After Bai Han finished the Huangmei Opera, Han QianChuan, the hot king of the show, clapped his hands and said with a thumbs up: "this is powerful, this is powerful. I just want to ask, what's more! yes! Who! Who else is better than our team! "

Wang Yue immediately put on a classic Altman laser posture, swept around, and then said: "report chief, I have successfully removed all obstacles! Now looking at the universe, our team is No. 1!”

Han QianChuan patted Wang Yue on the shoulder and said with a smile, "well done!"

Wang Yue saluted and said, "serve the people!"

This scene made people laugh again.

All the seven regular guests are here. Some of them have known each other for the first time and they are very familiar with each other. Some of them meet for the first time and they don't know each other at all. However, the atmosphere between the guests is very pleasant. Meng Kui is also very happy. The guests get along well with each other. The more smoothly the program will be recorded in the future. Moreover, when it comes to publicity, the program's reputation will be very good.

The staff took Lin Yixia into the special dressing room for female guests. Because she was the only female guest, she was the only one in the big dressing room, while there were six male guests in the other dressing room.

These make-up artists are invited by the program team at a high price, with good technology and eccentric temper. The English name of the male makeup artist who makes up for Lin Yixia is Abbott. He looks like a sissy, wears a small braid, and always turns up his orchid fingers. When he makes up, he hates being interrupted. So Hu Yuan and Yin Hong are waiting for Lin Yixia outside the door.

It's easy to make up for the male guests. In only ten minutes, the male guests not only finished the make-up painting, but also changed their clothes. They have the same sports T-shirt and pants, and they wear white sports shoes, but the color of the clothes is different. Han QianChuan is purple, Zheng lunkai is army green, Wang Yue is blue, Su Ziqian is white, Shen Chao is brown, and Bai Han is big red. This sport dress is to highlight the theme of running.

Male guests in turn began to take personal make-up photos.

Although they were able to joke just now, once they started to work, everyone was very serious. Even Han QianChuan and Wang Yue cooperated with the photographers and began to put on various shapes.

After a while, the door lock of the special dressing room for female guests clicks. Hu Yuan and Yin Hong are the first to turn their heads and look in. Then, two assistants of the make-up artist come out with red faces.

Hu Yuan and Yin Hong were stunned, and then heard Abbott's high pitched scream in the crack of the door: "what to do?! I don't want you to be seen by them

Then, another female voice sounded like a spring: "isn't it beautiful? Do you want to reinvent it? "

This is Lin Yixia's voice.

Hu Yuan and Yin Hong are curious to hear this, so they quickly put their heads in to find out. At this moment, they can see that Abbot's face is filled with emotion that can only be suppressed by strong inhibition. Their eyes are bright like wolves who have been hungry for three days. They hold their fists tightly and stamp their feet while talking.

Hu Yuan and Yin Hong look at each other and see each other's confusion. After all, Hu Yuan has been in the circle for many years. She is very busy and has eyes to help abbot and ask, "are you ok?"

Abbot seemed to be called back by Hu Yuan. Looking at Hu Yuan, he shook his fist and said: "your artist is really suitable for makeup. It's so beautiful. It's really a sense of achievement to make up for her! I want to go out for a run now. I can't hold it any longer. I want to scream