It's not easy to convince Anne Kruger. Annie Kruger has been the vice president of the world bank for more than ten years. She has never seen any scenes before. If she wants to move her, it is not the general conditions or treatment that can move her. But just as it happens, Lin Feng's chips are enough to move people.

"Ms. Annie, I just want to say that the second world currency managed by my virtual currency technology company will become the second largest currency in the world next to the US dollar in the future." Lin Feng said that, his eyes shining.

The world's second largest currency after the US dollar—— Hearing Lin Feng's words, not only Annie Kruger was startled, but also Abby Cohen, who was accompanying her.

Will the virtual currency "second world currency" surpass pound, franc and yen to become the second largest currency in the world? They didn't hear me wrong. Although the Internet will become the dominant force in the future, in the next 30 years, everything in the world will be connected indiscriminately. Whether it is the household appliances in the individual home or the street lamps, it will be connected, and everything can be controlled all over the world through the Internet. Human life will be networked.

But if you want to say that the virtual currency running in a game can surpass the real currency and become the second largest currency in the world, isn't that ridiculous! This is ridiculous. It's the funniest joke in the world.

But Annie Kruger and Abby Cohen did not dare to make fun of them, because this was not said by others, but by Lin Feng. The same sentence has different meanings and weight when people of different identities say it. When Lin Feng says it, they are shocked, but they don't make fun of it at all. On the contrary, they secretly think about the feasibility of Lin Feng's words. But no matter how Annie Kruger and Abby Cohen calculate it, it's all out of line, it's incredible. However, if it can be realized, the position of president of virtual currency technology company is indeed a very challenging job.

Lin Feng doesn't care about their surprise. After all, it's hard for them to accept who it is. It's good that they don't make fun of their dreams.

"Miss Annie, I think you must be very surprised to think that this idea of mine is wishful thinking. But I'm confident. The 21st century is a century of entertainment. Under the increasingly developed material civilization, people's demand for spiritual entertainment is higher and higher, which is one of the reasons why Hollywood industry is more and more developed. And the game is also the future of human needs Lin Feng said word by word.

Annie Kruger and Abby Cohen nodded that the 21st century belongs to entertainment, which is recognized. Now it's long past the age of drinking blood, human beings have far more material than they need. In this case, spiritual needs even exceed material needs to a certain extent.

"My plan is to build" second world "into the greatest game entertainment company on the planet in the next 20 years, so that where there are people on the earth, there will be our company's games and our company's virtual services, so that all human beings can enter this virtual fantasy world! And the "virtual currency unification" I proposed is to focus on the future, so that there is only one virtual currency in the whole virtual world. If at that time, when all mankind can not do without the virtual world I have built, my "second world currency" will have the strength to challenge the real currency. " Lin Feng excitedly says his plan.

Annie Kruger and Abby Cohen sniffed at the words. Lin Feng's wish is too incredible, the goal is too incredible, even a bit of fantasy.

"Mr. Lin, why do you have such confidence? Don't you think it's too..." Annie Kruger doesn't know how to describe it. Lin Feng's plan is too grand, even a bit abnormal.

Lin Feng stood up, went to the window and looked at the Washington block.

"Ms. Annie, this is not a kind of blind self respect, but a kind of confidence in strength. The 21st century is an era of Internet and entertainment, and I have the strength to achieve my plans and goals. " Lin Feng said slowly.

Anne Kruger was silent. After a long time.

"Mr. Lin, give me some time to think about it. Well, I'll give you an answer tomorrow. " Annie Kruger said. She must digest what Lin Feng said, and she must think it over.

Lin Feng nodded, then left with Abby Cohen smiling.

When Lin Feng and his party came out, the FBI agents were still outside, as if they were the most loyal bodyguards.

"Hi, everyone, it's hard work! No one dares to row my car now, I think Lin fengchong said hello to several FBI agents, then got on the bus and roared away.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, a group of FBI agents are very angry. Yes, even their noses are very angry. You can imagine how angry these FBI agents are. They are the agents of the US Federal Bureau of investigation. They have become the "parking boys" in Lin zeezhou. How ridiculous!

However, what should be pursued still needs to be pursued. Subsequently, three Chevy cars followed Lin Feng. At the same time, a report on Lin Feng's going to the world bank was soon sent to Bush. As for whether the FBI agent in the car was in tears because he became a "parking boy", it's not clear.

Lin Feng goes to see Annie Kruger, vice president of the world bank. What does he want to do? According to the report, Annie Kruger was very surprised at that time. What could surprise the vice president of the world bank—— President Bush frowned.

There seems to be something fishy about it—— Bush speculated. The world bank and Lin Feng are different. No matter how short of funds Lin Feng is, the funding he seeks should not be the world bank. Lin Feng can only represent the country when he goes to see the world bank. What will China do?

