A bright light shone, once again blinding the eyes of the people. Xu Jiaqi's body floated upwards, and a faint outline of three pairs of wings appeared behind her back. A magical circle appeared in front of her right eye, and a circlet showed above her head.

This was the plan that Xu Jiaqi had suggested to the Goddess- to act in a play. Because the Goddess had been getting stronger, Xu Jiaqi was curious early on and asked if she could possess a human body. The Goddess replied with a positive answer, just that she couldn't do it for a long time, and it would be too obvious.

But an obvious show was exactly what Xu Jiaqi aimed for! From the start of their long travels, she placed her magic circles all around the world in inconspicuous sections and put protective barriers around it to make sure that no one would be able to notice it before the final plan went on.

She then planned the script with the Goddess, making sure that they would be able to take down the Holy Land and the Empire in one full sweep. It was a plan that would essentially require the culmination of all four of them.

There were many magical circles that she left in each location she had visited in the world. What did this mean? Xu Jiaqi would be able to leave projections and channel her voice, broadcasting it to the entire world like a live TV channel. Zenith was a key part in this. He was the energy battery for Xu Jiaqi's showcase. The power generator.

In truth, even with all the blessings that the Goddess had bestowed upon her, it was still not enough to handle the activation of all the magic circles around the world. Her energy regeneration was extremely high, but it wouldn't be enough to catch up with the consumption she had to make.

However, there was one human that somehow exceeded her in terms of energy regeneration.

Zenith Ahgren, this monstrous human who was clueless of his own powers up until Xu Jiaqi personally told him.

Xu Jiaqi had to link up a part of herself with the man, so that it would be possible for his energy to be transferred to her every time it began to deplete when she flew in the air. Thus, Zenith had to be informed of the process. He was in complete disbelief as Xu Jiaqi relayed the information to him, but he readily agreed to the offer right away.

Ezra was in charge of maintaining the power balance. Since there was a high trade of power between Xu Jiaqi, the Goddess, and Zenith, the environment was affected heavily, and there was a high chance of everything collapsing if one move went wrong.

To prevent this, Ezra had to be the resistor for the three forces. He had to meticulously calculate the amount of power being exchanged, and insert the correct amount into the environment to sustain it from breaking apart. Xu Jiaqi already had an idea on what she was going to do right from the start, so right after they made their first magic circle, she taught him about his duties and what he was going to manage in the actual event.

Everything was set up. Xu Jiaqi took a deep breath in as she felt the Goddess' presence fully assimilate within her. The intrusion of the deity was quite painful, but Xu Jiaqi, knowing it was necessary, held back her exhaustion.

"Humans! Listen up. I am this land's Heavenly Ruler, Eula. I am far too tired of the countless faults and lies that you have fed to each other! I have been waiting for a change, so I let all of you be. I gave small warnings in form of disasters, but none of you heeded it and continued enjoying success on top of suffering. I can no longer allow this world to run rampant like this. I am speaking to you from the mouth of my servant, Ariel Maine. She is the Saintess that I have entrusted with the task of searching for two humans. Two humans that will take charge of this world's affairs from now on."

"One for the Holy Land, and one for the Empire. I shall relinquish them from their position as they had failed to fulfill their duties correctly! Nothing can be falsified in front of me. You humans who stand on top of other lives' sufferings just to please yourselves, you shall be purged out and destroyed!"

"From today onwards, I declare the Holy Land's Ruler to be the human you call Ezra Lancaster, and the Varadan Empire's Ruler to be Zenith Ahgren. My servant shall be the one to deliver the titles to them, blessing them in my stead. Only then will the world prosper once more, just like the way I envisioned when I first governed this place!"

The people, hearing this, had mixed reactions at first. It was all too sudden. They knew who these three figures were. They were the ones who helped them, bringing the name of the Goddess everywhere. Some were overjoyed, saying that the Goddess finally stepped in and that their lives were about to change.

However, a lot were enraged, as it would mean that the social structure and authority of the current period would have to fall down. Their first reaction was to try and stop this insane act. Convince the people that the Rulers shouldn't be changed, and that they were already balanced right now.

But Xu Jiaqi did not want to leave them this kind of chance.

Another terrifying act that she had the System perform was store all the information that it gathered. All the demonic acts performed by the humans. One by one, the royalties, the nobles, the Holy Land's hierarchy, none of them were left intact. Everything was exposed.

As if it was the day of judgement, and none of their sins would be able to escape the eyes of the Goddess.

The Goddess' effects made Xu Jiaqi's voice turn somewhat mechanical. Robotic.

Like she was an emotionless Angel of Judgement who finally descended down to deal with the roaming evil.