"I got it, I got it. Stop there. If I hear you saying 'I love you' one more time, my ears are going to fall off." Xu Jiaqi huffed, pushing the man away and sitting upright. She focused on regenerating her vitality and energy on top of everything else. Closing her eyes, she spent a minute to gather her inner energy up.

Being powerful was very convenient. The aching was alleviated severely, and there was only a small amount of strain left.

Zenith followed her, sitting right next to the woman and looking at her apologetically. It was him that caused such a thing. His gleaming eyes made him look like a sad puppy.

"...Don't look at me like that! It's all fine, you don't need to feel bad. I knew what I was doing. If I wanted you to stop, you wouldn't have been able to move a single inch. I was the one who let it happen, I wanted you." Xu Jiaqi moved her face closer to him pinched the tip of his long nose. "Do you understand now?"

"...Let me massage you, I heard that after doing.. that, it's good if you get massaged in certain places. It'll help your muscles relax more too.." Zenith said in embarrassment. He was still not used to treating Xu Jiaqi as his equal.

To him, she was still the untouchable flower that he envisioned her to be. Of course, the real truth was that Xu Jiaqi was nothing but friendly to him. There was still the wall that he felt ever since he first met her, but it didn't matter to her. Xu Jiaqi saying that she was willing to spend the rest of her life with him brought inexplicable joy to him.

"Oh? Where did you learn such things? You are very knowledgeable, I see~ Is my Zen experienced in this sort of thing? It was my first time, you know?" Xu Jiaqi chuckled lowly, her teasing instincts starting to rise back up again.

"No, no, no! It- it was my first time.. as well. I just learned it because.. I had, uh, fantasies about you.. Lady Ariel." Zenith admitted. He wanted to be nothing but truthful to her.

"Ahah! You are very honest. It's a great trait. Fantasies, hmm? What kind of fantasies exactly was it? Did you picture me under you? Begging you to go faster? Screaming your name until my throat is sore, digging my nails into your back as you did whatever you desired? What did you want me to do?"

"That's- it was nothing like that.. I just wanted to make sure that you are cared to the max, so I thought about every possible situation that might occur in the future! I didn't mean anything bad.."

"Of course I know that. My Zen couldn't possibly think up of ways to hurt me, right?" Xu Jiaqi pulled him into a hug before getting off the bed. "It's already afternoon. Shall we pay a visit to our comrades? We can't afford to lose a single day. If our plans get dragged out for too long, then the momentum will disappear. The Crown Prince is also doing his absolute best to restrain the people's movements, trying to get them back on his side.. There are also a lot of people who stand by his side simply because he is of a noble birth. Even though that doesn't necessarily mean anything." Xu Jiaqi narrowed her eyes as she looked towards the sights beyond her window.

Soon, Palla will be under her control. She had laid down her plans very carefully. All that was left is for Ezra to make the final push, and for her to bless his coronation so that no one will be able to defy the decree. Since this was the church of Goddess Eula, who would dare oppose her decision if she wanted Ezra to sit on the Cardinal's position?

The Holy Land was a very valuable and essential part for the continent. The continent was divided into these two major sections. They coexisted for far too long, and constantly had a strenuous relationship with each other.

It was just time. With time, a war would break out if the situation wasn't changed. There were too many corrupt officials on both sides. It would only take one mistake to achieve a domino effect and threaten the rest of the social structures as well. A war.

Without having to look far, Xu Jiaqi knew that both sides were actually always ready in case the war truly did happen. They had preparations. The common people did not know the intricate details of their relations, but they surely must have known parts of it.

The change was necessary, even if Xu Jiaqi didn't want to do the conquest.

With a tired sigh, she held her head up high. One last push. One last push and she would be the victor.

She was born to be the victor. She was created to stand on top of others. There was no one who was suitable to be her equal. No one could match up to her.

With her existence, she wouldn't let the disaster happen. She just needed time. More time to push her faction to glory. It will soon unfold.

Xu Jiaqi grinned in delight as she turned back and saw Zenith holding a satin robe. He circled her body and draped the article of clothing around her, afraid that she would get cold. He was already in his pants, while his upper body was exposed.

"Now, Zen, shall we play the last game? Whether this world would plunge into hellfire.. Or perhaps receive eternal grace, it all depends on us. The agents of change." Xu Jiaqi leaned her body against Zenith, feeling his energy make their ways inside her like always.

"...It will all go according to your wishes." Zenith kneeled down, taking Xu Jiaqi's slender hand and kissing it softly. He couldn't bear living without his lady. He was set to follow her to the ends of the world.

A Queen and her Knight.. There was no King.