For a long time, there has been a trade deficit between the United States and China. According to the U.S. financial report, the U.S. economy is not optimistic. We need to find another "scapegoat". We have been trying to appreciate the RMB, but we have not succeeded. At the same time, the rise of China is also an indisputable fact. As the "world's first hegemon" of the United States, it is also inviolable. For this threat, it must be strangled in the cradle. At this time, does China want to have any plot?

After all, Bush is the president of a country, and his mode of thinking is based on the overall situation. Therefore, it is invisible that Lin Feng's move must represent the country. Although Lin Feng does not have any political identity, will he not have any political background to become the richest man in the world in Red China? Bush never believed that, in his view, maybe this is a wonderful move of China. Use Lin Feng's identity as a pure businessman to act in secret, to complete some invisible light things.

"Send someone to Annie Kruger." Bush ordered.

Immediately, Lin Feng and Annie Kruger were surrounded by FBI agents who seemed to be doing nothing all day. However, Lin Feng's side is blatant, while Anne Kruger's side is secretly watching. After all, the other party is the vice president of the world bank, with a prominent identity and an American. The FBI must also consider the impact of tracking.

"Lin, do you think Anne will agree?" Along the way, Abby Cohen analyzed it countless times, but could not come to a conclusion. Because Lin Feng's plan of "world distribution of Martial Arts (games and entertainment)" is incredible, and Abby Cohen doesn't know whether it can be realized. If it can be achieved, it is a good attraction for Anne Kruger. But how many people can have confidence in this plan? Do you believe it can be achieved?

Abby Cohen asked himself that he didn't have much confidence.

Lin Feng poured a glass of wine for Abby Cohen. For Lin Feng himself, this is also an expectation and a goal. If our company can really reach this point in the future and let human beings all over the world enter our own virtual world, I'm afraid our company will surpass any large company or any family in the past, which will be a real super company. Of course, there are many difficulties. In addition to keeping up with the development of the Internet (such as broadband speed, popularity, etc.), it also needs the support of governments. Without the support of the local government, a company can not really take root, not to mention the Internet company that wants to unify the network. After all, local protectionism exists in many countries, and it is not easy to allow a foreign company to monopolize its own market.

Of course, from the current strength point of view, it is difficult to achieve this step. However, Lin Feng believes that as long as we work hard, we will be able to achieve this grand goal.

While waiting for Annie Kruger, Lin Feng toured the scenic spots of Washington and took a group of FBI agents on a one-day tour of Washington. Visited such famous scenic spots as "former residence of Washington", "Library of Congress", "space and Aviation Museum". This afternoon, Lin Feng is very beautiful. In addition to his eight bodyguards, he also followed a group of FBI agents behind him, which was extremely popular. Many tourists marvel at it. They have seen a lot of rich people, but they have never seen so many bodyguards and FBI agents to protect them. I'm afraid only the president of the United States can have such a battle.

This naturally makes many American media dissatisfied with Lin Feng's prejudice.

The next day, before Lin Feng woke up, the major newspapers in the United States published such a piece of news: Lin Feng, how is the president of the United States treated?

A poignant comment by the Washington Times: why does Lin Feng, a foreigner, have FBI agents to escort him? Even when he goes to a place with a high safety factor, such as the "space and Aviation Museum", there are no less than eight FBI agents to protect him. This is too exaggerated. Why is Lin Feng the governor of the United States? Or is Lin Feng the president of the United States? Is that how our taxpayers' money is spent?

America today is also ironic - the United States is the most democratic country and the country with the most legal system. Unexpectedly, there are such privileged figures as Lin Feng now. They are protected by a large group of FBI agents when they go to play. I don't know who gave them such privileges, but this is undoubtedly the tragedy of the whole country, the tragedy of the American democratic system and the tragedy of the American law. Who is this person who gives Lin Feng such privilege?

There is a lot of noise from the outside world, especially the people's dissatisfaction with the state's tax policy, but now they are spending taxpayers' money on Lin Feng, which naturally makes the people even more dissatisfied. For a while, the people's dissatisfaction is everywhere.

Are these media crazy—— President Bush frowned as he witnessed the attacks in the national media.

Lin Feng laughs at these reports. Lin Feng didn't care at all about the accusations from the media. Although the target of their criticism is themselves, it is actually intended to be who has given them these "privileges". However, at present, although the media is making a lot of trouble, the government has not handed over anyone. Who was not disclosed to Lin Feng's "privilege".

After all, this is the order of President Bush himself, and it is to monitor forest wind, not to protect forest wind. How can government departments say and explain this. We can only wait for the storm to pass. Of course, because of this, Bush let a group of FBI agents from light to dark, no longer so high-profile behind Lin Feng.

"Boss, there are still four secret sentries following us." Li Rui looked around and said.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Well, whatever they are, let's meet Anne Kruger." Lin Feng didn't care. After all, it's on the territory of the United States. They have to follow themselves, and they have no choice.

