One of the so-called bugs is that when players are "running for business" ("a way for players to earn Gang contributions, money and experience in dream journey to the west"), when they hand in the banknote, the banknote is always on them, and the money, experience and contribution are also increased, so they can hand in the banknote all the time. However, this is a data vulnerability, which is intermittent. It's hard to happen. Lin Feng and many players don't know why this bug happened, but it did. At that time, many people made tens of millions of dream money by using this bug, and at the same time, their grades were upgraded by more than ten levels.

The other is the system's own setting vulnerability. Players can take advantage of the loophole of "dream journey to the west" after level 10, they can always play without going offline (in "dream journey to the west", players need to recharge after level 10, but they can always play without going offline, but the time will be deducted when they log in next time), hang up their physical strength in the "bookstore" of Chang'an City, and then "work" to sell money. Originally, the money was not much, 3000 yuan for every 40 points of physical strength. But when your account number reaches a certain amount, enough to meet the physical consumption, then it's terrible.

"Work" once, you can get 3000 money, consume 40 points of physical strength, and this mouse click process, only takes 2 seconds. You can earn 3000 dream coins in 2 seconds. Counting the account switching time, it takes about 3-4 seconds. You can click 15-20 times in one minute, and you can get 45000 dream coins in at least one minute. One hour, with a nap in the middle and a 10 minute rest (usually no rest), you can get 2.25 million yuan. According to the working attitude of the studio, it is conservatively estimated to work at least 12-16 hours a day.

At the end of the day, according to the most conservative and conservative estimate, the studio will get at least 27 million yuan. It doesn't look like much to get 27 million dream coins a day. According to the later market price of dream coins, it is about 200 yuan. This kind of hard-working, high-intensity day, only earn 200 yuan, not much. But this method of making money can be implemented at the beginning of the game. At the beginning of the game, the exchange price of dream currency for RMB is terrifying.

On the first day of the game, the exchange price of dream currency for RMB is as high as 1 million dream currency for about 30 yuan. On the first day, 27 million dream currency can be exchanged for 810 yuan. If you work for 12 hours, you can get 810 yuan. No game is more profitable than that. Moreover, within one week after the opening of "dream journey to the west" in the new area, there will be no big increase in the ratio of game currency to RMB, only a small increase in January, and a relatively large increase in price will appear after March. What's more, the income of 27 million yuan a day is the minimum income, and everything is calculated according to the minimum efficiency. But the efficiency of the studio, which is really focused on making money, is more than twice as high as that.

There is a famous saying in the game studio: people rest, machines don't. That is to say, people will change when they are tired, but the machine will not be tired. It should be driven all the time.

Of course, Lin Feng does not despise these profitable studios. But this kind of limit earning method, although within the scope of the rules of the game, is to make money by making use of the imperfection of the rules of the game itself. If so many game coins are produced in one day, it will absolutely destroy the price balance of a server. Originally, the price will rise sharply in three months. It is very likely that the biological price will soar after the first month. At that time, all ordinary players will suffer. These studios can be replaced with new servers.

In later generations, when Lin Feng was still playing "dream journey to the west", these game studios, which made money by using bugs, were like locusts passing through the new area one after another. Under the complaints of all ordinary players, they watched the prices soar.

What's more exaggerated is that the number of new areas opened by dream journey to the west is limited each time. Therefore, several studios often squeeze into one server to make money by using this bug. After landing in the game, you often find that the "bookstore" is full of accounts with similar names, which are all hung here. When several studios come in, the price of a server will only rise faster.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Ding Lei was stunned《 Dream journey to the West has been on the public beta for a long time on February 21. Ding Lei thinks that there should be no bug. But at this moment, Lin Feng's words are like "doomsday". Although he believes Lin Feng won't lie, it's a bit shocking.

Then, Ding Lei hung up in a hurry and ran to the inner team of "dream journey to the west" to talk about Lin Feng's bug to the team members of "dream journey to the west".

"It's impossible, Ding Dong. It's impossible. There is absolutely no such big loophole in dream journey to the West."《 Xu, the chief planner of dream journey to the west, doesn't believe it. Their programming team and the inside players didn't find the bug. Lin Feng, a super rich man, has time to discover the bug of dream journey to the West?

Lao Xu doesn't believe it! Absolutely don't believe it! If a super player found it, Lao Xu believed it. But Lin Feng, who has tens of billions of dollars in assets, found that Lao Xu didn't believe it.

