As she read the crimes and presented the evidences, the faces of the people listening to the show turned ugly and horrid. Most of the things Xu Jiaqi revealed were deeds that went unpunished and got buried with a simple play of power. But now that it was revealed to the entire population, even the highest ranks couldn't avoid getting out of this predicament without losing something.

Shouts telling the woman to stop were sounded out everywhere. The world was bursting with wailing screams of those who were involved.

But why did Xu Jiaqi have to show them mercy? They brought this upon themselves. They did it, so they should be prepared to be held accountable. When these people were told to stop by their victims, did they do it? Did they relent on their actions?


Xu Jiaqi ended up bedridden for almost a week after everything ended. She lived in seclusion, guarded by Ezra and Zenith as she recuperated.

This was later described as the holiest event, instilling faith inside the people further for the following generations. It was titled the 'Judgement Day'. The day a Saintess was possessed by the Goddess and passed on news dictating the unholy deeds that people had done.

The flow of things did go to Xu Jiaqi's expectations. The people started rumbling, especially the ones that had set their minds to desiring a new leader before Xu Jiaqi even launched this plan. Those who were dissatisfied with the people in charge. These people bound up together and questioned the Rulers who were pointed out by the Goddess.

They put pressure against the people in question. Of course, the swap of Rulers didn't happen instantly. There was a lot of conversations slipped between it. Most of it consisted of soft threats hidden below simple words, but who was Xu Jiaqi?

The one described as crazy, insane, ridiculous. A lunatic Saintess.

The people believed in her because she had helped them. It was easy to make a good first impression, but hard to erase a past misdeed that you have committed. After the crimes were revealed, the people didn't intend to have the slightest bits of trust towards the ones ruling them.

They wanted to improve their conditions as much as possible, and having the two Rulers pointed out by the Goddess on the thrones would benefit them. It was simple psychology. Everyone wanted the best for themselves, and they also liked to see the arrogant higher ups suffer.

Xu Jiaqi had to work her ass off even after this movement began to roll. In order for the world to not collapse, she had to prepare the people who would replace the current ones right away. She rooted out the higher classes first, taking on the hardest powers and replacing them with her people immediately.

These people were the ones Xu Jiaqi had marked down along the way in her travels. The people who made an impression towards her, was trusted by the people, and was willing to swear an oath to her. Although Xu Jiaqi would goof around a lot, and seemed like a laidback person, you wouldn't be able to catch her slipping.

Inside her head. It was all done inside her head. When you took a step forward, Xu Jiaqi would have already took ten steps forward. None of her moves were not calculated. The people that she had marked were called to their respective territory, and with Xu Jiaqi's influence and her powers, she changed the seat owner for those who were truly corrupted first.

Those who did not commit crimes were little in number, but there were indeed some righteous powers that Xu Jiaqi didn't touch. In fact, she built a good cooperation with them on the basis that whatever Xu Jiaqi was doing would only benefit the lands.

They weren't blind. They knew that the crimes couldn't be let go, and that this momentum was the perfect one to eject all of these dirty folks.

Thus, trust was soon built, and they became Xu Jiaqi's pseudo allies. They let Xu Jiaqi's 'judgement' pass through without obstructing them, trusting that the Saintess wouldn't let the empire fall. 

The Crown Prince and the Cardinal ended up binding together to form an opposition to Xu Jiaqi's moves, but it was very hard to counter her when the people's beliefs in her were that high. Thus, their opposition didn't have that much strength. Xu Jiaqi was able to suppress them from making any moves that were too big. However, the Crown Prince didn't seem to have the intention to give up. The Empire wasn't hers yet, so there was a chance that he could retaliate.

It just wasn't the time for her to make the first move. 

Xu Jiaqi never killed those she had caught, but she did condemn them and persecute them under the name of the Goddess. She would either banish or imprison the criminals rather than executing them. This was to keep her clean image, because the people's opinion on the Goddess was that she was merciful and wouldn't condone the massacre. 

With all this said, there was only one variable left that made Xu Jiaqi be confused. One that went out of her calculations. 

Zenith Ahgren, her knight. At first, she picked him up because he was useful to her. He was capable, and his battery-like characteristics made her very happy. He was also akin to a loyal dog. Xu Jiaqi had no qualms in keeping him by her side. 

But in the fateful event, Xu Jiaqi actually didn't plan for the show to go on that long. She thought that Zenith's supply would also have a limit and that she would ran out of power. Thus, the original plan was much more concise than the outcome. She was able to dish out several minutes of the moving speech with Zenith's assistance. 

How was this possible for a human?

When Xu Jiaqi asked the Goddess about Zenith's apparent high energy stock that seemed to never be running out even when Xu Jiaqi stole a high amount of energy from him, the deity was actually baffled herself. She couldn't explain Zenith's phenomenon right away and promised to look into it later on. However, even as they travelled, she still couldn't manage to figure out how an existence like Zenith came to life.

"Zenith defies the laws of the world. He doesn't have the slightest bit of magic control, but the energy is stored inside of him with no restraints whatsoever. His core has also not been trained except for his exemplary swordsmanship that did help his case. Even so, the aura he got from his swordsmanship is nowhere near enough to suppressing this high level of energy." The Goddess spoke, biting her thumbnail as she looked over Zenith's information with her skill.

The [Eye of Providence]. It was a skill that only deities could use as controllers and overseers of a certain world. It allowed them to learn about everything going on inside the realm. However, when the Goddess looked at Zenith, she was met with something disturbing.

All of Zenith's information, including his name, race, age- everything. It was written in messy, cryptic letters jumbled up to fill the blanks. Abnormal signs were scattered everywhere, and the values that should've been there couldn't be dug up even with the powers of a Goddess.

There was only one reason that she could think up of on why this kind of thing was happening.

Zenith Ahgren was a transmigrator... No, not just a simple transmigrator, but someone much more scary and powerful.