Li Rui nodded, then drove straight to meet Anne Kruger in a cafe. Along the way, the standard Chevrolet car of the FBI agent was replaced by three. Every 10 minutes, the Chevrolet behind Lin Feng's car would be replaced, which was extremely covert. Unfortunately, for Li Rui, they are too idiots. As we all know, the standard car of the FBI is a Chevy. No matter how many cars you change or a Chevy, it's too eye-catching. What's more, the license plates of the three cars that followed him are the same as those of the three cars that followed Lin Feng yesterday. Li Rui can jump to the Pacific Ocean and die if he can't see anyone following him.

In Li Rui's extermination of the FBI, Lin Feng and his party went to the coffee shop, where Annie Kruger had already arrived.

"Miss Anne, I've kept you waiting!" Lin Feng said slightly sorry.

"It's OK. I came early, and Mr. Lin was five minutes ahead of time." Annie Kruger said faintly.

"What would you like to drink, Mr. Lin?" Anne Kruger said with a smile.

"Give me a cappuccino!" Lin Feng, look at the menu.

Then, after waiting for the waiter to deliver a cup of cappuccino, they got to the point.

"Miss Annie, how are you thinking about my invitation?" Lin Feng asked with a trace of uneasiness.

Asked Annie Kruger, after a few sips of coffee in silence.

"Mr. Lin, your plan is very exciting. If this plan is finally achieved, I think it will usher in a new era. My only doubt is that you once announced that virtual currency will not be able to exchange RMB, so how can you make it the second largest currency in the world in the future? " Annie Kruger looks at Lin Feng with great interest.

She is very interested in this issue, which is also the key.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Ms. Annie, I just said that we can't exchange RMB, but it doesn't mean we can't exchange other currencies. For example, Japanese yen, British pound and US dollar are convertible. As long as my game can spread all over the world and make all the people in the world become customers of my company, I don't think that's a problem. " Lin fengxiao said.

Annie Kruger smelled the speech, with a strange smile on her face. Lin Feng is playing a word game, but it suits her very much. The world bank, too, has been playing word games. In this world, this kind of word game can't be more normal. What I can't play is that I can't adapt to the rules of the world.

"But Mr. Lin, I have a piece of advice - if you have a virtual currency, I don't think any country will allow it once it hits its own currency. How are you going to deal with this situation?" Asked Anne Kruger.

This problem is also the key to Lin Feng's "virtual currency". If you want to become the second largest currency in the world, it will definitely impact the currency of the country. As a government, you can't allow this to happen. If the government takes action, I'm afraid even companies will be involved. How does Lin Feng guarantee that the company will not be involved?

Lin Feng smiles.

"As long as all countries can benefit from it, there will be no problem. This matter can be negotiated and communicated. What's more, if a company is strong enough to be feared by the government, Ms. Annie, do you think the local government can still govern the company? In this world, not all countries are as powerful as the United States! " Lin Feng said.

Anne Kruger nodded. Indeed, not every country is the United States. For example, Soros, relying only on his own Tiger Fund, was able to sweep across Southeast Asia that year, making Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and other countries almost bankrupt. In this case, the government could not fight against companies. What's more, there are also Rockefeller group and Morgan group. If they concentrate their financial resources on one country, most countries in the world will not be able to fight. What's more, a large consortium usually has the support of the state, which many small countries can't compete with.

"Mr. Lin, I'd like to be the president of virtual currency technology company. I want to see how this virtual currency becomes the second currency in the world!" Annie Kruger said brightly.

Although she is nearly 60 years old, she is still full of vitality and yearning for new things. She is still ambitious. However, whether she is in the world bank or the world monetary fund, her position will always be a deputy, and she will never be the president. This makes Anne Kruger, who is not inferior to any man's ambition, really dissatisfied. This time, Lin Feng proposed an invitation. After weighing and deciding that Lin Feng's "virtual currency technology company" will be one of the most promising companies in the future, Annie Kruger even moved her heart.

So after a night of thinking, Anne Kruger made up her mind.

When Lin Feng heard the words, he let out a long breath. This is the most suitable person for the post of president of virtual currency technology company.

"I don't know, Ms. Annie, what else is there to deal with and when can I work? Because everything is ready for me. " Lin Feng immediately can't wait to say.

Annie Kruger smiles.

"Mr. Lin, you can start working at any time. When I make up my mind, everything is ready. My retirement application has been submitted to the world bank and is ready to leave at any time! " Annie Kruger said.

Lin Feng was a little surprised. She didn't expect Anne Kruger to be so quick. However, it's good that now the country is in a mess, and they are all criticizing their "virtual currency unification" plan. The sooner Anne Kruger starts, the better.

