"Looking away.. Rui, I don't want you to do that. Look at me, en?"

Xie Yongrui's mind was being turned upside down as he listened attentively to Xu Jiaqi, who was discussing her terms. Not only was this energy that came out of nowhere attacking him, she was also being teased and interrogated by her.

To him, all of her terms were nothing, because he had already planned to do that in the first place in the case that Xu Jiaqi did accept him. However, why was his Qiqi so dead serious in saying all this? Did she really not have that much trust in him, to the point where she needed to have lots of confirmation for something like this? It was a little bit painful to think of.

It meant that he hadn't broken into the other's heart as much as she already did into his. As far as he was concerned, he would be fine with anything that Xu Jiaqi wished to do. He would do anything solely on the basis that she was Xu Jiaqi, he was ready to jump into fire for her.

At first, it was just a simple matter of interest. The moment his eyes landed on her small body, a spark already triggered inside his heart, causing ripples. But it was nowhere near the accumulation of emotions that were cultivated to the degree it was in right now.

As he became more and more panicked, a faint, cold energy began to seep out of Xie Yongrui as well. It was squeezed in the atmosphere along with Xu Jiaqi's own energy, creating a clash between the two. They were irreconcilable at first, almost fighting with each other for dominance.

However, after a twist, the two began to merge together, finally accepting their counterparts.

Xie Yongrui's energy was firmly held by Xu Jiaqi who, was immediately riddled with

'Zenith's effect.' Xu Jiaqi recognized the authentic, irreplaceable cold sensation that she had felt countless times in the previous world in an instant. She broke into a wide smile. This was like knocking in the final nail to the head. Sealing off her previous guesses which were still uncertain about herself.

But now, it was certain that this was the Zenith she knew, and that this energy was the so-called 'divinity' she had heard about.

The binding of two divinities clashing with each other. The System was pitifully unaware of this because he chose to hide from Xie Yongrui, sealing himself off for good inside the space. If only he learned of the things happening outside the space, he would've freaked out and cursed a thousand times over.

As a matter of fact, divinity was something that was inseparable to each of the bearers. Exchanging divinities like Xu Jiaqi and Xie Yongrui, even though they didn't even know that they were actively doing it, was akin to placing a mark on each other.

Having done that, it could be said that in the future, it would be very hard to miss each other. It was to the point where if they were separated into different dimensions, they would be able to subconsciously tell what the other party was doing. Their divinities were one of the most powerful ones out there, and their exchange naturally would grant them this kind of perks.

Unbeknownst to them, the two energy kept merging and merging until an actual connection was formed, not just a pseudo or temporary one. They ended up spending the rest of the day together, and even slept together. Naturally, not in a sexual way.

Xie Yongrui did not want to harm the other or burden her in any sort of way of form. He didn't lay his hands on her at all.

Their days passed. Winter was the last season they were going to be together for a long time, because after this season, Xu Jiaqi would go to the land of Xi to fulfill her part of the deal. It was clearly written in the text He Yiyuan sent that she would not be permitted to go back no matter under what circumstances it may be. Due to such a specific thing, Xu Jiaqi began to wonder if the reason for it would actually be her, but it was still a bit farfetched considering how He Yiyuan is.

The day of the departure finally came. In front of Xian Ruo's main estate, a carriage adorned in gold and jewels came by, indirectly showing their wealth. The owner of said carriage was of course, the infamous He Yiyuan.

"I'm leaving now. Stay here and do your work, my lord. I will return here in just a moment. When that day arrives.. I hope that I will be able to expect an unforgettable surprise." Xu Jiaqi pulled Xie Yongrui in for a hug.

This time, unlike the previous time they hugged, there were quite the fair number of people watching as Xu Jiaqi latched herself onto Xie Yongrui with a silly smile. Xie Yongrui was melted by that expression of hers and couldn't help himself but pull her up for a chaste kiss on her cheek.

After the parting, Xu Jiaqi entered the carriage that had been prepared. Inside, He Yiyuan was already waiting.

"Did you really have to hug him back then? You know that your simple action will cause countless turmoils in the estate, right? Or did you purposely do it because you wanted to brand him as yours? Did you want to establish your position, hm?" He Yiyuan asked curiously.

It was unlike Xu Jiaqi to have done such a thing. The girl, who never let her vulnerable side be shown to anybody.

"It's alright, isn't it? You're talking as if it's such a cursed action."

It made him a little bit envious of the other man for having the power to shake her like this, but he kept it inside his heart and the travel was resumed.

It would be wrong if he said that he was a bit jealous, because he had no right whatsoever to claim the position besides her by now.

Xie Yongrui occupied it firmly, and there was no way he was going to hand it over to yield it to anybody else.