There was so much noise in the special dressing room for female guests that it was impossible not to be heard outside. Except for Wang Kai taking a single photo, the other five male guests were sitting on the chair to rest. At this time, five people have stood up and looked up to the direction of the dressing room.

At the next moment, Lin Yixia came out with her cheeks slightly red.

When the five male guests saw Lin Yixia, their eyes would not move immediately, and they seemed to be fixed.

There is no shortage of beauty in the entertainment circle. They have seen many beautiful women, but few of them are as beautiful as Lin Yixia.

In front of her, Lin Yixia is wearing a yellow sleeveless T-shirt, a yellow lotus flower group, and a pair of white sports shoes. Her waist length hair is curled up on her shoulders. At a glance, the most common dress, but as long as a look at her features, people immediately have a sense of being deprived of breath.

The fixed make-up photo is shot in strong light, so the guests need to wear heavy make-up naturally. In particular, those parts that deepen the outline almost need to be pasted with a thick layer. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the facial features are, they will be weakened into a large area of confusion. It's just that this time the make-up photos won't be as heavy. After all, running and youth are the theme of the program. Too much make-up doesn't match the theme, so the makeup artist has basically reduced three points, showing the effect of appearing on the screen after shooting.

Lin Yixia's white skin is as good as a good China after her make-up. It is white and pure. Her eyelashes are thick and long, her eyes are bright and clear, and her eyes are bigger after her eyes are turned. They are all perfect as if they were the work of a master with extraordinary craftsmanship.

Bai Han stares at Lin Yixia's face. At this moment, it seems that there are tens of millions of drums beating at the same time in his heart. The sound of Dong Dong is going to deafen his ears.

When Lin Yixia raises her eyes, she is just opposite to Bai Han. Lin Yixia is a little shy when she is seen by her idol. She shows a big smile to her idol. That smile makes Bai Han dizzy and bright. For a moment, she doesn't know where she is.

With a scream from the people nearby, Bai Han suddenly woke up. He immediately moved his eyes and breathed out a breath with strong self composure. Then he realized that his heart beating frequency had exceeded the normal limit.

This is the feeling of heart beating?!

At the moment, Lin Yixia starts to play a human shape aphrodisiac in the case that she doesn't know.

After a short silence, the studio immediately became boiling, and all the employees present took out their mobile phones to take photos of Lin Yixia.

Han QianChuan looked back and forth around Lin Yixia for several times. He was afraid that he could not see clearly enough. He even took down the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I regret it. Why am I married so early?"

As soon as the words come out, people laugh and some people coax. Be careful that your wife will let you go home and kneel down.

In the face of more and more people's onlookers and praise, Lin Yixia kept a generous and decent smile from beginning to end. In fact, her heart was already excited. She asked Yin Hong to take more photos for her, and then she took them home to show them to Jiang Chen. When Jiang Chen saw that he was so beautiful, he couldn't hold them, hehe.

Oh, what are you thinking? I'm so ashamed!

Tang Chao, the photographer invited by the program team to take fixed make-up photos, is also of great origin. As a figure at the top of the small pyramid, he is responsible for nearly half of the fixed make-up photos and MVs of the well-known actors and singers in the industry.