Kevin's speech about writing skills and experience lasted for more than an hour, and it ended after more than an hour.

"Well, folks, that's all I can say about literature and writing. I hope you can write your own character and get the favor of God. Thank you Kevin said with a smile.

When Kevin finished, the audience gave him the warmest applause. And the applause continued until Kevin walked down the center of the lecture hall.

With Kevin's words, the whole lecture hall will completely enter the end of the state.

Jane Norfolk walked up to Kevin excitedly and said, "Kevin, you know what? You are just wonderful. You are like a master who has experienced the vicissitudes of the world. Everything you say is so philosophical. "

"My God, Miss Jeanie Norfolk, that's an exaggeration. But I'm glad to hear your exaggerated praise. " Kevin said with a smile.

After Kevin stepped down from the stage, many students did not leave the venue immediately. And he came around with Kevin's work, intending to ask him to sign his name.

"Kevin, I like your work so much. Can you sign it for me?"

"Kevin, can you sign for me? Jane Eyre is wonderful. I love it so much. I also like Robinson Crusoe

"Kevin, you are so handsome. Can you sign my name? I like your writing very much. I like it to the point of madness. "

"Dear Kevin, please don't walk so fast, OK? I've always wanted to have your autograph. "

Headmaster harden was also very helpless. After all, he did not expect the students to prepare such a show. He looks at Kevin and says it's all up to him.

Kevin couldn't refuse the students' enthusiastic request, so he took a pen out of his pocket and signed some of his works. This pen has been with him for a long time.

As a matter of fact, it's a common habit for British writers to carry a pen with them. Kevin has kept such a habit since he signed for the sale of his works.

At this time, there are more and more students around Kevin waiting for signature. Headmaster harden thinks that if it goes on like this, Kevin won't have to come out. So, half an hour later, he called on everyone to stop this behavior.

"Thank you for your support for my work. I have received your enthusiasm. Because I have something else to do, so today's signature can only be like this. I'm really sorry,. Thank you again for your support. " After making a deeply grateful bow to the students who supported him, Kevin left the lecture hall under the escort of the school teachers and leaders.

"Kevin, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect the students to welcome you so much. So I didn't expect that scene. " After coming out of the lecture hall, headmaster harden said with embarrassment.

"Dear headmaster harden, you don't have to. I'm so excited to see that they like my work so much. Thank you for inviting me. I've gained a lot today and I'm very happy. " Kevin said with a smile.

"Well! You will always be a student of Edinburgh University, and you are always welcome back here. See, everything here is familiar to you. " Headmaster harden said sincerely.

"Well, I think I will. This is my home and I've never felt left. "

Although in the past few years, Kevin didn't have a good time in this school. But he still has deep feelings for here. After all, there is his most affectionate friendship here, and the teacher collison who gives him the most feelings.

After more than an hour of chatting with President harden in the reception room, Kevin left Edinburgh University with Jane Norfolk.

Jennie Norfolk reluctantly takes Kevin downstairs, and then he drives back to a bookstore after watching his back gradually move away.

When Kevin got home, he thought he could calm down and prepare for the new book and the cultural company. But just one day, his phone began to ring. These calls are also from other universities.

It turns out that someone posted the video of Kevin's speech at the University of Edinburgh that day on the Internet, and then the video became popular. With the popularity of Kevin's speech video, many people have seen his speech ability. Therefore, some universities are trying to follow the example of Edinburgh University and plan to invite Kevin to give a speech at their school.

"Dear Mr. Kevin, Hello, can you come to our school to give a speech on writing and literature? Yes, we can appreciate your talent very much. I think what you share will benefit our students a lot. "

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, Mr. Kevin. Are you free next week? We want to invite you. As long as you can give a speech in our school, no matter what the request is, I will agree with you. "

"Dear Mr. Kevin, I'm glad to hear your voice. Oh, I saw your speech on literature and writing at Edinburgh University. It was wonderful. So, I wonder if you would like to give a speech in our university. I think our students will welcome you in the most enthusiastic way. "

"Is that Mr. Kevin, please? I'm the director of maunley University. Yes, the purpose of calling you this time is to invite you to give a speech in our school. You must know that you are the youngest Poet Laureate in England. You must have a lot of easy to understand philosophy. And that's exactly what our students need. "

"Hello, we are from Aston University. We like your work very much. So, can you give a speech in our school? As long as you can pass, I think everything will be easy to say. "

Most of these calls mean the same thing. They want to invite Kevin to their school to give a lecture on writing and literature. In half a day, Kevin answered 11 phone calls.

It's a good thing to have a university invite you to give lectures, and it's also a time to show your ability. However, considering that he will be busy with the culture company in the near future, Kevin refuses their invitation one by one.

Many schools are very disappointed by Kevin's refusal. After all, they all hope that Kevin can give a speech to their students.

Kevin is still writing "Sherlock Holmes", so in order not to be affected by these calls, he chose to mute his mobile phone.