"Are you alright? Do you need me to do anything?"

"You can just stay by my side.. I don't need anything else for now." Xu Jiaqi sighed, wanting to stop her sniffles but not being able to. It was so heartwrenching for her. The entire process.

She didn't even get to take a good look at the side quest's details because it immediately triggered when she was in close vicinity with the man. From then on, she just went on a downwards spiral. Tears after tears that continued to pour out of her eyes.

The other party kept on continuing with their story while Xu Jiaqi sat there in silence, holding back her sobs even though the tip of her ears were already as red as chili peppers. The perpetrator kept on asking if she wanted to stop, since she was doing a pointless thing and then he had already since long accepted his wrongdoings and everything. He knew he was a sinner and didn't intend to hide from it.

He was honest, but that honesty was also a weapon to Xu Jiaqi. The inner soul inside of her. The original's remnants. Taking over another person's body was unexpectedly strenuous in this sense.

"...If you say so, then I won't question it. Just know that I will definitely accomplish anything you ask me to. Even if it costs my life."

"..Stupid. If you lost your life, who will I cuddle everyday? Do you want me to get a random man to cuddle with? Your position, do you really have the heart to let go of it, President?" Xu Jiaqi teased, blowing her nose on a tissue paper.

Tang Yizhou tightened his lips, shaking his head from left to right repeatedly before leaning in for a kiss with the grief stricken Xu Jiaqi.

"No, of course not. What are you talking about?" Tang Yizhou flicked Xu Jiaqi's forehead and berated her in a light manner. "I could never let go of you. Before I die, I'm going to make sure that I stay in your memories forever. Or else, I'm never going to rest in peace in the afterlife, you know that?"

"I know.. And that's why I'm going to disappoint you for sure. I'm someone who forgets important matters easily, I think that you might just be forgotten if I'm not careful!"

Tang Yizhou snorted before pinching Xu Jiaqi's cheeks, wiping off her tears. "Why won't you stop crying? You're breaking my heart... It feels like shards of glass are stabbing into my body. It's painful, Qiqi."

"I'm just as pained as you~" Xu Jiaqi wailed. She felt quite pathetic, but understood that this was the cost of taking a body that wasn't hers, and had a long history behind her. Her previous bodies were more resilient in terms of emotion control, it seemed. They were forced to mature. Even though they did have their fair share of tragedies, they absolutely weren't weak minded.

But this world's Xu Jiaqi was someone who was crushed through and through and was never given a chance to see success, no matter how small it was.

She tried her best to cope with the emotions, but her crying streak did not end until two days had passed.

On the third day, she woke up with swollen eyes feeling that her mind had cleared up quite a bit from the previous days. It was a refreshing moment, being released from the unending sorrows the original soul brought to her.

Perhaps the remnants had finally cut their connection to her. The mourning period was over.

With this, Xu Jiaqi hoped that the original could finally get the satisfaction she had desperately needed for so long.

She continued on walking to the future, going through the various processes she needed to wrap the world up. She eventually got married with Tang Yizhou, with only a few people attending their wedding due to the secrecy they wanted to uphold.

Alas, Xu Jiaqi managed to get herself on the A-tier list of celebrities even though she wasn't actively in the industry at all. With her getting recognition from all the various people around the world not only because of her tragic story, but also because of the various talents that she gradually showed as part of her 'recovering' process, Xu Jiaqi's name as a graceful artist who kept on continuing her path to stardom even though her appearance was starting to become a rarity in the field.

With all of her tasks compiled and could be marked as completed, Xu Jiaqi was finally able to let herself go. As per mentioned before, the System worked in a way that once you were done with the missions, then the progress bar wouldn't lower down since it would be considered finished.

Xu Jiaqi now had a happy and fulfilling life with Tang Yizhou, with the man supporting her in every single move she made. Their relationship had already gone for about two years by now.

Xu Jiaqi laid in bed, waking up from a deep sleep. She reached out to her mobile phone, which she used to scroll through some forms of entertainment for a short while before she decided to start her day.

Xu Jiaqi shook her head, clawing through her strands of hair before pulling it up and clipping it into a bun. She yawned, covering her mouth with one hand as she walked towards the open window and exited into the terrace.

She had to say, she was really lucky for having met Tang Yizhou. Without him, she doubted that things would end this early.

It was also thanks to him that she managed to have quite some fun in romantic affairs here. Xu Jiaqi acknowledged that the other was a good man, but sadly he would be wasted if he was with her.

She was someone who couldn't hold any ties with any of the worlds she visited. Not only because it was her personal choice, but also because she was a transmigrating agent. After this world ended, she had to go forth to the other mission worlds and perhaps encounter a similar man like Tang Yizhou as well.

This was why she didn't want romance quests, because her conscience would eventually weigh down on her. The fact that she was this type of person. To her, it didn't matter much, but she was someone who took responsibilities and applied it to the maximum level. She believed that one's duties had to be performed, or else it was terribly wrong.

For Xu Jiaqi to have entered a relationship with Tang Yizhou, it meant that she was taking him in, and adding on to her responsibilities through the relationship.

It was heavy. Too heavy for a carefree spirit like her.

'I was created to be carefree..' A thought flashed by Xu Jiaqi's mind. And at that moment, her head began to hurt once again.

She immediately cursed, foul language escaping from her mouth. Crouching down and holding her head, trying to soothe the pain, she gasped for air as she felt herself beginning to slip out of consciousness and on the brink of collapse.

Tang Yizhou, who rushed into the room after hearing Xu Jiaqi's pained scream was laden with shock when he saw Xu Jiaqi laying on the ground, once again not responding to his calls no matter how hard he tried to get a response out of her.

"Qiqi! Qiqi!" Tang Yizhou frantically called her name, but to no avail.

Xu Jiaqi's consciousness was out, but the bigger problem was able to be seen by the System. It wasn't just her consciousness, but also her soul itself. Another storm was coming, and this time, it won't be as kind to them as it was before.

The System watched as his Host's connection with the space was once again cut off. He couldn't believe it. One time, perhaps someone manipulated it behind the scenes. It was vexing, but this was the second time in a short span. How can this be? Just how trashy was the regulations up there?

He was a special System, but he didn't have the accomplishments to unlock his features just yet.

[...This is a problem. A big problem. For fuck's sake, I will kill the Main System one day.. The administrators, everybody!!! When I get to a high enough level, see if this ancestor won't get you in trouble!!!] The System screamed in stress as he knew that more work was directed towards his way.

The workflow wasn't his main concern, though. It was his Host's soul.

The fragile soul that had been hurt so many times at this point that it was too problematic to even continue.

But she had to continue. She had to march forward. Because this was the only way left to return everything and end on a happy ending.

How was he going to solve this problem?

[At this rate, Host might need to be ejected forcefully out of the world... That would mean harm for her!]