"I'll go. Sanders was so angry that he was hospitalized."

"Intel is shameless. It is really lying with its eyes open. The white is depicted as black and the black becomes white."

"Clearly their own is a fake dual core, but they insist on finding some experts to say that they are a real dual core."

"You don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed for you."

Microblogging has always been tough for those who have more fans.

Sanders is not a star, but he has accumulated a lot of popularity through microblogging.

In particular, the microblog official personally escorted him, brushing traffic on one side and creating topics on the other.

It is a simple combination fist, but it makes Intel dual core processor a product despised by others again.


"Yang Zhiyuan, don't you Yahoo have any reaction?"

"Bill, how do you want us to react to Yahoo?"

"Huanyu technology has launched a new business, microblog. I think you Yahoo can enter the microblog field."

"Thank you very much. I don't need your reminder, Mr. bill."

Bill is in a bad mood.

He did not expect that in just a few rounds, Intel dual core processor was scolded by many consumers.

Affected by this, Intel dual core processor sales are cold.

Originally, some other PC enterprises who wanted to join in also began to wait and see at this time.

As for the reason.

Just look at the feedback from the market.

Although Dell first launched a PC product equipped with Intel dual core processor.

However, the market users have changed from being very interested in the past to being ridiculed now.

"Hey, this is Intel's dual core?"

"This is not a fake dual core."

"Fake dual core still sells so much money, when we are idiots?"

Such influence also moved bill.

Although he had always thought that the playing method of microblog was very novel and influential.

But he still underestimated the explosive effect of microblog again and again.

To this end, he found Yang Zhiyuan of Yahoo. He suggested that Yahoo also learn Huanyu technology and launch its own microblog.

But Yang Zhiyuan said not to worry about bill. In fact, the microblog pushed by Huanyu technology also caught them by surprise.

Originally, under the challenge of Huanyu video and friend network launched by Huanyu technology, they have put their global portal Yahoo in jeopardy.

Unexpectedly, they launched another microblog.

Moreover, the growth rate of their microblog is nuclear fusion. Before Yang Zhiyuan reacts, the microblog has been pushed out.

Naturally, Yang Zhiyuan also wants to imitate such a new model.

However, they held several meetings. Yang Zhiyuan believed that even Yahoo did microblogging, but it was not an opponent of Huanyu technology.

There are many aspects in this.

First, microblog evolved from the words in the friend network. It has the innate social attributes of the friend network.

In contrast, their Yahoo traffic looks good, but these traffic are passive traffic. More than 90% of users just browse the news. They never speak, comment, speak or register. Although, they are also their own loyal users. But this degree of loyalty is much worse than that of Huanyu video.

Second, they haven't completely figured out the playing method of microblog.

Although microblog looks simple, how to operate, how to promote, and what is the clear positioning of microblog? In fact, Yang Zhiyuan is not particularly clear. It's OK to launch microblog now. But without a clearly positioned microblog, even if it was launched, it was destroyed by Huanyu technology.

So these days, Yang Zhiyuan has been observing microblog, and even registered microblog to play.

However, Yang Zhiyuan did not use his real identity. He only regarded himself as an ordinary user.

A trial play, a series of playing methods and a series of modes in the microblog shocked Yang Zhiyuan again and again.

As the topic inside.

Topics in microblog can come from reality or spontaneously.

Just like the cartoon of Sanders in hospital, this is a hot topic of spontaneous hype on microblog.

Moreover, this is not accidental. As long as microblog continues such hype, a series of topics will occupy users' eyes.

This is completely unmatched by Yahoo and some other door type websites.

"Well, I'm just a suggestion."

Bill sighed that he didn't get the help he wanted here.

He has an illusion.

Will their vista, including Intel's dual core processor, be pulled down by Chen Yu.

Then Bill shook his head again. He felt that he had lost confidence recently.

Who can shake the strength of Intel.

They Microsoft is not an ordinary enterprise can compete.

Although Chen Yu is really talented, he can use the influence of public opinion to suppress their products.

But such public opinion may not last forever.

As long as it gets past the limelight, everything will be the same as before.

However, bill still underestimated the influence of microblog.

Sanders is not the only one who plays hard with Intel on Weibo.

Besides Sanders, another heavyweight appeared.

This man is the founder of apple, that is, jobs.

"I just want to say that Intel dual core processor is the worst processor I've ever seen."

This is a microblog released by jobs.

Once the microblog was published, it created the most terrible forwarding record of microblog, with 5 million people.

"My God, five million times."

"Steve Jobs, awesome."

"He's really a technology maniac. He's so awesome."

Five million times of forwarding, this terrible record, directly put Intel dual core processor into the quagmire again.

As for whether jobs is really so arrogant in this?

Of course not.

Behind the 5 million crazy forwarding is the endless help of the microblog official of Huanyu technology.


As long as they participate in the suppression of Intel and speak ill of microblog, they will get the official traffic of microblog.

At the beginning, this traffic support was manual.

As long as an Intel competitor sends an authentication application, the background will directly give him 1 million traffic.

Later, Chen Yu found that the speed was a little slow.

Because some are just ordinary people, what if they also speak ill of Intel?

That can give them support in the recommendation of traffic algorithms.


You'll see.

A very common microblog can attract hundreds of thousands of fans just by scolding Intel and Microsoft.

If you scold hard and make a distinctive evaluation, it's no problem to have tens of thousands of fans.

As for what you said about jobs and Intel, what hatred do you have?

Apple and Intel have little hatred.

But apple and Microsoft are enemies of life and death.

Kicking Intel is naturally equivalent to kicking Microsoft.

After Apple jobs, a technology maniac, took the lead, a series of other industry leaders also appeared one after another.

"In fact, I don't think dual core is an innovation. The real innovation is to improve the dominant frequency of single core."

"Intel deceives consumers by cheating and trickery, and will eventually be eaten back by the market."

"Intel feels tied to Microsoft, and he has been reluctant to make progress. I am very sad about this."

This is the microblog from Motorola, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and other semiconductor manufacturers.

As for why they stepped on Intel at this time, there is nothing abnormal.

Intel can not only produce PC level processors, but also set foot in automotive and mobile phone chips.

Although automotive and mobile phone chips are not Intel's main businesses, it is unacceptable for Qualcomm and Texas Instruments.

They know quite well.

With Intel's size and their technology, once they are allowed to enter this area, it will be a great challenge for them.

It's such a good time now. If they don't come out and say a few happy words, they'll be too persuasive.