After giving the assignment to Crawford, Kevin logs on to his own twitter and plans to tell his readers about the new book.

After so much hard work, the new Harry Potter is finally finished. This is my first time to write a magic novel, and it is also the first published work of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. I hope it can continue to get your support - Kevin's Twitter

As soon as Kevin tweeted, his readers were very happy. Because in this way, they will be able to see the works written by Kevin while they are looking forward to the study of blood characters.

"I'm so happy that Kevin's new book is coming out again. Ha ha, it seems that he is going to be the writer with the highest output in Britain. His works are coming one by one

"I'm glad to hear that. I've been waiting for the third part of the study of blood characters. Now that his new work is about to be published, I can buy it again. "

"Harry Potter? What a wonderful and exciting story will it be? I admire Kevin's inspiration. It's always so fast. "

"My God, it's really a surprise. I didn't expect that Kevin could write other works at the same time when he wrote the study of the blood word. In a word, Kevin is a real genius. My idol. "

But when other people see this tweet, they don't think so. Their attention is more on the magic novels that Kevin said.

Yes, it means that Kevin's writing style has changed again. The detective story has been written successfully. Now is it hard to try magic?

"Is Kevin really going to write all kinds of literature? Detective stories have just been written, and now they're about magic. However, it is estimated that he wrote the wrong theme this time. Magic fiction is a theme that British writers do not want to touch. "

"Yes, magic themes are not popular in our country, and there are not many writers who try them. And those who write magic novels have average grades. Since Kevin's new book has taken the magic Road, it is estimated that it will set a new low for his sales

"Maybe Kevin is really trying to prove that he is a literary genius, so he chose to write magic novels as well. But I don't think much of this work. Because at present, there seems to be little attention paid to British magic novels. "

"Kevin is too young after all, always trying to prove himself. Of course, I admit that he is a very talented writer. But magic novels are too difficult after all. Over the years, have you ever seen anyone who can write magic novels well? The answer is No

Yes, as they said, although there are magic novels in this parallel world of Britain, they are not as popular as on earth. Those writers who try to write magic novels are purely personal hobbies, and they don't get good grades. So, when they saw that Kevin's Twitter said that this new work is a magic novel, they felt very sorry.

With this person's memory, Kevin certainly knows the situation of magic novels in this parallel world. However, he has learned that the reason why this parallel world of British magic novels has become a cold spot is that most of the magic works are too bad. It was so rotten that he didn't have the heart to see it.

Just imagine, so many years have not a few excellent magic theme works, who will be interested in this type of novel?

So Kevin transcribed Harry Potter with great confidence. In addition to letting Sihua enter people's hearts, he also wanted to rewrite the history of British magic novels. Yes, what he wants is: from this moment on, all the magic novels in this world should be in line with me.

At this time, many people associate Kevin's new book with the quarrel between him and Dehai publishing house. Many people think that Kevin can't sign a contract with a famous artist, so he plans to publish his own work. And because he is still serializing "the study of blood character" in the magazine, he wrote a magic novel casually.

When Zela learned that Kevin's new work is a magic novel, she thought so in her heart. So, she is more happy and proud. Because no matter how famous Kevin is before, it's almost impossible to publish a good magic novel.

When it comes to the low sales volume of magic novels, it has something to do with the publishing house. Because magic is a popular theme, many publishing houses are reluctant to publish this type of works, and even if they are published, they will only publish in small quantities, and they will never dare to print 100000 or hundreds of thousands of them.

After seeing Kevin's Twitter, Zela went to the office of vice president Lavin excitedly and said, "Dear president Lavin, let me tell you a good thing. The proud Kevin's Sihua is finally going to publish. But don't worry. This time he's publishing his own work. "

"Personal works? Kevin's sales of every work are not low, which is probably a good thing for him Raven said.

"No, no, dear president raven, listen to me. According to his twitter, this new work is magic. Magic works are the most popular in the British book market, you should know. So, I think his Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. is going to make a joke this time. " Zela said triumphantly.

After listening to this, Laven felt that there was a certain truth in what Zela said. After all, since Sihua's first work published after its founding is an unpopular magic, it's a joke for peers.

"Feel God. I'm not on his side this time. It must be that he can't sign a contract for the works of famous artists, so he plans to launch his own works. Unfortunately, he chose magic. " Raven said with a smile.

"Yes, God is fair after all. The works of famous artists like Tony Allen are the target of any publishing house. However, it belongs to Dehai publishing house now. "

"By the way, the sales volume of my mineral water youth is still increasing. Go and arrange for the second printing President Raven orders.

So, Zela went to her work "my mineral water youth" with pride. As for whether the next works published by Kevin's Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. can have the general sales volume of my mineral water youth, she also plans not to pay attention to them. Because from the moment she saw that Kevin announced that it was a magic novel, she, like most people, deeply believed that it was impossible.

The fact that Kevin's new work is a magic novel has also shocked Santos, who has always been more optimistic about him. After seeing Kevin's Twitter, Santos took time to come out and immediately called Kevin.

Kevin hasn't been in touch with Santos since the day of Sihua's founding party. So, when he saw his old man's phone, he was also very curious.

"Hi! Dear Mr. Santos, I'm so glad to see your call. How have you been recently? " Kevin asked politely.

"Ha ha, Kevin, I can feel from your laughter that you're doing well. Oh, I'm fine. It's just that the children are not at home. It's a bit boring to be alone. " Santos said happily.

"Oh, my God, I almost forgot my business when you asked. Kevin, is it true that the new work you tweeted is a magic novel? " Santos suddenly said again.

"Yes, it's my new attempt, and I think I can write it well. Now there are very few magic novels in Britain, especially those excellent ones. So, I'm trying to contribute to this. " Kevin said confidently.

"Well, I was going to say something to you. But seeing that you are so confident, I think I should support your courage. " Santos said.

Santos had planned to persuade Kevin to concentrate on his writing style, so as to achieve more success. But after hearing Kevin say so confident, he simply gave up the idea. Maybe this young man will create something ordinary writers can't do with his talent and confidence.

So, after chatting with Kevin about trivial things for more than ten minutes, Santos hung up the phone and never said what he was ready to say.