Then, in the dumbfounded eyes of FBI agents, Lin Feng and Annie Kruger set foot on the return flight. Of course, before leaving, Lin Feng did not forget to ridicule the US government and express his feelings to many reporters who followed him.

"Thank the U.S. government for its full protection. Thank you very much. I feel the unprecedented security here, America, it's really great! I hope I can have such an honor next time I come! " With that, Lin Feng boarded his special plane and left.

Naturally, these words also spread throughout the United States through the mouth of reporters. At this time, President Bush just received the news that Lin Feng had left the United States.

"What? Is Anne Kruger willing to give up her position as the first vice president of the world monetary fund and go to Lin Feng's "virtual currency technology company" When Bush received such a report, he couldn't believe his eyes. No matter how you look at it, the IMF is much better than Lin Feng's "virtual currency technology company", but it's unexpected that Anne Kruger will give up this position. Of course, this was Annie Kruger's private affair, but what annoyed Bush was that he went to Lin Feng's company. It's so irritating.

Abby Cohen, a Wall Street myth, has gone to Linfeng company. Now Anne Kruger, once known as the most powerful woman in the financial sector, has also gone. What is the magic of Linfeng that can make so many talents work for her—— Bush is indignant.

Of course, what bothered Bush even more was Lin Feng's words before boarding the plane, which made Bush angry to death. What's more, these media are holding on to the tail and have to ask the U.S. government to explain why Lin Feng is so well protected. Although Lin Feng is a rich man, it doesn't mean he can have privileges. This incident is getting worse and worse. It can be said that the American media are extremely dissatisfied and have to ask the government to explain it.

After all, the United States is a democratic country with a sound legal system. Although Lin Feng is a super rich man, he has no right to receive more special treatment than any ordinary American. Everyone is equal, which is advocated by the constitution of the United States. So who gave Lin Feng these privileges? Who made Lin Feng so public that he could travel around the park with FBI bodyguards? It's too privileged and corrupt. This is something the United States can never tolerate.

People can't have privileges. In particular, government departments cannot give privileges to anyone. The law must not allow this privilege to exist. Under the hype of the American media, the ordinary American people, the American rich, or some celebrities all expressed their opinions in the hope that the government would explain why Lin Feng could obtain such privileges.

Finally, under the pressure of public opinion, a deputy director of the FBI admitted that he gave Lin Feng some special treatment for some personal reasons. He was willing to take the blame, resign and apologize to the whole country. This is barely calming the anger of the American media. And the whole United States is laughing and cheering for the great American law and the fair and honest American government.

At the expense of a deputy director, the FBI has regained the support of the public.

Lin Feng, next time you'd better not make it in my hands—— Bush can only curse Lin Feng like a bitter abandoned woman in the deep palace. In the first two times, Lin Fenglai smashed the statue of liberty and beat a Washington Times reporter, which almost caused riots in the whole American media; Even better this time, a deputy director of the FBI resigned. This damned Lin Feng has become a plague in the United States. Every time I come here, I get into a lot of trouble.

However, although he hated Lin Feng, now bush can only see Lin Feng's special plane whistling away from Washington. Although he very much hoped that the US Air Force would blow up Lin Feng's special plane as it did when it bombed the Embassy of Yugoslavia. But that's too much trouble. It's unnecessary. Just don't take such a risk for the time being!

Under the curse of President Bush, Lin Feng and his party have gone away. However, Lin Feng and his party did not directly return to Shanghai. Instead, they went to a small town on the outskirts of Paris, France, where Michelle kantsu, former president of the International Monetary Fund, lives. Although Lin Feng has invited Annie Kruger as the president, he still hopes that Michelle kantsu, the former president of the International Monetary Fund, can serve as the senior adviser of the company, so that the strength of the company is more expected.

Although Lin Feng has never met Michelle kantsu and has nothing to do with him, he is very confident in inviting him to take the post of senior consultant of "virtual currency technology company". Because of Annie Kruger, Lin Feng believes Michelle kantsu will definitely be interested in going to her own company.

Sure enough, Michelle kantsu was surprised to hear that Anne Kruger gave up her position as the first vice president of the International Monetary Fund and took up the post of president of Lin Feng, an unheard of "virtual currency technology company". Of course, she was full of interest. Therefore, after hearing Lin Feng's invitation, he readily agreed.

Later, Lin Feng returned to Shanghai with Anne Kruger and Michelle kantsu.

As soon as I got off the plane, I was surrounded by many reporters. What did Lin Feng do when he went out this time? And who are the two foreigners around Lin Feng? It seems familiar. Many reporters always feel that these two foreigners, a man and a woman, are very familiar.

It's them—— A reporter finally remembered who the two foreigners were around Lin Feng, and immediately exclaimed.

Sorry, there is only one chapter today. We will resume the third shift tomorrow. Thank you for your support( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)