This is a popular world of twitter, and soon Kevin's poem when you are old began to be discussed on twitter. Especially some young students or men and women. They tweeted the wonderful lines from Kevin.

"When you are old, sideburns, drowsy, and dozing by the stove, take down this book and read it slowly, remembering the past. Your eyes look soft, and the reflection is deep in your eyes --" when you are old "by Kevin

"This is really a romantic poet. I admire those who can write such romantic poems. Maybe they are God's favorite."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to call Kevin a romantic poet. Maybe he is a poem himself. Because only those who are full of romantic cells can write such romantic poems. "

"I really want to have dinner with such a talented and romantic poet! Dear Kevin, can you come to my house? The one in my family has been on business for a month

For a time, Kevin also has a nickname, that is "romantic poet". It makes Kevin happy to see twitter.

But the craze for the poem "when you are old" has not receded, because the long review written by poetry critic David Lee has already been released.

David Lee wrote in his comments:

This love poem is unique. Its uniqueness comes from the poet's unique and sincere emotion. Without this kind of emotion, if you deliberately go out of your way, you will only feel artificial. Therefore, this poem is not so much about the girl's old age as about the poet's true feelings to the girl and the years passing by. In this sense, what moves us is the sincere emotion flowing out of the poem, which is hopeless but unrepentant.

The whole poem has neat rhythm, concise language and beautiful artistic conception. There is no gorgeous rhetoric in the poem, but behind the plain words there is a great emotion. The emotional track expressed in the poem can be compared to a river: first it flows in a canyon, then it flows into a river, and finally it disappears peacefully in the sea. However, under the calm sea, I believe there must be rolling waves, burying all his hope, disappointment and despair.

Any young heart will not and will not be willing to face the old, close to death, layers of wrinkles, such as silver hair, this is how heavy. However, the young writer stands at the end of the time, always tells and imagines the scene after he grows old in a calm and eloquent tone, and fully displays his love for his lover.

As soon as the poem critic David Lee's comment came out, it immediately attracted more and more people's attention. This is David Li's comment. You know, he seldom makes such comments on a poem. You know, David Li is a poetry critic and a leader in the industry. He has a wide range of professional knowledge on poetry, and what he says is basically authoritative.

If a hundred people say Kevin's poetry is good, no one will believe it. If a thousand people say Kevin's poetry is good, no one will believe it. Or 10000 people say Kevin's poetry is good, maybe no one will believe it. But as a poetry critic, David Lee said that if Kevin's poetry is good, people will believe it. Maybe Kevin's poetry is really good.

"Wow, even David Lee has come out. It's a miracle. Maybe only such a good poem can attract David Lee's attention

"I haven't read this poem yet? Maybe I should see it. After all, I also like poetry. I think poetry is a kind of romance. Unfortunately, there are too few English people who can write poetry these years. "

"Even David Lee said, why don't I buy a copy of time magazine?"

"David Lee hasn't spoken for a long time. He didn't expect to comment on Kevin's when you're old.". It seems that this poem is really good. I want to see it. "

"The new column of time magazine is really good. Perhaps with this review by David Lee, not only readers, but also writers in the industry may be full of curiosity about when you are old."

In fact, those who didn't want to see the song "when you are old" have decided to buy a copy of time magazine in the evening or tomorrow after seeing David Lee. This also directly led to the current sales of time.

The president of time magazine was happy to find wall. He held an envelope in his hand. He shook the envelope in front of wall and said, "wall, you are such a talented editor. I'm glad that you can find so many potential writers. You know what? Time magazine is on fire this time, and Kevin says it's on fire this time. "

"Oh, dear president, how do you say that?" Asked wall.

"This is a letter from poetry critic David Lee to me yesterday, in which he spoke highly of our time magazine and" what Kevin said; This column. In particular, Kevin's song "when you're old" is highly praised by him. This also indirectly affirmed our newspaper level. " The president said.

"That's great. David Lee can write us a letter. This proves that the column "Kevin says things" is right. " Wall said excitedly.

Now, wall really admires Kevin. Which young writer in Britain can get such high praise from an authoritative person? Only Kevin.

Wall was about to say something, but the colleague in charge of the reader's letter department came up.

"Dear Mr. wall, Bogart is calling for you."

"OK, I'll be right there."

Wall went over to answer the phone, and Bogut immediately asked excitedly, "Hi, Mr. wall, how about this issue of" spoony tire woman "? Is the reader very responsive. I think it's necessary. I've revised it three times. There is no unnecessary nonsense in the article. "

Yes, Bogut knew that this issue of time magazine would launch Kevin's "Kevin tells the story" column, so he wrote an article carefully. In order to prove his influence in time. After all, over the years, time's letters to readers are generally related to him.

This time, he also believes that many readers will write to praise his "infatuated tire woman", because it is a very innovative article just by looking at the name.

So in one day, instead of surfing the Internet and paying too much attention to the sales of time magazine, he made an appointment with friends to come home for tea and play.

"Sorry, Mr. Bogut, No. All of today's letters are to Kevin. Maybe you just went online to see what happened. Oh, your "spoony tire woman" is really good. It's much better than what you wrote before. " Well, to be honest,

The British don't like the hypocrisy, so wall told the truth without any cover up.

I have to say that Bogut's "spoony tire woman" is very good. Unfortunately, when Kevin's "when you are old", this elegant and romantic poem completely covers the light of "spoony tire woman".

"What? You said all of today's reader letters are for Kevin? Is that the guy who hasn't even seen James's dialogue of leaves? " Bogut couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, it's all for Kevin. And David, a famous poetry critic, wrote a critical chapter for him

"How is that possible? You know, he's just a student, and he hasn't even read James's dialogue with leaves

Bogut still didn't believe this result. He had written several poems before. He visited David Lee in person and tried to ask him to comment on his poems. It didn't work out in the end.

In the industry, everyone knows that David Lee is strict and demanding. How could he comment on a teenager? What's more, this young man is still one who hasn't even seen James's representative works.

"Dear Mr. Bogut, I think you can go online or tweet. Then you'll know. " Said wall.