Kevin's new work is a matter of magic novels, which has also attracted the attention of many people in the British literary world. After all, it never occurred to them that Kevin, who had just tried detective stories, would suddenly write this unpopular novel, and it would be the first published work of his company.

There is no doubt that they all agree that Kevin's new book sales are expected to create a new low in his personal book sales. As for "my mineral water youth" published by Dehai publishing house, it is naturally incomparable.

Kevin also saw their opinions and comments while surfing the Internet, but he still laughed and didn't want to tweet back to anyone. What he thought was that when the three stories of Harry Potter came out together, the whole history of British magic novels would be rewritten.

Crawford has been working on Kevin's three Harry Potter series these days. When he saw the public opinion on the Internet, he suddenly felt no confidence. After all, so many people are not optimistic that Kevin's new work will have good sales.

So, he plans to tell Kevin the public opinions on the Internet, so that Kevin can have a psychological preparation.

"Crawford, I'm very happy that you're always thinking about Sihua. But what I want to say is that a wise man once told me: do what you like to do, and don't care too much about other people's opinions. "

It's obvious that Kevin doesn't care about temporary comments. Because he knows what he needs and what he will get.

"Well, we'll publish these three Harry Potter books as planned." Crawford said.

Crawford just said what he thought. As for what Kevin wants to do, he has to listen to each other. After all, Kevin is the real boss.

"Well, we're doing a miracle. Go, Mr. Crawford, and God will bless you. " Kevin gives a confident look.

Just when everyone is not optimistic about Kevin's Harry Potter, Kevin announced a more unexpected news, that is, the Harry Potter is three books published at the same time.

I'm glad to tell you again that Harry Potter is a series of stories. For the first time, I will choose three stories to be published at the same time, that is, three books to be published at the same time. Ha ha, friends who like magic novels, you can have enough of them this time---- Kevin's Twitter

Kevin's alternative move is undoubtedly more popular. After all, no matter on earth or in this parallel world, except for the translation and the old works, there are no three new works published together. That alone makes history for Kevin.

"My God, Kevin, is this self destructive? I haven't seen any writer choose to publish three new books at the same time. This is really unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no one after that. Well, I was quite optimistic about Kevin. Now it seems that this will be a new low for his works. "

"I couldn't believe the news. I read it several times before I confirmed it. But I can only do this to Kevin. First of all, it's a magic work; Second. This is the work he finished in a short time, and it's still three. According to the normal speed, he has to code every day, and keep inspiration enough to basically complete. Third, it is a cold topic. Therefore, "Harry Potter" first has to have good sales and results, I can only wish God bless him

"Is Kevin going to make history? Writing magic works has been a bold attempt, and now he plans to publish three at a time. Well, I hope Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. and Kevin himself will not become a joke. But now I seem to have vaguely seen the script of the joke. "

"It turns out that Kevin is really not suitable to be a boss. He is only suitable to be a writer quietly. Perhaps it was his boss who made him choose to publish three of his new books at one time. The quality of the works completed in such a short time can't keep up. Maybe it'll be Kevin's dirty work

At this time, many people began to have more crazy public opinion on the Internet. At first, many people still had confidence in Kevin's attempt to write magic. But when Kevin said that three books were published at the same time, their confidence was gone. After all, in such a short time to complete three stories, even if Kevin's talent is high, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the work.

Zela saw such a news, more happy and excited. Therefore, these days have been living in the air.

Augustine was depressed for a long time. After Zela told him the news, his face began to show a happy smile.

"God, you are not on his side this time. Publishing three books at the same time, Kevin, do you really think you're a God? Oh, God wouldn't do such a stupid thing. " Said Augustus triumphantly in his heart.

When these people despise and sneer at Kevin more, Kevin still chooses not to respond in silence. Because he believes that his loyal fans will buy his new works, and those who are curious about writing magic novels will also buy them.

It's enough to have these two parts to buy. Because the wonderful stories of Harry Potter will guide them to sell their works. As a literary classic, it also has such charm.

Jane Norfolk saw the news of Kevin's new book for the first time. She knew that many people on the Internet didn't read Kevin's new book. After all, it was a magic work, and three copies were published at one time.

But no matter what, Jane Norfolk will support this talented man wholeheartedly. So she immediately called in a bookstore and told them to order more of Kevin's three books so that customers could buy them.

The news that Kevin published three works at one time also began to make a stir in English literature, and even this news was directly superior to Tony Allen's my mineral water youth, which is now a big seller. After all, it's really new that a writer publishes three new books at the same time.

In view of Kevin's fame, many TV stations report that Kevin has published three new books at the same time when they broadcast news. As these TV stations and media newspapers continue to report, Kevin's new work "Harry Potter" has basically spread all over the British cities.

Kevin laughed at this. I think the time is almost right. So he immediately went to Crawford and asked him to publish the news that the three stories of Harry Potter would be published the day after tomorrow.

The first three books of Harry Potter series by Kevin, a gifted writer, will be listed in the national books the day after tomorrow. Please continue to support those who like Mr. Kevin. Wonderful and interesting magic novel, you can't miss it.

When Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. publishes such a message, Kevin's readers are ready to buy.

Most of them fell in love with this maverick writer since kevin wrote Jane Eyre, so no matter what those who are jealous and hate Kevin say. They will always support him.

"Come on, Kevin. I will buy all three works. I think they must be full of wonderful things, too. After all, Kevin never let me down

"Yes, Kevin has never let us down. So I will not hesitate to support his works. He is a brave writer. At least he's doing things that we don't dare to do. "

"I'm glad to see Kevin's three new books at one time. I don't think I'll be alone any more. Thank you, Kevin

"I'm ready to buy. This is a very happy thing for me, because Kevin's novels are full of fascination. I like his amazing writing and unexpected plot. Kevin, I'm sure I won't be disappointed this time. Come on. "