When Kevin walked into the venue, the students immediately gave thunderous applause. The applause lasted 26 seconds.

The applause lasted 26 seconds. What's the concept? It can be found by comparing with one data. Britain's richest man gave a speech here in 19 seconds, while the former prime minister gave a speech in 22 seconds. And Kevin came with 26 seconds of applause. It shows how much they welcome Kevin.

Jane Norfolk is Kevin's friend, so it's arranged to sit in the front row with headmaster harden. This made Miss Jennie Norfolk very happy. After all, you can watch Kevin's speech up close.

The arrangement of all the students in the literature department in the lecture hall was temporarily arranged by headmaster harden, so there was no special host at this time. In order to let everyone know more about Kevin's information, Mr. collison was appointed to be the host.

"Hello, students, leaders and Mr. Kevin. I don't think anyone is more suitable to be today's host than me, because today's guest is Mr. Kevin, who is also my student. I know him better than any of you here, and I know how hard it is for him Collison walked up to the center of the lecture hall and said.

"Well, I don't want to say too much about Kevin. I want to leave the rest of the time for Kevin. Come on, give your applause and welcome Kevin, Britain's youngest poet laureate.

After introducing Kevin's achievements, Mr. collison said so.

As a result, Kevin walked slowly to the center of the lecture hall amid applause. When collison saw this confident young man, he couldn't help but give him a warm hug again.

"Kevin, it's time for you to perform. Come on, you are the best. " When Mr. collison went down, he still gave Kevin habitual encouragement.

Kevin made a deep bow to show his respect for Mr. collison, then moistened his throat and said:

Thank you for your applause. That's great. Yes, I call you Xuedi Xuemei because I never leave. I've lived here for a few years and I still feel like I'm here. I miss the flowers and plants here and those years of struggle together.

Of course, the purpose of headmaster harden inviting me back today is not to tell you how much I miss everything here. I want to share my personal writing experience and writing skills.

Yes, during this period, I really gained a lot of things, the best-selling of each novel and the poet laureate, and then many singers used it to compose songs. These are things to celebrate when any writer comes.

So many people say that I am God's favorite, of course, I also admit that such achievements do have God's favor. So, dear God, thank you.

Speaking of this, the audience once again burst into warm applause for this talented and humorous writer.

Kevin with a few simple words, people can see his profound literary skills. Mr. collison, in particular, was most surprised by Kevin's eloquence. After all, from the moment Kevin first entered Edinburgh University, he began to contact this person.

In the years when collison met Kevin, he never thought that Kevin was a man of outstanding eloquence. But just after that performance, he completely changed his opinion.

After the applause stopped, Kevin said again:

Thank you for your applause, and then what I just said. Yes, everyone will be favored by God, and I think all of you here are the same. I believe that as long as you have good intentions and work hard, you will surely get the favor of God.

Well, I don't want to talk too much about the so-called soul chicken soup. It's time to get to the point. I don't know much more about writing than you do. Because all the leaders here may know that my writing time is not very long.

If you walked at the gate of Edinburgh University two years ago and you talked about literature, no one would know about Kevin's existence, or even associate it with this poor man with no future.

But what I want to tell you is that writing has long been in my mind. That's what I'm going to talk about today - a heart for writing.

What is the heart of writing? It is always with the impulse of writing, and then use this impulse to explore the inspiration of life. For example, although I never started writing a few years ago, my mind has been storing inspiration. When inspiration is stored to a certain extent, it will explode.

At that time, you will no longer have thoughts stuck, no inspiration phenomenon. So, that's why I can still write freely when I face so many media reporters. Because writing is in my heart.

If you find it difficult to understand, I can make it simple. That is, you have to have a heart to write, and then you will find life with this heart and find inspiration in life. That is, you have to accumulate a certain amount before you can thin your hair.

When Kevin said that, there was another round of applause. In this round of applause, Kevin was able to drink a few drinks, so that when he spoke, he was not so thirsty.

After Kevin finished his drink, he said again: when it comes to accumulation, maybe you will think of those old topics, that is reading. Yes, every writer can't avoid learning from other people's works.

But here I don't suggest you read these or those so-called masterpieces every day. Because the writer is a group full of personality, everyone should have their own characteristics, I hate those traditional writing, also hate those stereotyped articles. No matter how good it is, I think it can be thrown into the trash.

So, dear students, I want to remind you that you must write your own style. Yes, your own style. Only then can a certain reader market be formed.

... Kevin spoke seriously on the stage, and the students also listened very carefully. Miss Jennie Norfolk, in particular, had been staring at Kevin with her chin in her palms, and her expression was very focused.

In order to record the poet laureate's lectures on literature, headmaster harden also arranged for a camera to record the whole process. After all, it is very precious for any student of literature department. He has to keep it and leave it to the next group.