After Xu Jiaqi received the money, she was quick to put it to use and set herself up for a special plan.

She rented a room in a remote area that had decent qualifications, and bought a proper computer setup with all the gimmicks included. Since she had a hundred thousand dollars that she was able to spend right away, it was not hard to part with the money.

She was going to earn much more in the end anyway.

What was she going to do, you say?

There was a particular market that suited her current conditions, and it made her want to try and get into the community to boost her mission up.

She just had to wait for the System to come, since she needed the little guy by her side to secure everything together.

She was going to become a mysterious persona that lurked in the internet and stole many people's hearts! Saying it so straightforwardly made it feel embarrassing, but it was of no importance.

The important thing was that her acting had to be top notch. She spent her time studying psychology, and created a scheme that was suitable to the original character's own mind. Since she wouldn't really be showing herself to the public at this stage, she didn't need to be so careful. But there was no harm in being wary of things!

She waited until the System showed up a week later. By then, she was already done with her research and was ready to launch the plan right away.

"Now then~, shall we get to work, my beloved System?" Xu Jiaqi greeted the returning helper with glee, having a rather sinister smile plastered on her face.

System: Wait.. me? I thought my work was investigating..

The System was in for a big ride.

[H-Host.. What is this?!] In front of the System was a separate computer that Xu Jiaqi had purchased specially for the System.

"Let's see.. To put it into simple terms, we're going to swindle the market a little bit. System, you have a very powerful weapon in your hands, which is information. When we're talking about stock market and such.. Don't you think we can commit some interesting things? Our capital is one hundred thousand dollars. That should be enough to let us gamble here and there."

[Host.. Don't tell me, you want me to sit down and play with the stock market? Is that my task? How can I do such a thing?? I'm.. I..] The System was at a loss of words at his Host's creative means.

"Aiya, System.. In this big market, who would notice anything strange? System, stop acting like an innocent baby and face the truth... The way of life!" Xu Jiaqi triumphantly spoke, as if she didn't just proclaim that she was going to cheat the market.

Correct. Xu Jiaqi wanted to use the System to gather some funds for herself. The Zhao family must know that she didn't have any money apart from the hundred thousand dollars that she had been given.

Although her name was written under her parents' will, she was not an adult yet, and she couldn't even call up the proper authorities to take care of the issue right now.

Rather than fussing over that amount of money, which must have been spent a lot by the Zhao bastards, she would rather earn her own income and work on her mission at the same time.

Becoming famous, there were many ways to do it. If it was in an earlier era, then she might not be able to pull off such a feat, but this was the modern era. An era where people relied on digital services for most of their lives, staying inseparable with the heavens' gift.

Xu Jiaqi wanted to take advantage of this to play with her own skills and solve the problem of the original soul being timid.

[Host.. This plan.. You're so mean! You will be streaming and having fun with your audience, while I have to grind stock information all day? This is blatant bullying!] After Xu Jiaqi told him what she was going to do in the full extent, he was on the verge of crying out.

He was just here to assist Xu Jiaqi in technical ways, but it didn't mean that he was geared to earn money like a robot! He refused to do it! He wanted to act cute and frolic around his Host more!

After all, he had just solved one of the highest hurdles that is facing Xu Jiaqi and that being's unfortunate encounters, how could he fall down to such slavery instantly?!

"Aww, don't worry too much. I'm sure that you know a thing or two about how to earn money quickly that way.. Also, after my schedule ends, I will come to assist you. I want to become rich as fast as possible, that's the only way I can come out of my 'shell' quickly."

Xu Jiaqi chuckled. She was a master at earning money, so she wasn't all that worried about her capital funds. However, to match with the persona that she had created, she had to spend lots and lots of money.

Spend lots, earn lots.

The hundred thousand dollars would probably be gone in mere seconds once her plan was fully running. It was a rather rash act, but she needed to do this to construct her ideal ploy.

Xu Jiaqi never let go of this ideology of hers. Money was everything. Just by having money, you would gain access to all sorts of things, be it legal or illegal. By not having money, you will be denied from most of the pleasures of life.

For Xu Jiaqi, who was originally a haughty young miss whose arrogance was well earned, she couldn't even think of living a life without success.

No matter what means she used to reach the pinnacle, she would get there. Undoubtedly.

The character she was going to play in this world was also naturally going to be a huge money lover. Someone who was crazy blind for the stacks of green bills.