Bogut didn't believe the result after hanging up with wall. He immediately went into his bedroom and turned on his computer to see if there was any comment from David Lee on the Internet.

But when he turned on his computer and tweeted, he saw the news without searching.

His eyes were wide open and his face was full of disbelief.

"How can it be? Is the poem written by this young man really so good? "

Bogut wanted to prove himself, but he didn't think he hit him in the face. It made him feel very depressed.

The most sad thing is that when he wrote the infatuated tire woman to time, he sent a message to some literary friends. It is said that this issue of time magazine will be highly praised for its article.

Unfortunately, some of his literary friends just called at this time.

"Hi, dear Bogut, how are you《 Time readers are writing to praise your article again

"My friend, I'm not in a good mood now. Shall we talk another time? Goodbye and have a good time. "

Bogut hung up the phone, the heart is not to say the taste.

The first test of the column "Kevin talks" was so successful that both wall and time gained a lot.

I think women can't resist this poem because it's so beautiful. Linda is no exception. But he did not regret choosing Augustine. Because her film night in Manchester City is coming soon.

At that time, I can also appear in front of the TV audience. If the box office of the film sells well, maybe I will have more opportunities to become a British generation of female stars.

"When you are old" is a love poem. At this time, some people can't help asking, to whom is Kevin's poem written?

"Dear Kevin, are you writing this romantic poem to the woman you love?"

"If someone is willing to write such a poem for me, maybe no matter poor or humble, I will follow him until the moment I walk into the coffin."

"If anyone is Kevin's girlfriend, it's really happy. If it was me, I would be moved to cry red eyes

"Yes, Kevin's girlfriend is so happy. Can you show us your girlfriend's picture? "

"I also want to see how a beautiful girl can be Kevin's girlfriend."

Kevin's fans began to tweet and Terry wondered who Kevin's girlfriend would be and how she looked.

It's frightening to Kevin. Damn, maybe those beautiful girls who like me will not dare to pursue me because they misunderstand me. That's a big loss.

So, Kevin quickly posted another tweet to explain that he didn't have a girlfriend: Thank you for your concern and support. I want to tell you the truth that I don't have a girlfriend《 "When you are old" is just my inner thought, I want to love my future one with this loyal determination.

"Such a good man doesn't have a girlfriend? God, please put me by his side

"I'm really happy for the girls around Kevin. At least they have the right to go after Kevin. Dear Kevin, may I like you? "

"Great, Kevin doesn't have a girlfriend yet. This romantic poet has no girlfriend. Maybe many girls have another chance. "

Jane Norfolk also saw this tweet. I don't know why. When she saw Kevin saying that she didn't have a girlfriend, her heart itched. She prayed silently: God I believe in, please give me such an excellent man.

Just when everyone thought that there was no lack of pursuers around Kevin, only the students of Edinburgh University and Kevin knew that he had bravely confessed to the girls and was rejected by them on the spot. The reason to refuse on the spot is: a poor man with no future.

Bella didn't come back from outside until ten o'clock in the evening. She has been shooting Jane Eyre these days, so she comes back late every night. Of course, it's not that their crew has to shoot at night, but Bella is a diligent child. She often stays and practices her lines.

It also proves that the reason why Bella has become one of the most popular stars in the UK so young is not because she has a good-looking face and attractive figure, but her determination to pursue perfection. After she has determined one thing, she must do it well.

After the shower, Bella wears a soft Pajama, which makes her blood flowing figure show particularly clearly. Sure enough, she deserves to be a female star. No matter how she is dressed, she is so charming.

As her hair is not completely dry, she plans to use her computer to browse twitter to see what good-looking stories or news are coming.

When she turned on twitter, she immediately saw some friends talking about the poem when you are old.

"When you're old"? Author: Kevin? Isn't this the writer of Jane Eyre. He started to write poetry anyway. "

With a curious heart, Bella opened it with the mouse. This 19-year-old girl, after reading Kevin's when you are old, is as deeply immersed in the artistic conception of poetry as other people.

Yes, stars are people, and Bella is a 19-year-old girl. At this age, love is the most powerful age. Naturally, her love for those beautiful things has been in her heart for a long time. He had to praise the poem.

"Oh, that's a good poem. It's more pleasant than music. "

music? Speaking of music, Bella suddenly thought of something. Yes, if you sing this poem as a song, it might be very popular.

Bella has always wanted to enter the music circle. Now when she sees Kevin's poem when you are old, she thinks it can be used as her own lyrics.

So, the next day, he called director Hudson. Asked him for Kevin's contact information. She is a woman of speed and determination. When she had an idea, she would go immediately.

Kevin didn't go to class today. This parallel world university is like this. It's very free. As long as you like, the school will not interfere with you too much. What's more, collison and headmaster harden also know that after Kevin's books are popular, every time they come to school, they will be surrounded by those crazy girls. Therefore, he also maintained an understanding attitude towards his leave.

Kevin wrote Wuthering Heights alone at home, which has been given to London Literature Press. So Kevin wants to finish it as soon as possible and give it to Ernie. Anyway, there are many literary works in his mind.

By this time, Bella had called( Hope to get your support, thank you