"Bill, we may have to suspend the sale of dual core processors."

"Paul, why?"

"You've seen the things on the microblog, bill. What can we do if we don't pause?"

"But now you still have some sales of dual core processors, not to mention your cooperation with Dell."

"There are sales, but there are not many. Moreover, after this event, our dual core processor has been defined as a fake dual core. If it is sold in this way, it will affect our Intel brand."


Bill was completely blindfolded.

He did not expect that Intel would make such a decision.

Of course, if it was before, Bill wouldn't care.

But what about Vista?

Without Intel's dual core help, their Vista will also face failure.

"Bill, I know you're under a lot of pressure, but we have to make this choice."

"I know. But, Paul, is there no other way?"

"If there was a way, we wouldn't make such a decision. But don't worry, bill. Although our dual core processor plan is blocked, our market is still unmatched by other competitors."

"But what about our Vista?"

"Without vista, isn't there still XP?"


Bill left depressed.

In fact, he really wants to get angry.

Intel is in a dilemma with Microsoft.

But bill also knows that Intel didn't mean it.

If he were Paul, he might do so.

After all, everyone agrees that it is a false dual core, and the future market can be almost ignored.

"Bill, what's Intel thinking?"

"They may suspend sales of dual core processors."

"This guy, is he trying to kill us Microsoft?"

"Steve, stop talking. Intel can't help it. If you want to blame it, you can only blame Chen Yu."


Steve sighed.

He's just venting his anger.

"The microblog model is genius."


When it comes to microblogging, bill makes a sudden move: "when it comes to their microblogging, I want to experience it."

Walking to the computer, Bill registered a microblog.

"Bill, how did you think of opening microblog?"

"I think this microblog is very interesting. We have to learn more about our competitors' products. Moreover, I feel more and more that our strongest competitor in the future will not be IBM, apple or Oracle, but Huanyu technology."

Steve was silent.

In fact, in terms of strength, Huanyu technology is already very strong.

However, many times his strength is reflected in the Internet.

Before that, many people didn't pay much attention to the Internet.

They believe that the Internet is a downstream business.

The downstream business is more controlled by the upstream business.

But who knows, the development of the Internet has become more and more prosperous.

His influence seems to have exceeded the traditional IT business.

Moreover, Huanyu technology is not only the Internet, but also many other layouts.

Chip design, chip manufacturing, operating system, mobile phone, computer, TV, LCD panel, electronic OEM

Just thinking about it, Steve couldn't help shivering.

If these layout products can succeed.

In other words, even if only one of these layout products is successful, it is extremely terrible.

"Shameless, failed to pass the certification."

Looking at the text message on the microblog that the identity authentication information of the founder of Microsoft failed, Bill scolded.

Then Bill picked up his cell phone and called Chen Yu.

"Hello, Chen Yu, this is bill."

"Oh, Hello, Mr. bill."

"Chen Yu, you recently came to our United States, but you launched a new business. Congratulations, congratulations."

"Thank you, Mr. bill. It's just a small business. It can't compare with your Microsoft operating system."

"Small business, you are really modest. If microblog is a small business, it is impossible to turn Intel's dual core processor into a fake dual core."

"Mistakenly, Mr. bill, it has nothing to do with me. It's all sanders and them."

Chen Yu was not surprised to hear from bill.

Intel was fooled by them. In addition to Intel's serious injury, they also hurt Microsoft's vitality.

At least, their vista is estimated to be difficult to promote.

Even if bill still doesn't let go, it is estimated that vsita may become a transitional product in the future as in previous lives.

At this thought, Chen Yu couldn't help smiling. He didn't know what Vista had experienced in his previous life. He even got so miserable.

"Chen Yu, it's boring to say such words."

"That's interesting. I also think Intel's dual core is a fake dual core."


Bill was angry with Chen Yu.

Fortunately, Bill had a good attitude. After taking a deep breath, he said, "just now you registered a microblog number."

"Bill, do you also play microblog?"

"Of course, aren't you welcome?"

"Welcome, of course."

"However, President Chen Da, why didn't I pass the certification I applied for?"

"Well... In fact, I'm not responsible for specific business. I'll ask them later."

"OK, wait for your good news."

Hang up.

Chen Yu asked Zhang Jianming, "brother Jian, Bill applied for our microblog certification?"

"Just about to tell you, it's strange that we received bill's certification. Unexpectedly, bill also opened a microblog."

"This guy is a genius."

"Mr. Chen, what do you think Bill wants to do?"

"What else can we do? We just want to study our products. In addition, we can use our popularity to do some publicity. Bill just called me and said this."

"Shall we pass?"

Zhang Jianming said with some uncertain.

For bill, Zhang Jianming doesn't know what Chen Yu will think.

"Don't pass first."

Chen Yu shook his head.

Although passing or not passing has little impact on microblog for the time being.

However, Chen Yu has always been a cautious person.

At present, the microblog has not completely stabilized the market. Rashly authenticating bill will add some trouble to himself.

Although bill called him, as an old acquaintance, Chen Yu should give Bill a face.

It's just that he gave bill face. At that time, he won't give himself face on the microblog. Where will his face be cut.


For your own face, don't give Bill face.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu called bill back.

"Bill, I asked about the situation. It's a question from our reviewers. Our reviewers thought the information you submitted was false, so they couldn't audit it."

"What about now?"

"Now they are not sure."

"Then my call is in vain?"

"Why not... Mr. bill, early tomorrow morning, you will come to our headquarters in person with your supporting information. Hey... Hey, Mr. bill, why did you hang up?"

Chen Yuzheng wants to tell bill that I will personally certify you at that time.

But look at it now, the play won't be played tomorrow.