pretend to be drunk!" Wu Zhaopu raised his eyebrows and hummed coldly. Now that this has been the case, it's better to recover face from the wine table and export evil spirit on the wine table.

In terms of alcohol consumption, Wu Zhaopu claims to be second in the company, but no one dares to be first. Although Lin Feng has a lot of social activities, he doesn't drink it every time when it's almost the same. Lin Feng said that he would not drink, and no one dared to force him to drink. After all, Lin Feng's character is too famous. His eyes stare, who dares to persuade. After all, drinking is just for communication, not for fighting. Wan Yizhen fell out with Lin Feng because of drinking. It's not worth it.

Therefore, Wu Zhaopu knows that Lin Feng's drinking capacity is not good. The amount of alcohol can only be increased when drunk. It's impossible to increase the amount of alcohol without a few heavy drunks. Therefore, Wu Zhaopu has absolute assurance to intoxicate Lin Feng!

Lin Feng a listen, helpless smile. It seems that we can't even get drunk tonight. After all, Wu Zhaopu is really aggrieved this time. Since he has stopped making trouble and only asked for a drink, he can still refuse! Forget it, give up your life to accompany a gentleman—— Lin Feng took a pat on his chest and let it go today. Besides, it's no big deal to let Wu Zhaopu calm down and make a fool of himself. On the contrary, it can enhance their relationship.

Then they went to the top floor of the company, the top of the 108 meter statue of Lin Feng, the best viewing platform in Shanghai. Two people open the battle, full of all kinds of delicacies, wine bottles in a row, to a wine table "Zhang Fei night battle Ma Chao"!

This battle can be said to be a dark one. This battle can be said to be a shocking one. From day to night, from night to dawn. When the sun was rising, the two men just finished fighting.

"Boss, you pit me again!" Under the rising sun, Wu Zhaopu's head tilted and got drunk.

Originally, Wu Zhaopu thought that Lin Feng must not be his opponent, so he chose beer and Lin Feng to fight 300 rounds. Beer is very hard to drink. But unexpectedly, they both drank a few boxes, but Lin Feng didn't get drunk at all. On the contrary, he became more and more brave, and he couldn't do it. Lin Feng was still so energetic. Finally, when Wu Zhaopu felt that the whole world was spinning around, he realized that he was trapped by Lin Feng again.

Under the rising sun, looking at the rising sun, Wu Zhaopu fell asleep on the ground. Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Wu, I really didn't cheat you this time. I didn't know I could drink so much! " Lin Feng sighed helplessly. Lin Feng really didn't know that after practicing Wang Meng's "Tuina skill", he was not only extremely brave in bed, but also so brave in drinking. He could drink a thousand cups!

Now, back in 2004, the first meeting. It's 2004, and there's another year to go before the world war is released( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)