In this world, her first stepping stone was a streaming platform. In this platform, she would try to build her presence and drop clues about her story. She didn't plan to expose anything about herself on her own.

Instead, she would use the netizens' boundless imagination to form their own theories about her, while she would just sit back and relax as she watched the entire tirade fall out. Once the time was ready, she would effectively  take up the whole case and solve it for good.

The side mission was a bit concerning since she didn't know what it was about yet, but she was sure that she would be able to overcome any type of threats thrown down her way.

After messing around with her computer settings and making sure that nothing would go wrong, she began to apply to a certain website.

-Ding! You have been registered to Heaven's Court.

-Would you like to listen, or apply as a streamer instead?

Heaven's Court was the name of a streaming platform that was catered more towards music and beauties.. Basically, it was the place one could enjoy a 'heaven' on Earth. Talented musicians and beauties would flock to this place since it had a big audience that would gladly partake in sending over some funds to the talented streamers that brightened up their day or entertained them.

For the fans who watched these streamers, they could offer up support by throwing money donations in form of gifts, or memberships. They would enter the chatrooms and interact with the streamer as they do what they were best at. This symbiotic relationship was one that boomed vastly not only in China, but also all over the world.

A viewer did not need to be fans to only one streamer, and the streamer could also explore various different genres that dip their hands into in hopes of garnering their own dedicated fanbase.

Trying to form a fanbase in itself was hard enough. Making them always tune in to your streams and feel good enough to end up rewarding you with money.

The streamers typically had their own characteristic, which would attract specific fanbases according to their tastes. Or else, they would never be able to make streaming their only job.

As for Xu Jiaqi's character.. She hummed a happy tune as she typed in a few words on her keyboard.

She had a few ideas about her name. First and foremost, it had to be catchy, it had to stand out from the rest of her competitors. There were many streamers whose names were long as hell and didn't make any sense, so Xu Jiaqi wasn't afraid of this point colliding with her interests.

-Streamer Name: [Her Majesty's Abode]

-You cannot change your Streamer Name afterwards. Are you sure that you want to set [Her Majesty's Abode] as your recognized ID?

Xu Jiaqi calmly pressed the 'Yes' button.

The System, who watched from the side, sighed at his Host's antics. How can it be like this? The original soul was so pure, her dream was so innocent!

Without caring about how the System reacted, the streaming platform began its own processes. In mere seconds, the loading screen turned black, and then showed a bright screen that encouraged Xu Jiaqi to customize her services in this platform.

Xu Jiaqi was led to a series of detailed designing processes. The time she spent on it piled up quickly as she immersed herself in the job. Without knowing it, close to half an hour had passed before she finished all her settings.

However, she couldn't afford any imperfections if she wanted to seriously gain attention through using Heaven's Court. This website was massively popular and gained more and more potential viewers day by day.

"..Haa. How troublesome. At last, I'm finished!" Xu Jiaqi thought that it would be instant, but to think that there would be such a long customization process... She stretched her sore body. Right after, she grinned widely after seeing all of her changes be made, and her channel being set up neatly.

The streamers' channel standards were increasing with each second, and the competitiveness of the industry didn't seem to have a cap. It just kept rising.

Heaven's Court was also a website that was open to worldwide audiences. Although most streamers were based in mainland China and only some were fluent in other foreign languages, it was clear that there was a huge pool of opportunities waiting for each streamer, only how the particular streamer wanted to make their way into success mattered.

Thus, if she wanted to go into this business, then she should be prepared to showcase a special quality that would only be present in her as well.

For example... spending money?

Streamers were usually on the platform to seek money and popularity, but what if Xu Jiaqi came in and reversed the concept? Instead of begging for money from her fans, she would nonchalantly spend money like the concept of the beautiful green bills did not matter in the slightest to  her.

She would hold her head up high and present her perfect act as a Queen, unbothered by mere peasants who criticized her willful spending.

The fans may not feel compelled to donate to her, but why would that matter? Her personal ATM, the best automatic money maker was right by her side. It did feel a bit wrong using System's powers like this, but it was the most convenient way in order to focus on streaming and acting.

After some convincing and long sessions of considerations, the System also agreed to go along with the plan.

In the end, when her true story gets discovered, she would already be popular and the mission should already be in safe hands. Then, she could just say that everything was a coping mechanism, and that she couldn't help but use the money endlessly because there was no one to stop and care for her.

Although the plan hasn't been finalized for sure yet, she was going to go with it for now.

Xu Jiaqi: System, let's get to work!