The System shivered as he watched the Host grin in a rather unnerving way.

'Investigate, System. Information is key. Our intuitions are strong, but without evidence, what can mere speculations do? First, your target will be the Zhao family. After you gather information about that, come to me and report everything. After that.. There's a special target that you have to investigate. It will be a bit tricky, but it could be a great clue.' Xu Jiaqi carried an aura of mysteriousness as she ordered the mechanical companion to do some tasks.

[Understood, Host!]

Influenced by Xu Jiaqi's confidence, the System also wished to pick up his pace and headed out to sort the things Xu Jiaqi had mentioned.

Meanwhile, Xu Jiaqi just stared at the cloudy windows as she sighed. There was something bugging her about herself, but she couldn't quite wrap her hands around it. Was she thinking too much?

She pursed her lips, feeling strange. She then began to plan for her missions with a stirred heart.

First of all, to get out of this hospital, she had to gauge the amount of change that she could maintain. What caused her change, and how she would start to change. Xu Jiaqi calculated everything inside her head, setting up a major story that she would follow in her path.

The original soul did not mention anything about wanting to make the Zhao family fall, nor was there anything about taking revenge. Not even to the culprit that ruined her life that day. It made her wonder, why was that?

If she was in her position, then she would definitely take this chance to ask for revenge.

Perhaps she was too naive.

However, Xu Jiaqi was not. Whoever dared to wrong her like this, then she would also not dare to let them live a smooth life.

Everything had to start with some 'rehabilitation'. Thankfully, there was nothing wrong with her body, it was just that a huge mental scar existed within her heart.

Xu Jiaqi pretended that her heart was appeased. Day by day, little by little, she started to show signs of getting better, and her mind being more peaceful than ever.

Before, the nurse would always be greeted by a sight of Xu Jiaqi awake from the dead morning, in a crouching position and burying her head deep into her knees. It was not seldom that Xu Jiaqi's cries were heard outside the room.

The heartbreaking wails of a girl whose heart was torn apart. There was no way one wouldn't feel sympathy for her unless their heart was skewed.

However, the nurses who attended to Xu Jiaqi regularly began to notice that the night sounds were lessening, and Xu Jiaqi's constant daydreaming was also beginning to shorten.

She was even able to talk a few sentences with the nurses, making them feel elated. Having known her for quite some time, it was only natural that they felt ecstatic upon seeing Xu Jiaqi starting to come out of her shell and approach them out of her own accord.

They must help this pitiful child!

Under Xu Jiaqi's constant, yet slow and controlled improvement, the nurses slowly grew fonder and fonder of her. This was because the child was too precious!

With every gesture and action she made, one could sense the genuineness and innocence behind them.

There was no way to not like her.

Thus, when one day, Xu Jiaqi requested that she wanted to go visit her foster parents on the basis of wanting to express gratitude, they were a bit taken aback. However, after some coercing from Xu Jiaqi, in which she used her expert ways of begging and selling cuteness..

The nurses gave in.

Xu Jiaqi smirked as she sat down inside the taxi that she called up. Xu Jiaqi was wearing nothing but the pure white hospital robe. The nurses tried to change her into some regular clothing and have someone accompany her back to the Zhao family's home, but both offers was shaken off. Of course, this was because Xu Jiaqi wanted to start sowing the seeds of doubt within people's minds.

Even the smallest bits of her action would be part of this. The taxi driver was rather confused upon seeing Xu Jiaqi get into his car. A young, sickly beautiful lady calling a taxi and getting in without anyone supervising her. If not for the fact that a nurse properly sent her off and said to the driver that she was just going home, he would've thought about this passenger in a more suspecting way.

However, the lady was calm in every sort of way, and even smiled to him gently. She was beautiful, and had a good temperament. Even though her physique was thin and her skin a bit pale, she was still an eye candy.

No one disliked beauty. Xu Jiaqi knew that beauty was a powerful weapon for just about anybody, so she used this to her own advantage.

Fro when she first jumped into this world, more than a month had passed. System was still out, so it could be assumed that the matters were a lot more clouded than she thought it was.

Her first suspicion upon landing in this place was that Xu Jiaqi's misfortunes in life were a little bit too convenient and that she didn't buy it at all.

Most likely, the Zhao family that she was heading to had a part in it, right?

For now, she had to fish for some crimes. Specifically, the fraud that the members of this family committed.

The ride took around fifteen minutes, but they quickly arrived. The nurse that sent Xu Jiaqi off had gave her some money to pay the fare and said that it would be charged under her name, but Xu Jiaqi did not want that.

She wanted to make the Zhao family come out by themselves using this taxi driver.

The taxi driver didn't know her identity as of now, but who knows? In the future, when she began to show herself more and more to the world.. Perhaps a little taxi driver's testimony could very powerful.

Xu Jiaqi smiled as the car stopped.