A moment of silence ensued. The atmosphere between them was very tense, but not in a bad way.

"I... Your desires are my orders, Lady." Zenith gulped his saliva down, feeling a lump forming in his throat and making it hard to breathe. The lady's gentle scent attacked his nose. The subtle, pleasing aroma was always present throughout their journey, so he was extremely familiar with it.

Zenith enjoyed the closeness between them. He was ecstatic that the lady was willing to do such things, but he was also hesitant to make approaches. He was afraid that if the lady rejected him, his emotional balance would crumble and he would go insane.

The worst would happen. He knew that he could no longer bear living on without this woman in front of him. He had stayed beside her and watched as she bloomed into the graceful flower that she was right now. With the blessings of the Goddess, no one on this planet could beat her appearance.

But what made Zenith so addicted to her wasn't her looks. It was as if he was attracted to her soul. A spiritual connection that he wasn't able to explain. A spark created inside his heart, lighting up a fire that made him want to obtain her.

"Good answer." Xu Jiaqi praised the man. "You have made up your mind, haven't you... my Knight?"

Zenith only made a small nod in response. He put all of his focus into keeping his sanity intact.

"...Zen." Xu Jiaqi let her hands roam over Zenith's body. Tangling his hands with hers. Feeling up his robust body, and leading him to do similarly to her. "Try calling me by my name."


"..That doesn't seem quite right." Xu Jiaqi chuckled, a slight frown formed on her face as she heard her 'name' be called. She was Xu Jiaqi.

"Mmm... When we are alone, call me Qiqi." Xu Jiaqi inched upwards to give Zenith a small peck on his neck. Zenith was extremely tall. He was a head taller than Ariel Maine's body, so Xu Jiaqi had to pull him down slightly just so she could reach him.

Zenith was obviously unfamiliar with this new name that the lady introduced. Its pronunciation sounded completely foreign, and it was a bit hard to understand. But somehow, Zenith was able to capture the name perfectly and say it out loud. The name slid off Zenith's tongue like smooth honey.

Even more than Ariel, which was supposed to be her name. The name 'Qiqi' just sounded much more fitting.

"Zen.. do you want me?" Xu Jiaqi tilted her head.

Zenith's eyes were dazed. His whole body felt like it was being set aflame even though the night temperature was cold. He didn't answer, but sealed her lips with a gentle kiss instead.

"Make me yours, then. Make my thoughts be filled with no one else but you.. Make it so that this world revolves around the two of us. Zen, it's all dependent on you." Xu Jiaqi pulled him down into a thorough, deep kiss. Squeezing his body tightly, expressing her chaotic mental state through her actions.

Zenith's limit was broken.

"Qiqi.." His breathing was hot and heavy. He embraced her, letting her fall down to the bed before continuing their passionate exchanges. "Qiqi, Qiqi." He called her name repeatedly as he began to ravage the woman below him.

Her clothes became loose and disheveled after the rough movements they made. Her exposed pale skin made him want to taint it. The flower that he thought was unreachable this whole time would be sullied by him.

The thought made him fearful, but it also stimulated him.

It was hot and filthy. Both of them relied on their instincts to get by. Desiring more and more of each other. The intoxicating atmosphere and intense rhythm made it hard for them to think straight. Their minds no longer worked as intended, and only their feelings kept them going.

"Qiqi, I.." Zenith groaned as he pulled Xu Jiaqi to sit on top of his lap, admiring her literal presence as she smiled, tightening her hold on Zenith. She sucked and bit down on his neck, not wanting to let him get scot free when she was reduced to a pitiful state.

Zenith was aroused by every single action the lady made. He began to pick up his pace, throwing  every single bit of his shyness out of the window. He let the lady control the flow of things, making sure that she wouldn't be harmed or feel discomforted. She was his priority.

Xu Jiaqi smirked as she felt the urge to destroy every form of defense Zenith held against himself. The triggers that prevented him from going ballistic and channeling his animalistic senses.

She wanted him to be unraveled in front of her through and through.

Xu Jiaqi lined up her loosened hole and sat down on his member, moaning out in pain and pleasure as she squirmed to get used to the intruder's size. She gradually lowered her body, fully taking him in before latching her arms around his neck and prompting her body to a comfortable position as she faced Zenith with a challenging expression.

Inviting him to paint her with his colors all night long.


When she woke up, her entire body was sore. Love bites were scattered all throughout her skin. This wasn't her first time doing it, but Zenith's stamina was much higher than Qin Zicheng. The man was a Knight who trained his body to the pinnacle, whereas Ariel Maine's body was frail despite having been blessed.

Her eyes struggled to stay open. She was cradled in the arms of her Knight, their tired bodies attached and creating an indescribable warmth. Xu Jiaqi didn't know what propelled her to suddenly roll in the sheets with the man.

There was just something pushing her to do it. It was strange, as if her body had a second entity that wasn't herself. She was fond of Zenith, but she didn't think it was love. It was more like a sense of admiration and confusion.

Regarding her situation.. And the reason for why Zenith made her feel iffy. She wanted to find out more, and what better way was there then entangling with the man in question?