However, seeing Ding Lei's serious face and Lin Feng's almost mythical character in the industry, it should not be sensational to point out such a bug in dream journey to the West.

After a test, Lin Feng said that the "business running" loophole did not appear.

"Look, Ding Dong, I said there would be no such loopholes in dream journey to the West." Xu said confidently.

However, before Lao Xu's voice was heard, a programmer called out.

"Lao Xu, there are loopholes. When I am now "running for business" to pay the bank notes, my experience, money and contribution are increasing, but the bank notes have not been cancelled. I can always brush my experience like this. " A programmer yelled. At this time, his game character experience has been upgraded several levels.

Lao Xu frowned. After careful confirmation, he did. His face suddenly turned green. Ding Lei had such a big bug in front of him that he was really disgraced.

After some shame detection, it is found that this is a data overflow problem. When the number of "business running" reaches a certain limit in one day, the data will overflow, and then the players can "business running" indefinitely. Fortunately, this problem is a small one, which can be solved by modifying the code a little. But what puzzled Lao Xu was how Lin Feng discovered the bug. Just now, they have modified the program so that the programmer can directly buy a "silver note" to "run the business", and then they discovered this bug. How did Lin Feng reach the upper limit of data overflow in internal test.

Lao Xu couldn't figure it out, let alone understand it. How did Lin Feng find out that so many programmers didn't find out. However, before Lao Xu could understand this, another bug pointed out by Lin Feng was proved to exist by programmers.

When the number of players' accounts reaches 600, it can circulate infinitely. According to this circulation, as long as a studio makes money by this way, it can completely destroy the financial system of a server. But this bug has its Achilles' heel.

"Ding Dong, this bug is really harmful, but the player machine can't bear so many accounts unless he uses a supercomputer." Xu duding said.

Ding Lei also nodded. Now a player's computer can hang up to 4-6 windows of "dream journey to the west". If you want to hang 600 windows, you need 100 computers, which is impossible. It's not cost-effective, at least in terms of cost performance.

Is Lin Feng a alarmist—— Ding Lei is puzzled. But anyway, it's a bug. In hesitation, Ding Lei still calls Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, Ding Dong, don't forget that a studio can't have only one computer. Besides, it's a hang up, not a game. We need more computer hardware. In the end, computer hardware will develop. If we can't hang up now, it doesn't mean we can't hang up in the future. We should take precautions and learn to prepare for a rainy day. " Lin fengxiao said.

Ding Lei listened to deeply nod. Indeed, what Lin Feng said is right. People should take a long-term view and take precautions.

"Do you have any good suggestions from Mr. Lin?" Ding Lei asked.

"Ha ha, it's very simple. Limit the number of multiple computers《 "Dream journey to the west" supports up to five people to form a team, so it's better to limit a computer to six at most. In this way, players can form their own teams to play games, but also free up a number to do other things. " Lin Feng said.

Ding Lei expressed deep admiration. Now it's limited to 6. In terms of the player's computer configuration, it can't meet this standard at all. 6 is redundant. In the future, the player's computer will be upgraded. He wants to open more computers, but the rules have already been formulated, and there will be no way to complain at that time. This is much better than limiting it at that time.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. thank you very much. Otherwise, "dream journey to the west" I'm afraid that after the public beta, there will really be something wrong Ding Lei is very grateful to Lin Feng now, and he can't respect him. He really admires Lin Feng. His own company's program team in charge of design and development did not find the bugs of "running business" and "brushing strength", but Lin Feng found them.

Ding Lei has no idea what to use to describe Lin Feng's magic, can only say that he is not a person, is a monster. This also let Ding Lei in the heart faint have an idea, Lin Feng is terrible, deeply hidden, this kind of person don't want to be an enemy with it.

As for the members of the development team of dream journey to the west, they also admire Lin Feng. The bugs that are so hard to find are all found by Lin Feng. They don't know what to say to Lin Feng. Lao Xu really wants to ask Lin Feng - are you human?

Finally, in the official public beta of "dream journey to the west" on February 21, Xu asked Ding Lei's opinions, and added a "Special Advisor" to the list of members of the game production team, which said the name of "Lin Feng" impressively on it, and marked it at the back - special thanks to Lin Feng, chairman and President of "second world" for his guidance to "dream journey to the west".

What's more, when Ding Lei was promoting dream journey to the west, Gao Gao indicated that Lin Feng specially ordered 2D round games.

Lin Feng doesn't have any opinions about Ding Lei's propaganda strategy, because it happens to be used to crack down on "90% of" Magic Baby "( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)